Neverwinter Wiki

Mount Powers[]

Mount Powers are a feature that was introduced with the release of the Icon Lockbox Eternalflame[Eternal Flame Lockbox].

Equip Powers, once selected, are always active and do not require the character to be mounted.

Combat Powers, once selected, are used the same way as your Daily, Encounter, and At-Will powers but is bound to your mount key (summoning a mount is disabled during combat, so the bind is available during combat for use with the combat power).

The values of Equip Powers and Combat Powers are affected both by your total Mount Bolster and the quality of the corresponding mount (if you have multiple mounts with that power equipped, it will calculate with the highest quality of those).

On the mount tab of your character sheet you can select your mount appearance, combat power, equip power, and movement that you want to be active.

All mounts have an Equip Power and a Combat Power, but normally only Legendary and Mythic mounts have unique Combat Powers. Generally, all mounts that come with rank/rarity of Epic or lower have one of three standard Combat powers (Explosive Equalizer, Rejuvenating Favor or Tunnel Vision), while all mounts who's lowest rank is Legendary or Mythic have a different Combat Power, though not necessarily a unique one, because there can be multiple high-rank mounts that share a power, like the [Coastal Flail Snail] and the [Volcanic Flail Snail]. The only exceptions of this rule are the [New Year's Tiger] and New Year's Rabbit/Tooltip, which have unique Combat Powers despite being only Rare, and the [Gold Dragon Wings] and Fallen Angel's Wings/Tooltip, which have a standard Combat Power despite being Legendary.

Every mount also has 3 or 4 insignia slots. (Originally, there were mounts with 2 and mounts with 3, then it was changed so that every mount had 3, and now with the release of module 25: Menzoberranzan mounts with 4 slots were introduced.)

List of All Mount's Powers and Insignia Slots[]

The values listed below are for Mythic rank and 100% mount bolster.

Icon Name Equip Power Combat Power Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
[Appaloosa Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Illuminated Illuminated
[Brindle Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Barbed Barbed
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Palomino
[Palomino Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Clydesdale Brown
[Amnian Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse FancyBarding 01
[Amphail Fancy Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Boar 02
[Armored Boar] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Grey
[Ashen Brindle Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag Autumn 01
[Autumn Stag] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Arabian Bay
[Bay Zakharan Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Crescent Universal
Black horse
[Black Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Pig 01
[Blue Ribbon Pig] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Calimshain horse
[Calimshan Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Cragcat 01
[Crag Cat] +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Dappleriding 01
[Dappled Riding Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Deinonychus Green 01
[Deinonychus] +2,250 Defense
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterevent Sled Demon Red 01
[Demon Sled] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Chicken
[Enlarged Chicken] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Crescent Crescent
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Fey 01
[Fey Wolf] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Polarbear Frozen 01
[Frozen Polar Bear] +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Painted Gilded White 01
[Gilded White Steed] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Whirlwind Glorious
[Glorious Whirlwind] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Grey
[Grey Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Arabian Grullo
[Grullo Zakharan Horse] unknown unknown unknown unknown unknown
Icons Inventory Mount Whirlwind Halaster Trial
[Halaster's Whirly Whirlwind] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Panther Frozen
[Ice Panther] +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Nightmare
[Inferno Nightmare] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Fancy
[Jubilee Parade Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Unicorn Jubilee
[Jubilee Unicorn] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Black Retint 01
[Marbled Stallion] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Pale horse
[Pale Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Pharaoh steed
[Pharaoh Steed] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Shadow 01
[Shadow Wolf] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Universal
[Sabino Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Panther Starry
[Starry Panther] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Barbed Universal
Stormraider horse
[Stormraider Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Sunite
[Sunite Steed] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Tethyr horse
[Tethyr Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Polarbear Tribal
[Tribal Polar Bear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Illuminated Barbed
[Waterdeep Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Enlightened Enlightened
White horse
[White Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterevent Sled 01
[Winter Sled] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterwolf 01
[Winter Wolf] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Chicken Zombie
[Zombie Chicken] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Crescent Crescent
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Aberrant
[Aberrant Drake] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Illuminated Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Aberrant
[Aberrant Fey Wolf] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Gorgon Aberrant
[Aberrant Gorgon] unknown unknown Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Yethhound Aberrant 01
[Aberrant Yeth Hound] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Crescent Crescent
Icons Inventory Mount Arkaiun Brown
[Arkaiun Courser] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Barbed
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Ghost Armored 01
[Armored Ghost Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Crescent Barbed
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Black
[Black Stallion] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Illuminated Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Broom Leaf
[Broom of the Wilds] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20% of Maximum Hitpoints
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Broom Winter
[Broom of Twilight] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Regal Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Clydesdale Buckskin H Armor
[Buckskin Destrier] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Bear Starry
[Celestial Bear] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Pig Starry
[Cosmic Pig] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Lion Tribal Eqypt
[Eku's Titivated Lion] When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance you will gain a stack of Ferocity, granting you 1.6% additional damage for 10 seconds. This effect may stack up to 3 times.
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Enlightened Crescent
Icons Inventory Mount Gorgon Fey
[Fey Gorgon] unknown unknown Enlightened Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Gorgon Firesoul
[Firesoul Gorgon] unknown unknown Crescent Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail Forest
[Forest Flail Snail] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterevent Sled Demon Blue 01
[Frozen Demon Sled] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Crescent Regal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterevent Sled Frozen
[Frozen Winter Sled] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Gelatinouscube 01
[Gelatinous Cube] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Illuminated Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Giantspider 01
[Gilded Giant Spider] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Palomino
[Golden Brindle Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear Green
[Green Owlbear] +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Hellfire
[Hell Emblazon Worg] +2,250 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Illuminated Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Hellhound 01
[Hell Hound] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Crescent Regal
Icons Inventory Mount Howler 01
[Howler] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Barbed Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Black H Armor
[Medium Black Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Barbed
Medium palomino horse
[Medium Palomino Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Barbed Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Grey H Armor
[Medium Pharaoh Steed] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Crescent Barbed
Medium snowswift horse
[Medium Snowswift Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Illuminated Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Tiger 02
[Medium Tiger] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Pinto L Armor
[Medium Waterdeep Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Horse White L Armor
[Medium White Horse] unknown unknown Barbed Barbed Illuminated
Medium worg
[Medium Worg] +2,250 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Regal Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Bear 03
[Moonbear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Illuminated Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Green Mossdaubed
[Moss-daubed Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Illuminated Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Siege Champions Charger 01
[Neverwinter Champion's Charger] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Siegebreakers Charger
[Neverwinter Siegebreaker's Charger] unknown unknown Illuminated Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Boar Lunar
[New Year's Boar] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Illuminated Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Ox
[New Year's Ox] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Illuminated Enlightened

