Neverwinter Wiki
No Room on the Shore
Level: 20
Preceded by: Slade the Thricedrowned, The Ravenous Host
Followed by: Crushing Gar Shatterkeel
Given by: Seychell
Starts in: Drowned Shore
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Drowned Shore
Turn in to: Seychell
10 Silver
5,000 Rough Astral Diamond
Duration: {{{duration}}}

No Room on the Shore is a quest in the Elemental Evil Campaign.

Objective[ | ]

  • Launch Sea Elf Warning Buoys from shore locations marked with ship's wheels at Raven Cliff Beach in Drowned Shore.

Summary[ | ]

We are nearing the end of our fight against Gar Shatterkeel. We must warn other sea elves to stay away from the shore. Many of my kin have appeared to fight the cultists, and many have perished by their hands.

I have prepared these magic buoys which will send out a signal to fellow sea elves, warning them to stay clear of this shore. They are attuned to the tides in this area and if launched from the proper location they will be carried to where they will be most effective.

Will you take these down to the shore and set them adrift where you see the wheels? You will be preventing more of my kin from needlessly sacrificing their lives.

Steps[ | ]

  • Launch Warning Buoys (3)
  • Return to Seychell

Completion[ | ]

Thank you. That should prevent more of my kin from falling victim to the Crushing Wave.

You and I shall speak once more after Guard Harris and Iolas have fulfilled their tasks.
