Neverwinter Wiki

"There's only so much wood that a Lumberyard can produce on its own, and that's where the Milling Yard comes in. The Milling Yard will boost the production of wood in Lumberyards."

Milling Yard[ | ]

A Milling Yard is a Stronghold structure that increases the Wood production rate and capacity of a Lumberyard. A Milling Yard may be built at any Support Structure plot.

Rank Lumberyard Increase Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold AstralDiamonds TinyAstral Diamonds Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold GeneralSupplies tinyGold Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold EnchantedGoods TinySurplus Equipment Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Gems tinyGems Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold FrozenTreasures tinyFrozen Treasures Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold TreasuresofTyranny tinyTreasures of Tyranny Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold FeyTrinkets tinyFey Trinkets Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold DarkGifts tinyDark Gifts Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold DungeoneersShardofPower tinyDungeoneer's Shards Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Labor tinyLabor Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Food tinyFood Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Metal tinyMetal Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Stone tinyStone Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Wood tinyWood
1 12.5% 100 170 123,000 59,000 1,800 9,800 9,800 9,800
2 25% 200 250 55,000 359,000 2,600 37,700 17,400 17,400
3 37.5% 300 350 118,000 80,000 127,000 3,700 19,200 19,200
4 50% 600 460 141,000 88,000 4,900 71,200 23,000 23,000
5 75% 700 510 248,000 156,000 571,000 6,000 25,300 25,300
6 100% 800 570 273,000 172,000 244,000 7,100 86,300 54,000
7 125% 900 630 301,000 174,000 179,000 8,300 78,300 78,300
8 150% 1,000 700 192,000 264,000 9,200 104,500 101,300 101,300
9 175% 1,100 770 366,000 954,000 344,000 10,200 111,500 111,500
10 200% 1,300 850 410,000 321,000 246,000 11,400 126,500 122,700