New Year's Rabbit/Tooltip

Icons Inventory Mount Tiger Lunar 01
[New Year's Tiger] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your New Year's Tiger, who rushes forward, dealing radiant damage.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Enlightened Barbed
Icons Inventory Mount Panther
[Panther] +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Crescent Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount PolarBear 01
[Polar Bear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Spider Poison 01
[Poisonous Looking Spider] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Reanimateddestrier
[Reanimated Destrier] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Enlightened Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Sabino H Armor
[Sabino Destrier] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Illuminated
[Slaghound] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Illuminated Illuminated Barbed
Icons Inventory Mount Stag 01
[Small Forest Stag] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Regal Barbed Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Manticore Snow
[Snowclad Manticore] +2,250 Power and Defense to yourself and to party members within 80'. Multiple of the same Aura do not stack.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Regal Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Lion Tribal Soot
[Soot Tribal Lion] When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance you will gain a stack of Ferocity, granting you 1.6% additional damage for 10 seconds. This effect may stack up to 3 times.
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Illuminated Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Gelatinoussphere Starry
[Starry Sphere] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Illuminated Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Strider Blue
[Suratuk's Blue Strider] unknown unknown Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Crab Orange 01
[Suratuk's Giant Sunset Crab] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Barbed Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Giantspider Red Green
[Suratuk's Jungle Spider] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Spider Poison Painted Orange
[Suratuk's Orange Tarantula] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Axe Beak Painted Red Suratuks
[Suratuk's Red-Dusted Axebeak] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Illuminated Regal
Icons Inventory Mount Strider Red
[Suratuk's Ruby Strider] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Regal
Icons Inventory Mount Cragcat Teal
[Suratuk's Teal Crag Cat] +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Illuminated illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Painted Teal
[Suratuk's Teal Spider] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Bear 04
[Trained Grizzly] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Regal Barbed
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Tuigan 01
[Tuigan Courser] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Yeti Winterevent
[Twilight Yeti] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Crescent Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Water 01
[Water Horse] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Illuminated Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail Winter
[Winter Flail Snail] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Wildhunt 01
[Wolf of the Wild Hunt] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Illuminated Enlightened
Icons Inventory Mount Deepcrow Epic
[Adolescent Deep Crow] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus Gond 01
[Apparatus of Gond] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus 01
[Apparatus of Kwalish] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bear Armored 01
[Armored Bear] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Axe Beak
[Axe Beak] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Barlgura Epic
[Barlgura] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear Black
[Black Owlbear] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterfly Blue
[Blue Butterfly Swarm] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage Painted Blueforged
[Blueforged Rage Drake] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount BootsofMistyStep
[Boots of Misty Step] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount BoreWorm
[Bore Worm] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bulette
[Bulette] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterflywings Blue
[Butterfly Wings] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Carpet Flying Epic
[Carpet of Flying] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Trex Epic
[Cavalry Tyrannosaur] +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Unicorn 02
[Dawn Unicorn] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Regal Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag Zombie 01
[Decaying Stag] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,250 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Unicorn 01
[Dusk Unicorn] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Shadow 01
[Elite Shadow Wolf] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus Gond Embellished Silver 01
[Embellished Apparatus of Gond] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Broom
[Enchanted Broom] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Enchanted
[Enchanted Courser] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Toad Epic
[Epic Giant Toad] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus 06 Fancy
[Fancy Apparatus of Kwalish] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Gorgon Gold Silver
[Fancy Gorgon] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail
[Flail Snail] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail Fungal
[Fungal Flail Snail] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Gas Spore Epic 01
[Gas Spore] +6% Stamina Regeneration
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Beetle Giant 01
[Giant Beetle] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Crab
[Giant Crab] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Strider
[Giant Strider] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus 02 Goldlined
[Gold-Lined Apparatus of Kwalish] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Gorgon
[Gorgon] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterfly Green
[Green Butterfly Swarm] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Griffon
[Griffon] Activating an Artifact power reduces all of your cooldowns by 12%. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Guard
[Guard Drake] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Heavy giant spider
[Heavy Giant Spider] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Illuminated Universal
Heavy howler
[Heavy Howler] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Barbed Universal
Heavy inferno nightmare
[Heavy Inferno Nightmare] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Nightmare Armor 03
[Heavy Mystic Nightmare] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Nightmare Armor 02
[Heavy Twilight Nightmare] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Crescent Universal
Heavy worg
[Heavy Worg] +2,250 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Hellfire Epic
[Hellfire Engine] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bear Armored 02
[High Forest Bear] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Universal
[Hound of the Forge] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Illuminated
Icons Inventory Mount Infernal Bike Epic 01
[Infernal War Machine] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Spider Plant Mashup
[Leaf Spider] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Leopard Chult 01
[Leopard of Chult] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Yethhound Tiger Stripes
[Leopard-printed Yeth Hound] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Crescent Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Polarbear Armored 01
[Lord's Armored Polar Bear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Manticore 01
[Manticore] +2,250 Power and Defense to yourself and to party members within 80'. Multiple of the same Aura do not stack.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Mediumadventurer
[Medium Adventurer's Horse] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Mist Epic
[Mist Form] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount..
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterfly Orange
[Orange Butterfly Swarm] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus Gond Retint 03 Ornate
[Ornate Apparatus of Gond] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus 03 Ornate
