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As of Module 6: Elemental Evil many items were removed from the game and are no longer part of the Epic Equipment collection.

Guild Assault Armor (Item Level 125)

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Assault armor was constructed with exploiting enemies' defenses in mind.

This is a set of entry level armor penetration equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Assault Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Mask 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Assault Vest 14,900 1,174 783 545 6,227
Guild Assault Gloves 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Assault Boots 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold GreatWeaponFighter 01
[Guild Assault Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold GreatWeaponFighter 01
[Guild Assault Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold GreatWeaponFighter 01
[Guild Assault Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Assault Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Assault Ring 279 419 698
Guild Assault Belt 419 279 698

Guild Raid Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Raid armor was constructed with overwhelming power in mind.

This is a set of entry level DPS equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Mask] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Vest] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Gloves] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Tricksterrogue 01
[Guild Raid Boots] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Mask 7,450 503 755 363 3,483.5
Guild Raid Vest 14,900 783 1,174 545 6,227
Guild Raid Gloves 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5
Guild Raid Boots 7,450 755 503 363 3,483.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold TricksterRogue 01
[Guild Raid Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold TricksterRogue 01
[Guild Raid Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold TricksterRogue 01
[Guild Raid Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Raid Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Raid Ring 419 279 698
Guild Raid Belt 419 279 698

Guild Restoration Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Restoration armor was constructed to enhance healing techniques.

This is a set of entry level healing equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold DevotedCleric 01
[Guild Restoration Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Restoration Necklace 279 419 698
Guild Restoration Ring 279 419 698
Guild Restoration Belt 419 279 698

Guild Ward Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Ward armor was constructed with the wearer's survivability in mind.

This is a set of entry level tanking equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvE.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold GuardianFighter 01
[Guild Ward Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold GuardianFighter 01
[Guild Ward Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold GuardianFighter 01
[Guild Ward Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Ward Necklace 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Ward Ring 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Ward Belt 1,677 279 698.25

Draconic Templar Set (Item Level 348)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Draconictemplar

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
The inner temples of the Dragon Empire were guarded by bands of powerful, dedicated guards called templars. These fanatic warriors were fearsome in their own right but were gifted with many powerful magi items as well and no item was more famous than their distinctive armor.

This armor set is gained throughout the Rise of Taimat content and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Draconic Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Templar Boots] Collection Score 2 Harper Legion Merchant
Inventory Arms Draconic Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Templar Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Campaign Chest]
Inventory Body Draconic Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Templar Armor] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]
Inventory Head Draconic Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Templar Hood] Collection Score 2 The Temple of Tiamat [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Draconic Templar Boots 1,722 385 327 317 1,459.5
Draconic Templar Gloves 430 317 327 385 1,459
Draconic Templar Armor 1,973 599 670 491 2,253.25
Draconic Templar Hood 430 385 327 317 1,459

Purified Black Ice Gear (Item Level 348)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Blackice Purified

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
Black Ice has the unique ability to empower armor and weapons designed to support it. This gear takes full advantage of that fact, magnifying the determination and steadfastness of its owner many times over.

This armor set is crafted from Black Ice combined with Black Ice Gear and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Note: This equipment can be salvaged for various amounts of [Raw Black Ice].


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger Blackice Purified 01
[Purified Black Ice Blade] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Primary Dagger Blackice Purified 01
[Purified Black Ice Dagger] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Purified Black Ice Blade 1,573 218 287 287 87 2,452
Purified Black Ice Dagger 1,573 218 287 287 87 2,452
2 of Set:
When dealing damage you have a chance to heal yourself for 1200 and activate a heal over time effect on yourself for each target within 20 feet of you (max 4 stacks). This heal over time heals you for 300 Hit Points every 3 seconds for each stack of this buff. This heal over time effect lasts 18 seconds.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Blackice Purified Trickster 01
[Purified Black Ice Boots] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Arms Blackice Purified Trickster 01
[Purified Black Ice Gloves] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Trickster 01
[Purified Black Ice Armor] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Head Blackice Purified Trickster 01
[Purified Black Ice Mask] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Purified Black Ice Boots 1,477 281 696 112 1,458.25
Purified Black Ice Gloves 1,477 281 327 369 112 1,458.25
Purified Black Ice Armor 1,748 1,065 574 175 2,251
Purified Black Ice Mask 281 327 369 369 112 1,458
2 of Set: Equip: +150 Stamina/Guard Gain
4 of Set:
When taking damage you have the chance to activate Purified Absorption on yourself. This buff lasts 15 seconds and applies a shield to you every 3 seconds for 800 Damage. If the shield is refreshed without being broken it heals you for 600 instead.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Belt Blackice Purified All 01
[Purified Black Ice Belt] Collection Score 2 Icewind Dale Campaign
Inventory Cape Blackice Purified Control 01
[Purified Black Ice Cloak] Collection Score 2 Kessell's Retreat
Inventory Ring Regeneration 02
[Purified Black Ice Ring] Collection Score 2 Kessell's Retreat
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Purified Black Ice Belt 576 190 190 524
Purified Black Ice Cloak 190 190 144 524
Purified Black Ice Ring 190 190 144 524
3 of Set:
When taking Black Ice damage you have a chance to heal all nearby allies for 3000 HP.

