Neverwinter Wiki

Overview[ | ]

Masterwork professions are an extension to the crafting system added in Module 8: Underdark. New level 25 recipes were added to Alchemy, Artificing, Jewelcrafting, Leatherworking, Mailsmithing, Platesmithing, Tailoring, and Weaponsmithing. After reaching rank 25 in a profession, masterwork recipes can be unlocked by completing quests from The Artisan at your Guild Stronghold (requires Guild Hall Rank 10).

Masterwork Professions[ | ]

There are 3 ranks of recipes for each profession. To unlock Masterwork Recipes I, you must complete a quest from the Artisan. This quest requires some common resources, and 3 items crafted by that profession. Completing the first quest rewards you with a Common Masterwork tool (with a 0% quality bonus), and unlocks the Masterwork Recipes I.

The second quest given by the Artisan requires resources crafted using a Masterwook Tool and Resources. Because you only have a common tool, the best chance of a tier 3 result is only 20% (35% with a [Forgehammer of Gond]). However, all but the final item required can be bought and sold on the Auction Hall. The final Legendary item must be crafted yourself. Completing this quest gives an Epic Mastwerwork tool, a unique (bound to character) fashion set, and unlocks Masterwork Recipes II.

After unlocking Masterwork Recipes II, you can buy the Masterwork Recipes III from the Artisan. This requires a Guild Hall Rank 14 and costs 20 Masterwork resources.

Some resources used in Masterwork recipes can be bought from The Travelling Merchant located to the left of The Generalist Store, next to The Artisan. Other resources can be bought at the Stronghold temporary Structures: Atelier, Bloomery, Goldsmith, Tannery, and Tenterground. The rarest of resources can only be found in Fangbreaker Island, Master Spellplague Caverns, and Master Svardborg.

Other resources can only be obtained from untapped resources in Vellosk, Pirates' Skyhold, Mount Hotenow, Whispering Caverns, Bryn Shander, Lonelywood, and Cold Run. These resources can be obtained by buying Explorer's charts in the Stronghold Marketplace (rank 5 or higher), or the Explorer's Guild (rank 5 or higher). If you have the Treasure Hunter boon with a rank 6 or higher Explorer's Guild you will find 2 resources at each node instead of 1.

Icon Inventory Stronghold Explorers Chart Green[Explorer's Chart: Vellosk] can find Crafting Resource Cashmere Wool[Cashmere Wool], Crafting Resource Dark Alum[Dark Alum], and Crafting Resource Molybdena[Molybdena]
Icon Inventory Stronghold Explorers Chart Blue[Explorer's Chart: Skyhold] can find Crafting Resource Adamant Sand[Adamant Sand], Crafting Resource Wood Ebony[Ebony Log], Crafting Resource Lacquer Branch Sap[Lacquer Branch], and Crafting Resource Silex[Silex]
Icon Inventory Stronghold Explorers Chart Red[Explorer's Chart: Hotenow] can find Crafting Resource Alum[Alum], Crafting Resource Nitre[Nitre], and Crafting Resource Sal Ammoniac[Sal Ammoniac]
Icon Inventory Stronghold Explorers Chart Yellow[Explorer's Chart: Caverns] can find Crafting Leather Resource Residuum 01[Concentrated Residuum], Crafting Resource Gold Ore[Gold Ore], and Crafting Resource Slaked Lime[Slaked Lime]
[Explorer's Chart: Bryn Shander] can find [Snowhare Wool], [Native Silver], and [Raw Sphene]
[Explorer's Chart: Lonelywood] can find [Spruce Log], [Spruce Resin], and [Red Alder Bark]
[Explorer's Chart: Cold Run] can find [Native Iron], [Raw Rubellite], and [Effervescent Water]
[Explorer's Chart: Soshenstar] can find [Bronzewood Log], [Chultan Tea Leaves], [Lakh Resin], and [Silkworm Cocoon]
[Explorer's Chart: Omu] can find [Chultan Spring Water], [Samarachan Jute], [Brilliant Pinion], and [Obsidian]

Masterwork Alchemy[ | ]

First Quest[ | ]

My Chemical Guidance (Alchemy)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Alembic 01[Well-worn Alembic], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Alchemy Recipes I]

Second Quest[ | ]

Alchemical Extravagance (Alchemy)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Alembic 02[Masterwork Alembic], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Alchemy Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Alchemy Top[Potionmaster's Frock], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Alchemy Bottom[Potionmaster's Kilt]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Alchemy Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Aqua Fortis[Aqua Fortis]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Alchemy Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes[ | ]

Fizz Fizz Bang Bang (Alchemy)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Alchemy Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Masterwork Alchemy Tasks.

