Neverwinter Wiki
Polished Dragon Turtle Scales
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Material
Tag: Platesmithing
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Epic
profession level
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
Sell value: Copper50
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales

Polished Dragon Turtle Scales is a material used in Masterwork Profession tasks. It can be crafted by task.


Polished Dragon Turtle Scales

A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.

High quality dragon turtle scales are highly valued for the production of armor that is both durable and flexible.

No Level Requirement
Polished Dragon Turtle Scales +1

A resource used in masterwork crafting tasks.

High quality dragon turtle scales are highly valued for the production of armor that is both durable and flexible.

No Level Requirement

Masterwork Armorsmithing Tasks[]

Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
70 Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales Polished Dragon Turtle Scales Gold1 Silver30 1,350 888-1,300 3x Crafting Resource Effervescentwater[Effervescent Water], 1x Crafting Resource Dragonturtlescales[Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Tannersliquor[Tanner's Liquor] Tier 1:
5x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales]
Tier 2:
40 3h Profession XP? - Silver43.33
70 Inventory Feet M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Assault Greaves Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Body M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Assault Scalemail Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Manticoreleather[Manticore Leather], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,317.68 Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Assault Vambraces Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Snowhareyarn[Snowhare Yarn], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Feet M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Duelist Greaves Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Body M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Duelist Scalemail Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Manticoreleather[Manticore Leather], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Arms M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Duelist Vambraces Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Snowhareyarn[Snowhare Yarn], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Executioner Breastplate Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticoremane[Manticore Mane], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,317.68 Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Executioner Gauntlets Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Executioner Helm Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Executioner Sabatons Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Gladiator Armet Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Breastplate Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticoremane[Manticore Mane], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Gladiator Couters Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Gladiator Cuirass Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticorefelt[Manticore Felt], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Gauntlets Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Feet M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Greaves Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Helm Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Gladiator Poleyns Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Sabatons Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Body M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Scalemail Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Manticoreleather[Manticore Leather], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,317.68 Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Gladiator Vambraces Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Snowhareyarn[Snowhare Yarn], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Head Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Medic Armet Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Medic Couters Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Body Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Medic Cuirass Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticorefelt[Manticore Felt], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Medic Poleyns Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6
70 Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Breastplate Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticoremane[Manticore Mane], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h 1m Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,317.68 Silver132.6
70 Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Gauntlets Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Feet M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Greaves Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Helm Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Sabatons Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Body M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Scalemail Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Manticoreleather[Manticore Leather], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Aberrantleatherstrap[Aberrant Leather Strap], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Arms M10 GreatWeapon 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Raid Vambraces Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelrings[Titansteel Rings], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Snowhareyarn[Snowhare Yarn], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Head M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Restoration Armet Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Arms M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Restoration Couters Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Body M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Restoration Cuirass Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticorefelt[Manticore Felt], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Feet M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Restoration Poleyns Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Head M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Armet Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Breastplate Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticoremane[Manticore Mane], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Hardsand], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,475 Silver133.33
70 Inventory Arms M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Couters Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Body M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Cuirass Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 4x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 1x Crafting Resource Manticorefelt[Manticore Felt], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 3x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Gauntlets Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Helm Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Sphene[Sphene], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Feet M10 Paladin 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Poleyns Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33
70 Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Ward Sabatons Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP? - Silver133.33