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Neverwinter Wiki

Purified Black Ice Weapons

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Greathammer Blackice Purified 01
[Purified Black Ice Great Hammer] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Secondary Swordknot Blackice Purified 01
[Purified Black Ice Sword Knot] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Purified Black Ice Great Hammer 3,146 281 369 369 112 4,277
Purified Black Ice Sword Knot 821 156 205 62 628.25
2 of Set:
When dealing damage you have a chance to heal yourself for 1200 and activate a heal over time effect on yourself for each target within 20 feet of you (max 4 stacks). This heal over time heals you for 300 Hit Points every 3 seconds for each stack of this buff. This heal over time effect lasts 18 seconds.