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Neverwinter Wiki
Red Slaad
Module: 24
Category: Companion
Tag: Companion Pack
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Sell value: Copper94
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Icon Companion Slaad Red

The Red Slaad is a companion that can be obtained as an account unlock from the Icon Cstore Packs Companion Choose Two[Legendary Class Companion Choice Pack] or obtained randomly as a reward from any queued content.


Red Slaad

Enhancement Power: Chance on hit to increase your defense by up to 7.5% and your companion's critical avoidance by up to 7.5% for 15 seconds when your companion is near. The value of the buff depends on the item level of your summoned pet. Maximum 7.5%.
Player Bonus Power: +1.25%/1.88%/2.75%/3.75% Accuracy
+1.25%/1.88%/2.75%/3.75% Critical Severity
+250/375/550/750 Combined Rating

A devoted Slaad eager to protect you on adventures.

Companion Pack


Icon Name Cooldown Range Effect
Power Icon Companion Terrifyinginsight
Enhancement Gives an additional bonus to Combined Rating.
Power Icon Companion Tideofiron
Goading Bash 9s A punishing hit to the target enemy that raises your companion's defense by 20% for 3 seconds.
Power Icon Companion Shocksphere
Role Expertise This companion's expertise has further refined its role increasing their offensive and defensive abilities to benefit their battle style.
Power Icon Companion Beastlycharge
Shoulder Slam 3s 30' A charging attack that damages the target.
Power Icon Companion Recoverystrike
Takedown Fist Goading Bash now knocks targets down if the Red Slaad has combat advantage.



It could previously be obtained from offers on the Zen Market.
