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Lockboxes are containers that drop randomly from foes throughout the game. They are also purchasable from the Wondrous Bazaar for Astral Diamonds200. Lockboxes can only be opened with Enchanted Keys, which can be bought from the Zen Market. Lockboxes contain Currency Icon Tradebar[Tarmalune Trade Bars] and various potential prizes, including mounts, companions, and artifacts. Whenever a player receives a major prize from a lockbox, a message is broadcast across the server announcing the prize.

Lockboxes received a major overhaul with the introduction of the Icon M23 Lockbox Dragoncult[Dragon Cult Lockbox] on June 14, 2022. Lockboxes now have streak breakers which guarantee certain rewards after the player has opened a set number of boxes. Players are guaranteed to receive the major prize after 250 openings.

When a new type of lockbox is introduced, the previous type ceases to drop from foes, and is no longer purchasable from the Wondrous Bazaar. However, lockboxes that players have already collected are not removed, and can still be opened or traded.

Table of Lockboxes[]

Name Icon Introduction Date Patch Major Prizes Links
[Nightmare Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Nightmarechest 2013-04-25 start of Open Beta Heavy inferno nightmare[Heavy Inferno Nightmare], Icons Inventory Misc Torch Phoera 02[Phoera]
[Nightmare Lockbox] (temporary prizes) Icon Lockbox Nightmarechest 2013-08-15 Patch NW.3.20130723a.16 Icons Inventory Mount Nightmare Armor 03[Heavy Mystic Nightmare], Icons Inventory Misc Torch Phoera 03[Mystic Phoera]
[Feywild Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Feywild 2013-08-22 Patch NW.5.20130812b.8 Icons Inventory Mount Stag 02[Sylvan Stag], Icons Inventory Misc Contract Aranea 01[Aranea]
[Dark Forest Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Darkforest 2013-10-03 Patch NW.5.20130923b.6 Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear[Owlbear], Icons Inventory Misc Orb Dragon Pseudo 01[Pseudodragon]
[Rusted Iron Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Rustediron 2013-12-05 Patch NW.10.20131120a.14 Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus 01[Apparatus of Kwalish], Icons Inventory Rustmonster[Rust Monster]
[Unearthed Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Unearthed 2014-02-13 Patch NW.10.20140128a.9 Icons Inventory Mount Beetle Giant Emperor 01[Emperor Beetle], Icons Inventory Mount Beetle Giant 01[Giant Beetle], Icon Inventory Artifacts ThayanBookOfTheDead[Thayan Book of the Dead]
[Frozen Crystal Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Frozencrystal 2014-05-13 Patch NW.15.20140415a.17 Icons Inventory Mount Horse War BlackIce[Black Ice Warhorse], Icons Companion BlackIceIounStone[Black Ice Ioun Stone], Icon Inventory Artifacts Blackice Sphere[Sphere of Black Ice]
[Lockbox of the Magnificent Emporium] Icon Lockbox Magnificentemporium 2014-06-27 Icons Inventory Mount Tensersdisc 01[Tenser's Floating Disk], Misc Bones Skull 01[Laughing Skull], Icon Inventory Artifacts Sphereofannihilation[Kessell's Spheres of Annihilation]
[Tyrannical Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Tyrannical 2014-08-14 Patch NW.25.20140728a.11 Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage Greater[Imperial Rage Drake], Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage[Rage Drake], Icon Inventory Artifacts Oghmastrinket[Oghma's Token of Free Movement]
[Fell Dragon Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Felldragon 2014-10-02 Patch NW.25.20140923a.5 Icons Inventory Mount Horse Shadow[Skeleton Steed], Icons Companion Blackassassindrake[Assassin Drake], Icon Inventory Artifacts Belialsportalstone[Belial's Portal Stone]
[Nine Hells Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Ninehells 2014-11-18 Patch NW.35.20141104a.7 Icon Inventory Artifacts Chromatic Storm[Token of Chromatic Storm], Icon Inventory Artifacts Black Dragon Heart[Heart of the Black Dragon], Icon Inventory Artifacts Blue Dragon Heart[Heart of the Blue Dragon], Icon Inventory Artifacts Green Dragon Heart[Heart of the Green Dragon], Icon Inventory Artifacts White Dragon Heart[Heart of the White Dragon]