[Ornate Apparatus of Kwalish] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear
[Owlbear] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterfly Purple
[Purple Butterfly Swarm] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Guard Purple
[Purple Guard Drake] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear Purple
[Purple Owlbear] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage
[Rage Drake] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterfly Red
[Red Butterfly Swarm] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Beetle Giant Red
[Red Giant Beetle] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Apparatus 04 Redhued
[Red-Hued Apparatus of Kwalish] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Griffon Armored Retint 04
[Regal Armored Griffon] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
Unknown Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterevent Sled Royal
[Royal Winter Sled] +2,250 Power and Defense to yourself and to party members within 80'. Mutliple of the same Aura do not stack.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Crescent Universal
[Rune Board] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Polarbear Barbarian 01
[Savage Polar Bear] +2,250 Defense
+2,250 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage Shadow
[Shadow Drake] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Griffon Siege
[Siegebreaker Griffon] +2,250 Defense
+2,250 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Crescent Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bear 01
[Silverback Bear] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Illuminated Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Winterevent Sled Silverleaf
[Silverleaf Sled] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Regal Illumianted Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Wolf Skeletal 01
[Skeletal Worg] +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Deinonychus Purple 01
[Spiked Deinonychus] +2,250 Defense
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag Starfade 01
[Starfade Stag] +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Illuminated Accuracy Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Stormraiderclydesdale
[Stormraider Clydesdale] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear Striped
[Striped Owlbear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Illuminated Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage Stripes
[Striped Rage Drake] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Giantspider Red Yellow
[Suratuk's Banded Spider] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Crescent Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Spider Poison Painted Blue
[Suratuk's Blue Tarantula] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Crab Red 01
[Suratuk's Giant Red Crab] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag 02
[Sylvan Stag] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Barbed Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Tensersdisc Retint Epic
[Tenser's Floating Disk] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Illuminated Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear Tiger
[Tiger-striped Owlbear] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount PurpleWorm
[Toothsome] +2,250 Power
+2,250 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Basilisk Epic
[Trained Basilisk] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Triceratops Epic
[Triceratops] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blasts out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Lion
[Turmish Lion] When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance you will gain a stack of Ferocity, granting you 1.6% additional damage for 10 seconds. This effect may stack up to 3 times.
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Illuminated Regal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Owlbear White
[White Owlbear] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Enlightened Enlightened Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Tiger 01
[White Tiger] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
A strong single target attack.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Whirlwind Epic
[Whirlwind] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Butterfly Yellow
[Yellow Butterfly Swarm] +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Healing from your devoted mount.
Apply Effect: HoT
Magnitude: 20
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Yethhound 01
[Yeth Hound] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Barbed Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Whirlwind Legendary
[Arcane Whirlwind] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Arcane Whirlwind, who travels forward damaging enemies and knocking aside those it collides with.
Magnitude: 333
Apply Effect: Collision
Magnitude: 667
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Axe Beak Legendary
[Armored Axe Beak] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
Summons your armored axe beak to attack nearby foes with a spinning strike.
Magnitude: 1,000
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bulette Armored
[Armored Bulette] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Armored Bulette, who roars at foes in front of you
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Reduces target's outgoing damage by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Strider Armored
[Armored Giant Strider] +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Armored Giant Strider to attack your target and nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Griffon Armored
[Armored Griffon] Activating an Artifact power reduces all of your cooldowns by 12%. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Armored Griffon to release a Resonating screech at nearby enemies.
Apply Effect: Reduce target outgoing damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Apply Effect: Increases your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 3
Duration: 10s
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Beholdertankmini
[Beholder Personal Tank] +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Beholder Personal Tank to blast enemies with disintegration beams in a line.
Magnitude: 1,000
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse War BlackIce
[Black Ice Warhorse] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Black Ice Warhorse, electrifying your target and nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Corruptedunicorn Legendary
[Black Unicorn] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Omen of Despair in a dark vortex at target location, repeatedly pulling enemies to its location.
Magnitude: 600
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bear Siege 01
[Brown Siege Bear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Siege Bear, who dispenses a barrage of cannon fire on location once per second for the next 10 seconds.
Magnitude: 115 per volley
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag Celestial 01
[Celestial Stag] +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Celestial Stag that brings with it a rain of stars.
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 115
Duration: 8s
Apply Effect: Slow target by 60%
Duration: 8s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Angelwings Legendary
[Celestial Wings] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon a celestial being to knock back all nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Apply Effect: Additional damage to Devils, Demons, and Fiends
Magnitude: 100
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bulette Armored 02
[Champion's Armored Bulette] +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Champion's Armored Bulette, who roars at foes in front of you.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail Legendary
[Coastal Flail Snail] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Flail Snail to knock enemies aside.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Trex Legendary 02
[Commander Tyrannosaur] +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
Summons the Tyrannosaur, causing fear in your enemies.
Apply Effect: Root.
Duration: 6s
Apply Effect: Incoming Damage to the target increased by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Minion Consume
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Jubilee Mechsuit
[Confetti Machination] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
Summon your Confetti Machination to run towards your target and explode, dealing damage to your target and nearby enemies. A field of fluttering confetti lingers after the blast to obscure your actions against your foes for the next 10 seconds.

