New Life Legendary Companion Pack
Category: | Container |
Quality: | Legendary |
Sell value: | Cannot sell |
The New Life Legendary Companion Pack is a pack that can be found in the [New Life Lockbox].
This box contains your choice of one of the following Augment Companions:
It also includes:
- 12 Assorted companion items
- 3
[Bonding Runestone, Rank 8]
- 8
[Greater Companion Experience Treatise]
New Life Legendary Companion Pack
This box contains your choice of one of the following Augment Companions:
- Polar Bear Cub companion
- Owlbear Cub companion
- Bulette Pup companion
Each companion has different stats and a different Active Bonus.
It also includes:
- 12 Assorted companion items
- 3 Perfect Bonding Runestone
- 8 Greater Companion Experience Treatise
Augment Companions add to your stats when summoned. The additional items can be used to reinforce and empower your Companions.
No Level Requirement
Cannot sell