Neverwinter Wiki

Chaos encroaches upon the Northdark Reaches, a remote region of the Underdark that sits on the outskirts of the fallen city, Ched Nasad.

Answer the call of King Bruenor Battlehammer and uncover the foul circumstances behind the disappearance of his scout, Braelin Janquay!

The Northdark Reaches Campaign was added to the game on November 8th, 2022 (Pcflair), with the release of Module 24: Northdark Reaches. Most of the campaign takes place in the Northdark Reaches Adventure Zone. The reworked dungeon Temple of Spider (Master) is accessed through this campaign.


Campaign Currencies[]

Campaign Store and Seal Currencies[]

Campaign Progress Rewards[]

Reward Template:Bregan D'aerthe Pin
Northdark Adamantite/Tooltip 100
Companion Equipment Choice Pack (northdark epic)/Tooltip 200
Loyalist Haft Wrapping/Tooltip 300
50 Currency Icon Companion Upgradetoken[Companion Upgrade Token] 500
Blaspheme Etchings/Tooltip 600
100,000 Astral Diamonds 800
Companion Equipment Choice Pack (northdark legendary)/Tooltip 1,000


Introductory and Storyline Quests[]

Repeatable Quests[]


Class Item Cost Unlocked by