Magnitude: 800
Enemies within the field: -7.5% Accuracy, and -7.5% Critical Avoidance.
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag Celestial 02 Mt
[Cosmos Stag] +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Cosmic Stag that brings with it a rating of stars.
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 115
Duration: 8s
Apply Effect: Slow target by 60%
Duration: 8s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Warhorse Crystal
[Crystalline Warhorse] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
A powerful eruption of crystals which damage your target and nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount DragonboneGolem Legendary
[Dragonbone Golem] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Dragonbone Golem as bones that swirl around you, pulsing damage to a random enemy every second.
Apply Effect: Magnitude: 3,450
Duration: 10s
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Beetle Giant Emperor 01
[Emperor Beetle] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Emperor Beetle, who flies in and lands violently.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Regal Universal Universal

Fallen Angel's Wings/Tooltip

Icons Inventory Mount Frostsalamander Legendary
[Frost Salamander] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon a barrier of frost which will release you from most control effects.
Apply Effect: Increases your damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Slows your target by 13%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's deflect by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's outgoing damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's critical chance by 13% 15%
Duration: 10s
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Wings Dragon Golden
[Gold Dragon Wings] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Blast out damage at nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Golden
[Golden Warhorse] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Golden Warhorse to attack your target.
Magnitude: 3,000
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Cauldron Legendary
[Hag's Cooking Cauldron] +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Hag's Cauldron, which billows forth a cloud of fumes on location for the next 10 seconds.

