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Neverwinter Wiki
Mithrus Index
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Material
Tag: Substance
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Common
profession level
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
Sell value: Copper42
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Crafting Resource Index Mithral

Mithrus Index is a material used in Profession tasks. It can be crafted by task.


Mithrus Index

The arcane geometries and cyphers on this scroll have been penned in mithral ink and contain spell used to enchant items.

Substance, Material
No Level Requirement
Mithrus Index +1

The arcane geometries and cyphers on this scroll have been penned in mithral ink and contain spell used to enchant items.

Substance, Material
No Level Requirement



Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
42 Crafting Resource Index Mithral Mithrus Index Silver9 Copper25 520 442-649 1x Crafting Resource Paper Parchment[Parchment], 1x Crafting Resource Ink Paupers[Pauper's Ink], 1x Crafting Resource Sand Mithral[Mithral Sand] Tier 1:
1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index]
Tier 2:
20 2h Profession XP? - Silver4.63
43 Inventory Secondary Icon Professions Artificing Yew Yew Icon Silver9 Copper82 530 451-658 2x Crafting Resource Lumber Yew[Yew Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 21 2h Profession XP? - Silver4.91
44 Inventory Primary Orb Professions Artificing Mithral Lv44 Aquamarine Focus Silver10 Copper45 540 460-667 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Silver[Silver Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 21 2h Profession XP? - Silver5.23
44 Inventory Secondary Talisman Professions Artificing Mithral Mithral Talisman Silver10 Copper45 540 460-667 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Animalsinew[Bear Sinew], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 21 2h Profession XP? - Silver5.23
46 Inventory Primary Pactblade Professions Artificing Mithral Lv44 Mithral Ceremonial Knife Silver11 Copper92 560 478-685 1x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Velveteen[Velveteen Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Glue Fish[Fish Glue], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 23 2h Profession XP? - Silver5.96
48 Inventory Primary Holysymbol Professions Artificing Mithral Lv44 Mithral Scepter Silver13 Copper72 580 496-703 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Lumber Yew[Yew Lumber], 1x Crafting Resource Cloth Velveteen[Velveteen Cloth], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 24 2h Profession XP? - Silver6.86
49 Inventory Primary Pactblade Professions Artificing Mithral Lv52 Mithral Kris Silver14 Copper76 590 505-712 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Leather Bear[Bear Leather], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 25 2h Profession XP? - Silver7.38
50 Inventory Primary Holysymbol Professions Artificing Mithral Lv58 Mithral Symbol Silver15 Copper90 600 514-721 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Thread Silk[Silk Thread], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 26 2h Profession XP? - Silver7.95
51 Inventory Secondary Icon Professions Artificing Mithral Mithral Icon Silver17 Copper15 610 523-730 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 26 2h 30m Profession XP22,916 Profession XP9,166.4 Silver6.86
55 Inventory Primary Orb Professions Artificing Mithral Lv52 Mithral Focus Silver23 Copper44 650 559-766 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Icon Inventory Gemfood Aquamarine[Aquamarine], 1x Crafting Resource Whetstone Mudstone[Mudstone Whetstone], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 29 2h 30m Profession XP37,822 Profession XP15,128.8 Silver9.38


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
50 Inventory Head Cloth Professions Tailoring Velveteen Lv52 Mithral Circlet Silver15 Copper90 600 514-721 2x Crafting Resource Ingot Mithral[Mithral Ingot], 1x Crafting Resource Whetstone Mudstone[Mudstone Whetstone], 1x Crafting Resource Index Mithral[Mithrus Index] Tier 1:Tier 2: 26 2h Profession XP? - Silver7.95