[Dragonforged Lockbox] Icon Lockbox DragonForged 2015-01-15 Patch NW.35.20150101g.7 Icon Lockbox Sigil Metallicdragonborn[Sigil of the Metallic Ancestry Dragonborn], Icons Inventory Mount Gorgon[Gorgon], Icons Companion Irongolem[Iron Golem]
[Black Earth Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Blackearth 2015-04-07 Patch NW.45.20150317a.5 Icons Inventory Mount Bulette Armored[Armored Bulette], Icons Inventory Mount Bulette[Bulette], Icon Inventory Artifacts Symbolofearth[Symbol of Earth]
[Eternal Flame Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Eternalflame 2015-06-04 Patch NW.45.20150515a.3 Icons Inventory Mount Strider Armored[Armored Giant Strider], Icons Inventory Mount Strider[Giant Strider], Icon Inventory Artifacts Symboloffire[Symbol of Fire]
[Crushing Wave Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Crushingwave 2015-08-12 Patch NW.50.20150722a.10 Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail Legendary[Coastal Flail Snail], Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail[Flail Snail], Icon Inventory Artifacts Symbolofwater[Symbol of Water]
[Howling Hatred Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Howling Hatred 2015-10-01 Patch NW.50.20150902b.13 Icons Inventory Mount Axe Beak Legendary[Armored Axe Beak], Icons Inventory Mount Axe Beak[Axe Beak], Icon Inventory Artifacts Symbolofair[Symbol of Air]
[Glorious Resurgence Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Resurgence 2015-11-17 Patch NW.55.20151105a.2 Icon Lockbox Resurgence Legendarypack[Glorious Resurgence Legendary Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Mounts Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Companions Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Artifactpack Epic[Glorious Resurgence Epic Artifacts Pack] [Developer Blog: The Glorious Resurgence Lockbox]
[New Life Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Newlife 2016-01-21 Patch NW.55.20160106a.3 Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Legendary Companion Pack], Icon Lockbox Newlife Companion Pack Epic[New Life Epic Companion Pack], Icon Inventory Artifacts Horn Of Valhalla[Horn of Valhalla] [Now Available: New Life Lockbox is Born!]
[Shaundakul Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Shaundakul 2016-03-15 Patch NW.60.20160307a.4 Icon Lockbox Shaundakul Griffon Pack[Armored Griffon Mount Pack] [Developer Blog: The Shaundakul Lockbox Rides In!]
[Firemane Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Firemane 2016-06-07 Patch NW.62.20160523a.3 Icons Inventory Mount Lion Swift Golden[Swift Golden Lion] AND Icon Lockbox Firemane Insignia Pack Legendary[Golden Lion Insignia Pack], [Stalwart Golden Lion] [Developer Blog: The Firemane Lockbox]
[Runic Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Runic 2016-08-16 Patch NW.65.SKT Icons Inventory Mount Manticore Legendary[Runeclad Manticore] AND Icon Lockbox Runic Pack Insignia Legendary[Manticore Insignia Pack] [Developer Blog: The Runic Lockbox]
[Giants' Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Giants 2016-11-08 Patch NW.70.20161025b.0 Icon Inventory Artifacts Eyeofthegiant[Eye of the Giant], Icons Companion Manticore 01[Manticore] [The Giants' Lockbox Stomps In!]
[Many-Starred Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Manystarred 2017-02-21 Patch NW.75.20170206a.5 Icons Inventory Mount Whirlwind Legendary[Arcane Whirlwind], Icons Inventory Mount Whirlwind Epic[Whirlwind], Icon Inventory Artifacts Tomeofascendance[Tome of Ascendance] [Developer Blog: Many-Starred Lockbox] [Preview] [Drop Rates]
[Lockbox of the Nine] Icon Lockbox Ofthenine 2017-05-02 Patch NW.80.20170417a.3 Icons Inventory Mount Stag Celestial 01[Celestial Stag], Icons Inventory Mount Stag Starfade 01[Starfade Stag], Icon Inventory Artifacts Sigilofthenine[Sigil of the Nine] [Developer Blog: Lockbox of the Nine] [Preview] [Drop Rates]
[Merchant Prince Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Merchantprince 2017-07-25 Patch NW.85.20170711b.5 Icon Lockbox MerchantPrince Mount Trex Pack[Legendary Tyrannosaur Pack], Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Trex Epic[Cavalry Tyrannosaur], Icon Companion Raptor[Tamed Velociraptor] [Developer Blog: Merchant Prince Lockbox] [Preview] [Drop Rates]