Magnitude: 115 per second.
Allies within the fumes: +15% Accuracy, and +15% Combat Advantage.
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Hellfire
[Hellfire Steed] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Your Hellfire Steed unleashes a trail of fire, burning foes in front of you.
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 267
Duration: 6s
Apply Effect: Slow targets by 60%
Duration: 6s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Drake Rage Greater
[Imperial Rage Drake] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Imperial Rage Drake, who rushes forward, dealing fire damage.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Infernal Bike Legendary 01
[Infernal War Machine] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Infernal War Machine that speeds towards nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 333
Apply Effect: Collision
Magnitude: 667
Universal Universal Universal
[Legendary Adolescent Deep Crow] +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
You harness the power of a Deep Crow releasing a shriek as you strengthen in battle.
Apply Effect: Increases your damage by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Roots enemies around you granting combat advantage against them.
Duration: 6s
Additiona Effect: Minion Consume
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Barlgura Legendary
[Legendary Barlgura] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Barlgura from the depths of Avernus, who slams his fists down in an incredible impact.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Carpet Flying Legendary
[Legendary Carpet of Flying] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
The Carpet of Flying rushes in and circles the target causing a vortex which pulls nearby enemies towards the center.
Magnitude: 1,000
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Toad Legendary
[Legendary Giant Toad] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons a Giant Toad that lashes its tongue at the target.
Magnitude: 3,000
Additional Effect: Minion Consume
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Hellfire Legendary
[Legendary Hellfire Engine] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons the Hellfire Engine which shoots devastating hellfire out of its mouth.
Magnitude: 500
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 110
Duration: 5s
Cresecent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Recon Balloon Legendary
[Legendary Reconnaissance Balloons] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your reconnaissance balloon and have it shower your enemies with a bombardment of Treasure.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Incoming Damage to the target increased by 7.5%
Duration: 10s

Treasure drops within 15' of where targets are struck.

When picked up by your or an ally, the Treasure will increase a random stat by 1.5% for 10 seconds.
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Beetle Giant Pink
[Lovely Emperor Beetle] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Emperor Beetle, who flies in and lands violently.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Pegasus Legendary
[Pegasus] +2,250 Awarneess
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Pegasus who flaps its mighty wings, releaseing an immense gale that damages your foes and strengthens your party for the next 10 seconds.

Magnitde: 3,000

Allies Gain: +15% Forte, and one of the following based on role.

DPS: +15% Damage
Tank: +15% Damage Resistance
Healer: +15% Outgoing Healing

Barbed Universal Universal
[Radiant Rune Board] +6% Stamina Regeneration
+2,700 Combined Rating
You glow with a radical radiance, becoming stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat.
Apply Effect: Increase your damage by 15%
Duration: 10 seconds
Apply Effect: Increase your Forte by 15%
Duration: 10 seconds
Apply Effect: Increase your AP Gain by 7.5%
Duration: 10 seconds
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Manticore Legendary
[Runeclad Manticore] +2,250 Power and Defense to yourself and to party members within 80'. Multiple of the same Aura do not stack.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Runeclad Manticore to unleash a torrent of spines from its barbed tail upon your foes.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Knockdown
Duration: 3s
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Horse Shadow
[Skeleton Steed] Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldwon 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Your Skeletal Steed unleashes a trail of ink black smoke, withering foes in from of you.
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 267
Duration: 6s
Apply Effect: Slow targets by 60%
Duration: 6s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Batswarm Legendary
[Swarm] +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon a swarm of bats which will release you from most control effects.
Apply Effect: Increases your damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Slows your target by 15%
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Increases incoming damage to target by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's outgoing damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's critical chance by 15%
Duration: 10s
Illuminated Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Lion Swift Golden
[Swift Golden Lion] When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance they will be healed for 6% of their Maximum Hit Points and you will gain a stack of Radiant Weapon. This effect may only occur once every 10 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating

Radiant Weapon grants 2% additional damage as radiant damage for 12 seconds. You may have no more than 8 stacks of Radiant WEapon from any source.
Summon your Celestial Lion to knock back nearby foes.
Apply Effect: Shield: 30% of party member's Maximum Hitpoints.
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: After 10 seconds party members gain up to 3 stacks of Radiant Weapon based on the amount of shield remaining.
Illuminated Universal Universal
[Tenser's Floating Disk] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
You are transformed into a virtual fighting machine, becoming stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat.
Apply Effect: Increase your damage by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Increase your speed by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Increase your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by 3
Duration: 10 seconds
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Tensersdisc 01
[Tenser's Floating Disk] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
You are transformed into a virtual fighting machine, becoming stronger, tougher, faster, and more skilled in combat.
Apply Effect: Increase your damage by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Increase your speed by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Increase your Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by 3
Duration: 10 seconds
Enlightened Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Flail Snail Volcanic
[Volcanic Flail Snail] Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Flail Snail to lock enemies aside.
Magnitude: 1,000
Barbed Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Triceratops Legendary
[War Triceratops] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your War Triceratops to charge into the fray knocking back foes.
Magnitude: 1,000
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Trex Legendary
[Warpainted Tyrannosaur] +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
Summons the Tyrannosaur, causing fear in your enemies.
Apply Effect: Root
Duration: 6s
Apply Effect: Incoming Damage to the target increased by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Minion Consume
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Lion Neverwinter
[Barded Neverwintan Lion] +2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
+2,250 Forte
The Barded Neverwintan Lion's roar bolsters your strength and grants advantage against your enemies.
Apply Effect: Knockdown
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Increases your Strength, Intelligence, and Charisma by 3
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Increases your Maximum HP by 6%.
Duration: 10s
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Lion Eclipse
[Eclipse Lion] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Eclipse Lion to block out the sun.
Magnitude: 600
Apply Effect: Increases incoming damage to target by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Decrease outgoing damage from target by 15%
Duration: 10s
Crescent Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount DragonboneGolem Mythicpng
[Empowered Dragonbone Golem] +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Dragonbone Golem as bones that swirl around you, pulsing damage to a random enemy every second.
Apply Effect: Magnitude: 3,450
Duration: 10s
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Griffon Feywild Mythic
[Feywild Griffon] Activating an Artifact power reduces all of your cooldowns by 12%. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Feywild Griffon to release a Resonating screech at nearby enemies.
Apply Effect: Reduce target outgoing damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Apply Effect: Increases your Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma by 3
Duration: 10s
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Stag Feywild
[Feywild Stag] +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Feywild Stag that brings with it a rain of stars.
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 115
Duration: 8s
Apply Effect: Slow target by 60%
Duration: 8s
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Frostgiantess Mythic
[Frost Giantess] +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Frost Giantess, who stamps down, causing a frozen impact.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Stun
Duration: 3s
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Cauldron Mythic
[Hag's Hexing Cauldron] +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Hag's Cauldron, which billows forth a cloud of fumes on location for the next 10 seconds.

Magnitude: 115 per second.
Allies within the fumes: +15% Accuracy, and +15% Combat Advantage.
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dinosaur Trex Legendary 01
[King of Spines] +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
Summons the Tyrannosaur, causing fear in your enemies.
Apply Effect: Root.
Duration: 6s
Apply Effect: Incoming Damage to the target increased by 15%.
Duration: 10s
Additional Effect: Minion Consume
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Recon Balloon Mythic
[Marvelous Reconnaissance Balloons] +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your reconnaissance balloon and have it shower your enemies with a bombardment of Treasure.
Magnitude: 800
Apply Effect: Incoming Damage to the target increased by 7.5%
Duration: 10s

Treasure drops within 15' of where targets are struck.

When picked up by your or an ally, the Treasure will increase a random stat by 1.5% for 10 seconds.
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Dragonnel
[Nightfire Dragonnel] +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Dragonnel to spit a fireball upon your target and nearby enemies.
Magnitude: 600
Apply Effect: DoT
Magnitude: 77
Duration: 6s
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Pegasus Armored Mythic
[Noble Pegasus] +2,250 Awarneess
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Pegasus who flaps its mighty wings, releaseing an immense gale that damages your foes and strengthens your party for the next 10 seconds.

Magnitde: 3,000

Allies Gain: +15% Forte, and one of the following based on role.

DPS: +15% Damage
Tank: +15% Damage Resistance
Healer: +15% Outgoing Healing

Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Corruptedunicorn Mythic
[Omen of Despair] +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon your Omen of Despair in a dark vortex at target location, repeatedly pulling enemies to its location.
Magnitude: 600
Universal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Bear Siege 02
[Polar Siege Bear] +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summons your Siege Bear, who dispenses a barrage of cannon fire on location once per second for the next 10 seconds.
Magnitude: 115 per volley
Regal Universal Universal
Icons Inventory Mount Frostsalamander Mythic
[Rimefire Salamander] +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
Summon a barrier of frost which will release you from most control effects.
Apply Effect: Increases your damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Slows your target by 13%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's deflect by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's outgoing damage by 15%
Duration: 10s
Apply Effect: Reduces target's critical chance by 13% 15%
Duration: 10s
Universal Universal Universal

