Neverwinter Wiki

Prestige Armor (Item Level 588:648)[]

Collection Content Foreground M10 Pvp Prestigearmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 20.
Threats to the Sword Coast are as weeds, pluck one and two more grow in its place. In an effort to shore up Neverwinter's defenses and steel the resolve of the Sword Coast's adventurers, Sergeant Knox has commissioned equipment of hitherto unseen quality made as a reward for those who show unmatched skill in the arena.

The strongest set of PvP equipment available at the launch of Module 10: Storm King's Thunder. Features set bonuses that enhance PvP and increase survivability when controlled. This equipment may be purchased in the Trade of Blades in exchange for glory and seals of triumph.

— Earn [Seal of Triumph] from emerging victorious in a domination match.
— Earn [Glory] from participating in PvP.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Executioner Sallet] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Executioner Scalemail] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Executioner Vambraces] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Executioner Greaves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Duelist Sallet] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Duelist Scalemail] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Duelist Vambraces] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Greatweapon 01
[Prestige Duelist Greaves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Executioner Sallet 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Scalemail 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Vambraces 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Greaves 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Sallet 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Scalemail 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 795 381 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Vambraces 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Greaves 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 588 588 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Medic Coif] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Medic Surcoat] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Medic Braces] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Medic Cuisses] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Duelist Coif] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Duelist Surcoat] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Duelist Braces] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Devoted 01
[Prestige Duelist Cuisses] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Medic Coif 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Surcoat 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Braces 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Cuisses 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 673 503 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Coif 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Surcoat 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Braces 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Cuisses 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Gladiator Helm] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Gladiator Breastplate] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Gladiator Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Gladiator Sabatons] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Executioner Helm] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Executioner Breastplate] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Executioner Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Guardian 01
[Prestige Executioner Sabatons] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Gladiator Helm 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Gladiator Breastplate 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Gladiator Gauntlets 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Gladiator Sabatons 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Helm 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Breastplate 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Gauntlets 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Sabatons 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 506 670 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Gladiator Armet] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Gladiator Cuirass] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Gladiator Couters] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Gladiator Poleyns] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Medic Armet] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Medic Cuirass] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Medic Couters] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Paladin 01
[Prestige Medic Poleyns] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Gladiator Armet 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Gladiator Cuirass 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Gladiator Couters 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Gladiator Poleyns 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Armet 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Cuirass 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Couters 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Medic Poleyns 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 506 670 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Executioner Hood] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Executioner Coat] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Executioner Bracers] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Executioner Gaiters] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Duelist Hood] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Duelist Coat] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Duelist Bracers] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Hunter 01
[Prestige Duelist Gaiters] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Executioner Hood 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Coat 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Bracers 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Gaiters 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Hood 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Coat 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Bracers 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Gaiters 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 506 670 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Executioner Mask] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Executioner Vest] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Executioner Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Executioner Boots] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Duelist Mask] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Duelist Vest] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Duelist Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Trickster 01
[Prestige Duelist Boots] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Executioner Mask 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Vest 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Gloves 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Boots 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Mask 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Vest 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Gloves 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Boots 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 673 503 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Executioner Cowl] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Executioner Longcoat] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Executioner Wristguards] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Executioner Pigaches] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Duelist Cowl] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Duelist Longcoat] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Duelist Wristguards] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Scourge 01
[Prestige Duelist Pigaches] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Executioner Cowl 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Longcoat 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Wristguards 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Pigaches 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Cowl 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Longcoat 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Wristguards 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 470 353 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Pigaches 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 670 506 8,466.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Executioner Cap] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Executioner Robes] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Executioner Armlets] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Executioner Shoes] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Head Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Duelist Cap] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Duelist Robes] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Duelist Armlets] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Prestige T06 Control 01
[Prestige Duelist Shoes] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name CbR Dfn Pwr MHP AmP Crt CrA Acr Dfl CAB Awr Mvm Total
Prestige Executioner Cap 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Robes 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Armlets 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Executioner Shoes 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 470 353 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Cap 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Robes 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Armlets 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 353 353 470 8,466.5
Prestige Duelist Shoes 470 1,176 2,822 11,290 673 503 8,466.5