[Lockbox of the Lost] Icon Lockbox OftheLost 2017-10-24 Patch NW.90.20171009a.3 Icons Inventory Mount Carpet Flying Legendary[Legendary Carpet of Flying], Icons Inventory Mount Carpet Flying Epic[Carpet of Flying], Icon Companion Allosaur[Savage Allosaur] [Developer Blog: Lockbox of the Lost] [Preview] [Drop Rates]
[Soulmonger's Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Soulmonger 2018-02-27 Patch NW.95.20180212a.3 Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Triceratops Legendary[War Triceratops], Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Triceratops Epic[Triceratops], Icon Companion Chult Gorilla[Infant Gorilla] [Developer Blog: Soulmonger's Lockbox] [Preview] [Drop Rates]
[Undying Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Undying 2018-06-26 Patch NW.100.20180611a.6 Icons Inventory Mount Batswarm Legendary[Swarm], Icons Inventory Mount Mist Epic[Mist Form], Icon Companion Twigblight[Razorwood] [Developer Blog: Undying Lockbox] [Preview]
[New Opportunities Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Newopportunities 2018-11-06 Noicon[Legendary Adolescent Deep Crow], Icons Inventory Mount Deepcrow Epic[Adolescent Deep Crow], Icons Companion Deepcrowhatchling[Deep Crow Hatchling] [Developer Blog: Lockbox Changes] [Preview]
[Reborn Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Reborn 2018-11-06 Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Reborn Legendary Mounts Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Reborn Epic Mounts Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Reborn Epic Companions Pack] [Developer Blog: Lockbox Changes] [Preview]
[Acquired Treasures Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Acquiredtreasure 2019-02-12 Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Acquired Treasures Legendary Mount Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Acquired Treasures Epic Mount Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Acquired Treasures Epic Companion Pack] [Acquired Treasures Lockbox!]
[Lockbox of the Mad Mage] Icon Lockbox Madmage 2019-04-23 Icons Inventory Mount Hellfire Legendary[Legendary Hellfire Engine], Icons Inventory Mount Hellfire Epic[Hellfire Engine], Icon Companion Grung[Grung] [Developer Blog: Lockbox of the Mad Mage]
[Excavated Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Excavated 2019-06-11 Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Excavated Legendary Mounts Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Excavated Epic Mounts Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Excavated Epic Companions Pack] [Excavated Lockbox]
[Halaster's Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Halaster 2019-08-13 Icons Inventory Mount Toad Legendary[Legendary Giant Toad], Icons Inventory Mount Toad Epic[Epic Giant Toad], Icons Companion Rimefiregolem[Crystal Golem] [Developer Blog: Halaster's Lockbox]
[Stardock Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Stardock 2019-11-22 Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Stardock Legendary Mount Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Stardock Epic Mount Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Stardock Epic Companion Pack] [Stardock Lockbox!]
[The Descent Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Descent 2020-01-21 Icons Inventory Mount Barlgura Legendary[Legendary Barlgura], Icons Inventory Mount Barlgura Epic[Barlgura], Icon Lockbox Pet Fiendish Charmer Rewardpack[Fiendish Charmer Pack] [Developer Blog: The Descent Lockbox]
[Wasteland Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Wasteland 2020-04-16 Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Wasteland Legendary Mount Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Mountpack Epic[Wasteland Epic Mount Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Wasteland Epic Companion Pack] [Wasteland Lockbox!]