Note: All Equip and Combat powers listed at maximum quality

List of Mounts by Equip Power[]

Name Description Mounts
All a Flutter +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Butterfly Wings]
Armor Breaker +2,700 Combined Rating
+4,500 Critical Severity
[Aberrant Fey Wolf], [Adolescent Deep Crow], [Armored Axe Beak], [Axe Beak], [Confetti Machination], [Elite Shadow Wolf], [Fey Wolf], [Legendary Adolescent Deep Crow], [Medium Tiger], [Regal Armored Griffon], [Shadow Wolf], [Suratuk's Red-Dusted Axebeak], [Tiger-striped Owlbear], [White Tiger], [Winter Wolf], [Wolf of the Wild Hunt]
Celestial Calm +2,250 Awareness
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Celestial Stag], [Cosmos Stag], [Feywild Stag], [Ice Panther], [Noble Pegasus], [Panther], [Pegasus] [Starfade Stag]
Dash of Life +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+3% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Blue Butterfly Swarm], [Blue Ribbon Pig], [Celestial Bear], [Cosmic Pig], [Green Butterfly Swarm], [Orange Butterfly Swarm], [Purple Butterfly Swarm], [Red Butterfly Swarm], [Rune Board], [Yellow Butterfly Swarm]
Deadly Decay +9,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,250 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Decaying Stag]
Divine Decree +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Celestial Wings], [Gold Dragon Wings]
Dominant Force +4,500 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Apparatus of Gond], [Arcane Whirlwind], [Barlgura], [Black Ice Warhorse], [Broom of the Wilds], [Broom of Twilight], [Crystalline Warhorse], [Eclipse Lion], [Enchanted Broom], [Frost Giantess], [Gilded Giant Spider], [Glorious Whirlwind], [Guard Drake], [Halaster's Whirly Whirlwind], [Heavy Giant Spider], [Heavy Twilight Nightmare], [Hell Hound], [Hound of the Forge], [Inferno Nightmare], [Legendary Barlgura], [New Year's Tiger], [Purple Guard Drake], [Purple Owlbear], [Slaghound], [Trained Basilisk], [Whirlwind]
Fast Striding +6% Movement Speed
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Amnian Horse], [Amphail Fancy Horse], [Appaloosa Horse], [Arkaiun Courser], [Armored Ghost Horse], [Armored Giant Strider], [Ashen Brindle Horse], [Bay Zakharan Horse], [Black Horse], [Black Stallion], [Brindle Horse], [Buckskin Destrier], [Calimshan Horse], [Dappled Riding Horse], [Demon Sled], [Enlarged Chicken], [Frozen Demon Sled], [Frozen Winter Sled], [Giant Strider], [Gilded White Steed], [Golden Brindle Horse], [Grey Horse], [Jubilee Parade Horse], [Marbled Stallion], [Medium Adventurer's Horse], [Medium Black Horse], [Medium Palomino Horse], [Medium Pharaoh Steed], [Medium Snowswift Horse], [Medium Waterdeep Horse], [Moss-daubed Horse], [Neverwinter Champion's Charger], New Year's Rabbit/Tooltip, [Pale Horse], [Palomino Horse], [Pharaoh Steed], [Reanimated Destrier], [Sabino Destrier], [Sabino Horse], [Stormraider Clydesdale], [Stormraider Horse], [Sunite Steed], [Suratuk's Ruby Strider], [Tethyr Horse], [Tuigan Courser], [Waterdeep Horse], [White Horse], [Winter Sled], [Zombie Chicken]
Ferocious Predator +2,250 Power
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
[Cavalry Tyrannosaur], [Commander Tyrannosaur], [Frozen Polar Bear], [King of Spines], [Warpainted Tyrannosaur], [Skeletal Worg]
Ferocity When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance you will gain a stack of Ferocity, granting you 1.6% additional damage for 10 seconds. This effect may stack up to 3 tmes.
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Eku's Titivated Lion], [Soot Tribal Lion], [Turmish Lion]
Hearty Resistance +4,500 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Dusk Unicorn], [Golden Warhorse], [Heavy Inferno Nightmare], [Heavy Mystic Nightmare], [Hellfire Steed], [Leaf Spider], [Leopard-printed Yeth Hound], [Mist Form], [New Year's Ox], [Suratuk's Banded Spider], [Suratuk's Jungle Spider], [Suratuk's Teal Spider], [Swarm]
Indestructible +4,500 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Bore Worm], [Brown Siege Bear], [Carpet of Flying], [Emperor Beetle], [Giant Beetle], [Giant Crab], [Legendary Carpet of Flying], [Lord's Armored Polar Bear], [Lovely Emperor Beetle], [Moonbear], [Polar Bear], [Polar Siege Bear], [Red Giant Beetle], [Striped Owlbear], [Suratuk's Giant Red Crab], [Suratuk's Giant Sunset Crab], [Tribal Polar Bear]
