Neverwinter Wiki
Protecting the Portal
Level: 60
Preceded by: The Portal to Tuern
Followed by: {{{followedby}}}
Given by: Harper Boward
Starts in: Protector's Enclave
Also occurs in: Icewind Dale
Ends in: Protector's Enclave
Turn in to: Harper Boward
Rewards: 5,120 XP
16 Silver 56 Copper
3 Dragon Sigil
3 Page of Arcane Lore
4,500 Rough Astral Diamond
Duration: {{{duration}}}

Protecting the Portal is a weekly quest in the Tyranny of Dragons Campaign. While the location is listed as Icewind Dale, the access point on the map for this quest is distinct and only appears when the quest is active.


Repel the Cult of the Dragon attack on the Portal to Tuern.


Harper Boward
The factions have taken the portal to Tuern, but the Cult of the Dragon hasn't given up. They've been launching attacks against our defenses there, testing us, waiting for us to let our guard down.

The portal is really out in the middle of nowhere, and it's difficult to keep a large force stationed there. If you could give us a hand with the defense, it'd be a big help.


  • Go to the Portal to Tuern
  • Defeat the Cult Attack
  • Defend the Front
  • Defend the Left Flank
  • Defend the Right Flank


Harper Boward
It's a good thing you were at the portal. The Cult of the Dragon almost overran us there.