[The Blood War Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Bloodwar 2020-06-30 Icons Inventory Mount Infernal Bike Legendary 01[Infernal War Machine], Icons Inventory Mount Infernal Bike Epic 01[Infernal War Machine], Icon M19 Companion Spineddevil[Spined Devil] [Developer Blog: Blood War Lockbox]
[Astral Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Astral 2020-07-30, recurring Random Legendary Mount, Random Epic Mount, Random Epic Companion [Limited Time Astral Lockbox!]
[Redeemed Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Redeemed 2020-09-15 Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Trex Legendary 01[King of Spines], Icon Lockbox MerchantPrince Mount Trex Pack[Legendary Tyrannosaur Pack], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Redeemed Epic Companion Pack] [The Redeemed Lockbox!]
[Forsaken Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Forsaken 2020-12-08 Icons Inventory Mount Bear Siege 02[Polar Siege Bear], Icons Inventory Mount Bear Siege 01[Brown Siege Bear], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Forsaken Epic Companion Pack] [Forsaken Lockbox!]
[Spellbound Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Spellbound 2021-02-09 Icons Inventory Mount Cauldron Mythic[Hag's Hexing Cauldron], Icons Inventory Mount Cauldron Legendary[Hag's Cooking Cauldron], Icon Companion DisplacerBeast[Displacer Beast] [Developer Blog: Spellbound Lockbox]
[Enchanting Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Enchanting 2021-04-29 Icons Inventory Mount Stag Feywild[Feywild Stag], Icons Inventory Mount Stag Celestial 02 Mt[Cosmos Stag], Icon Lockbox Resurgence Companionpack Epic[Enchanting Epic Companion Pack] [Enchanting Lockbox!]
[Ensorcelled Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Ensorcelled 2021-06-17 Icons Inventory Mount Griffon Feywild Mythic[Feywild Griffon], Icons Inventory Mount Griffon Armored[Armored Griffon], Icon Companion Baby Butterfly[Butterfly] [Ensorcelled Lockbox!]
[Lockbox of Justice] Icon Lockbox Justice 2021-08-24 Icons Inventory Mount Pegasus Armored Mythic[Noble Pegasus], Icons Inventory Mount Pegasus Legendary[Pegasus], Icon Companion Minsc[Minsc] [Lockbox of Justice!]
[Reconnaissance Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Recon 2021-10-07 Icons Inventory Mount Recon Balloon Mythic[Marvelous Reconnaissance Balloons], Icons Inventory Mount Recon Balloon Legendary[Legendary Reconnaissance Balloons], Icon Cstore Packs Companion Choose Two[Legendary Class Companion Choice Pack] [Reconnaissance Lockbox!]
[Stealth Lockbox] Icon Lockbox Stealth 2021-12-02 Icons Inventory Mount Frostsalamander Mythic[Rimefire Salamander], Icons Inventory Mount Frostsalamander Legendary[Frost Salamander], Shadow Elemental[Shadow Elemental] [Stealth Lockbox!]
[Skeletal Lockbox] Icon M22 Lockbox Skeletons 2022-02-01 Icons Inventory Mount DragonboneGolem Mythicpng[Empowered Dragonbone Golem], Icons Inventory Mount DragonboneGolem Legendary[Dragonbone Golem], Icon Companion Lich[Lich] [Skeletal Lockbox]
[Lockbox of Dark Omens] Icon Lockbox DarkOmens 2022-03-24 Icons Inventory Mount Corruptedunicorn Mythic[Omen of Despair], Icons Inventory Mount Corruptedunicorn Legendary[Black Unicorn], Icon Companion Dragonhunter[Dragon Hunter] [Lockbox of Dark Omens!]
[Dragon Cult Lockbox] Icon M23 Lockbox Dragoncult 2022-06-14 Icons Inventory Mount Dragonnel[Nightfire Dragonnel], Icon Cstore Packs DragonboneBlades[Dragonbone Blades] [Dev Blog: Dragon Cult Lockbox & Lockbox Changes]

Lockbox Resurgence[]

A Lockbox Resurgence is a period of time during which retired lockboxes drop alongside the current lockbox.

Start End Reference
2013-11-27 2013-12-05
2014-05-08 2014-05-13
2014-08-07 2014-08-14

Event Boxes[]

The Tymora's Gift, Coins of Waukeen and Challenge of the Gods events feature boxes that drop from random enemies but do not require Enchanted Keys to open. These are Inventory Misc Event Gift 01[Gift of Tymora], Misc Bag Waukeen[Waukeen's Coin Purse] and Icons Inventory Event COTG Gift Gods[Gift of the Gods] respectively. The Waukeen's Coin Purses can be traded for Misc Chest Waukeen 01[Waukeen's Strongbox] and Misc Chest Waukeen 02[Waukeen's Treasure Chest], which are also categorized as lockboxes, but also do not require keys.

External Links[]