Masterwork Armorsmithing[ | ]

First Quest - A[ | ]

Hammer Time (Armorsmithing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Doming Hammer 01[Well-worn Doming Hammer], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes I]

First Quest - B[ | ]

Lathe Man Standing (Armorsmithing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Maillers Lathe 01[Well-worn Mailler's Lathe], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes I]

Second Quest - A[ | ]

Down to the Wire (Armorsmithing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Maillers Lathe 02[Masterwork Mailler's Lathe], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Mailsmithing Top[Maillemaster's Smock], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Mailsmithing Bottom[Maillemaster's Boots]

Second Quest - B[ | ]

Step up to the Plate (Armorsmithing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Doming Hammer 02[Masterwork Doming Hammer], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Platesmithing Top[Armormaster's Apron], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Platesmithing Bottom[Armormaster's Slops]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Adamant Plate[Adamant Plate]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes - A[ | ]

Express Mail (Armorsmithing)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes IV]

Fourth Recipes - B[ | ]

In the Heat of the Knight (Armorsmithing)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Armorsmithing Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Masterwork Armorsmithing Tasks.

Masterwork Artificing[ | ]

First Quest[ | ]

The Artifact of the Matter (Artificing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Artificers Picatrix 01[Well-worn Picatrix], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Artificing Recipes I]

Second Quest[ | ]

A Picatrix's Worth a Thousand Words (Artificing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Artificers Picatrix 02[Masterwork Artificer's Picatrix], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Artificing Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Artificing Top[Sigilmaster's Jackcoat], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Artificing Bottom[Sigilmaster's Breeches]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Artificing Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Lacquered Ebony[Lacquered Ebony]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Artificing Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes[ | ]

Far Out Man (Artificing)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Artificing Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Masterwork Artificing Tasks.

Masterwork Blacksmithing[ | ]

First Quest[ | ]

Forge Away (Blacksmithing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Strikers Sledge 01[Well-worn Striker's Sledge], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Blacksmithing Recipes I]

Second Quest[ | ]

Strike While the Iron is Hot (Blacksmithing)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Strikers Sledge 02[Masterwork Striker's Sledge], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Blacksmithing Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Weaponsmithing Top[Weaponmaster's Apron], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Weaponsmithing Bottom[Weaponmaster's Greaves]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Blacksmithing Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Adamant Ingot[Adamant Ingot]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Blacksmithing Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes[ | ]

Steeling the Show (Blacksmithing)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Blacksmithing Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Masterwork Blacksmithing Tasks.

Masterwork Jewelcrafting[ | ]

First Quest[ | ]

The Daily Grind (Jewelcrafting)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Grinding Wheel 01[Well-worn Grinding Wheel], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Jewelcrafting Recipes I]

Second Quest[ | ]

Ring Around the Grindstone (Jewelcrafting)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Grinding Wheel 02[Masterwork Grinding Wheel], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Jewelcrafting Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Jewelcrafting Top[Jewelmaster's Jubbah], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Jewelcrafting Bottom[Jewelmaster's Sarouel]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Jewelcrafting Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Ingot Gold[Gold Ingot]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Jewelcrafting Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes[ | ]

Amulet You Finish (Jewelcrafting)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Jewelcrafting Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Masterwork Jewelcrafting Tasks.

Masterwork Leatherworking[ | ]

First Quest[ | ]

Making the Round (Leatherworking)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Round Knife 01[Well-worn Round Knife], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Leatherworking Recipes I]

Second Quest[ | ]

Beauty is Only Hide Deep (Leatherworking)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Round Knife 02[Masterwork Round Knife], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Leatherworking Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Leatherworking Top[Hidemaster's Jerkin], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Leatherworking Bottom[Hidemaster's Kecks]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Leatherworking Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Lacquered Aberrant Leather[Lacquered Aberrant Leather]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Leatherworking Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes[ | ]

Hide and Seek (Leatherworking)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Leatherworking Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Masterwork Leatherworking Tasks.

Masterwork Tailoring[ | ]

First Quest[ | ]

As the Wheel Turns (Tailoring)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Spinning Wheel 01[Well-worn Spinning Wheel], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Tailoring Recipes I]

Second Quest[ | ]

Looming Large (Tailoring)

Rewards: Inventory Crafting Assets Spinning Wheel 02[Masterwork Spinning Wheel], Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Tailoring Recipes II], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Tailoring Top[Loommaster's Doublet], Icons Inventory Fashion Masterwork Tailoring Bottom[Loommaster's Thighboots]

Third Recipes[ | ]

Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Tailoring Recipes III] can be bought at The Artisan for 20x Crafting Resource Cashmere Cloth[Cashmere]. Requires Guild Hall Rank 12 and Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Tailoring Recipes II]

Fourth Recipes[ | ]

Lost in Transportation (Tailoring)

Rewards: Icons Inventory Misc Tome 01[Masterwork Tailoring Recipes IV]

Tasks[ | ]

See Forgotten Masterwork Tailoring Tasks.
