Oil of Vitriol is a resource used in Forgotten Masterwork Professions tasks. The quest "Alchemical Extravagance (Alchemy)" requires 6x Oil of Vitriol. It can be obtained from a Forgotten Masterwork Alchemy Task, or bought at an Atelier.
Oil of Vitriol
A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.
A caustic distillate of green vitriol used in all manner of tradeskill from the dying and preparation of some fabrics to the creation of still stronger distillates.
No Level Requirement
Forgotten Masterwork Alchemy[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Distill Oil of Vitriol | Requires:Consumes: 4x [Green Vitriol]
3x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1:Tier 2: 2x [Green Vitriol] Tier 3:
None | - | |
25 | Common | Mix Aqua Fortis | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1: 2x [Green Vitriol] Tier 2:4x [Green Vitriol] Tier 3:
None | - |
Masterwork Platesmithing[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Tin Plate | Requires:Consumes: | 2x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3: [Tinplate]
None | - |
Forgotten Masterwork Tailoring[]
Level Req. | Rarity | Icon | Name | Requires / Consumes | Opt. Asset | Time | Produces (Tier 1-3) | Prof. XP | Prof. XP per Hour |
25 | Common | Spin Cashmere Yarn | Requires:Consumes: | 3x Person or Tool | 3h | Tier 1: 2x [Wool Scraps] Tier 2:Tier 3:
None | - |
Vitriol |