Mist Me +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Critical Avoidance
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Boots of Misty Step]
Neverwinter's Pride +2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
+2,250 Forte
[Barded Neverwintan Lion]
Omnipotence +4,500 Awareness
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Beholder Personal Tank], [Crag Cat], [Green Owlbear], [Hag's Cooking Cauldron], [Hag's Hexing Cauldron], [Suratuk's Teal Crag Cat]
Opportunism Activating an Artifact power reduces all of your cooldowns by 12%. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Armored Griffon], [Feywild Griffon], [Griffon]
Opportunistic +4,500 Combat Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Armored Boar], [Epic Giant Toad], [Gelatinous Cube], [Legendary Giant Toad], [New Year's Boar], [Nightfire Dragonnel], [Starry Sphere]
Precision +2,250 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
+2,250 Critical Severity
[Heavy Worg], [Hell Emblazon Worg], [Medium Worg]
Providence When you or a party member are struck by a foe, there is a chance they will be healed for 6% of their Maximum Hit Points and you will gain a stack of Radiant Weapon. This effect may only occur once every 10 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Swift Golden Lion]
Quick Action Using a Daily Power grants 6% of your total Action Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Coastal Flail Snail], [Embellished Apparatus of Gond], [Fancy Gorgon], [Flail Snail], [Gorgon], [Volcanic Flail Snail], [Winter Flail Snail]
Rapid Accuracy +4,500 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Apparatus of Kwalish], [Dragonbone Golem], [Empowered Dragonbone Golem], [Enchanted Courser], [Fancy Apparatus of Kwalish], [Forest Flail Snail], [Fungal Flail Snail], [Gold-Lined Apparatus of Kwalish], [Leopard of Chult], [Ornate Apparatus of Kwalish], [Red-Hued Apparatus of Kwalish], [Tenser's Floating Disk], [Tenser's Floating Disk], [Tenser's Floating Disk], [White Owlbear]
Refreshing Breeze +6% Stamina Regeneration
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Gas Spore], [Radiant Rune Board]
Rejuvination Using a Daily Power grants 12% of your total Hit Points over 10 seconds. Cooldown 20 seconds.
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Autumn Stag], [Dawn Unicorn], [Jubilee Unicorn], [Ornate Apparatus of Gond], [Silverback Bear], [Skeleton Steed], [Small Forest Stag], [Sylvan Stag]
Resilient +2,250 Defense
+2,250 Deflection
2,700 Combined Rating
[Savage Polar Bear], [Siegebreaker Griffon]
Runic Aura +2,250 Power and Defense to yourself and to party members within 80'. Multiple of the same Aura do not stack.
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Manticore], [Royal Winter Sled], [Runeclad Manticore], [Snowclad Manticore]
Ruthless Efficiency +4,500 Critical Strike
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Aberrant Drake], [Blueforged Rage Drake], Fallen Angel's Wings/Tooltip, [Frost Salamander], [Heavy Howler], [Hellfire Engine], [Howler], [Imperial Rage Drake], [Legendary Hellfire Engine], [Poisonous Looking Spider], [Rage Drake], [Rimefire Salamander], [Shadow Drake], [Striped Rage Drake], [Suratuk's Blue Tarantula], [Suratuk's Orange Tarantula], [Twilight Yeti]
Smooth Ride +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Defense
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Infernal War Machine], [Infernal War Machine], [Silverleaf Sled]
Stalwart +18,000 Maximum Hit Points
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Armored Bear], [Black Owlbear], [Black Unicorn], [High Forest Bear], [Omen of Despair], [Trained Grizzly], [Triceratops], [War Triceratops]
Sturdy Accuracy +2,250 Defense
+2,250 Accuracy
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Deinonychus], [Spiked Deinonychus]
Tactical Reconnaissance +3% Movement Speed
+2,250 Combad Advantage
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Legendary Reconnaissance Balloons], [Marvelous Reconnaissance Balloons]
Untouchable +4,500 Deflection
+2,700 Combined Rating
[Aberrant Yeth Hound], [Armored Bulette], [Bulette], [Champion's Armored Bulette], [Owlbear], [Starry Panther], [Water Horse], [Yeth Hound]

Note: All Equip Powers listed at their maximum value.

External Links[]