Corrupted Black Ice Gear (Item Level 348)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Blackice Corrupted

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
Black Ice has the unique ability to empower armor and weapons designed to support it. This gear takes full advantage of that fact, magnifying the cunning and ferocity of its owner many times over.

This armor set is crafted from Black Ice combined with Black Ice Gear and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Note: This equipment can be salvaged for various amounts of [Raw Black Ice].


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger Blackice Corrupted 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Blade] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Primary Dagger Blackice Corrupted 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Dagger] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Corrupted Black Ice Blade 1,573 287 287 218 87 2,452
Corrupted Black Ice Dagger 1,860 287 218 87 2,452
2 of Set:
When dealing damage you have a chance to deal 2500 Black Ice damage to a random nearby foe. Deals Cold damage to enemy players.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Blackice Corrupted Trickster 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Boots] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Arms Blackice Corrupted Trickster 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Gloves] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Body Blackice Corrupted Trickster 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Armor] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Head Blackice Corrupted Trickster 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Mask] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Corrupted Black Ice Boots 369 369 327 281 112 1,458
Corrupted Black Ice Gloves 369 369 327 281 112 1,458
Corrupted Black Ice Armor 574 574 491 437 175 2,251
Corrupted Black Ice Mask 369 369 327 281 112 1,458
2 of Set: Equip: +150 Action Point Gain
4 of Set:
When dealing damage you have the chance to activate Corrupted Power on yourself. This buff lasts a total of 22 seconds. For the first 12 seconds, this buff grants 80 Power per second. For the last 10 seconds, this buff also grants 15% Movement Speed.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Belt Blackice Corrupted All 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Belt] Collection Score 2 Icewind Dale Campaign
Inventory Cape Blackice Corrupted Devoted 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Cloak] Collection Score 2 Kessel's Retreat
Inventory Ring Regeneration 02
[Corrupted Black Ice Ring] Collection Score 2 Kessel's Retreat
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Corrupted Black Ice Belt 576 190 190 524
Corrupted Black Ice Cloak 190 190 144 524
Corrupted Black Ice Ring 190 144 190 524
3 of Set:
When taking Black Ice damage you have a chance to damage all nearby foes for 800 Black Ice damage. Deals Cold damage to enemy players.

Draconic Gear (Item Level 294)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Draconic

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.

The new Cult of the Dragon has access to very powerful magical items. Whether they are making these with help from their dragon allies or they have unearthed an ancient hoard is unclear.

This armor set is gained throughout the Tyranny of Dragons content and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger Dragonempire 01
[Draconic Stiletto] Collection Score 2 The Shores of Tuern [Epic]
Inventory Primary Dagger Dragonempire 01
[Draconic Dagger] Collection Score 2 Lair of Lostmauth [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Draconic Stiletto 1,242 252 252 191 1,937
Draconic Dagger 1,494 252 191 1,937


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Dragonempire Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Boots] Collection Score 2 Vilithrax - Whispering Caverns
Inventory Arms Dragonempire Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Dragon Venfithar - Rothé Valley
Inventory Body Dragonempire Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Armor] Collection Score 2 Lair of Lostmauth [Epic]
Inventory Head Dragonempire Tricksterrogue 01
[Draconic Hood] Collection Score 2 The Shores of Tuern [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Draconic Boots 1,297 324 246 258 1,152.25
Draconic Gloves 984 324 324 258 1,152
Draconic Armor 504 383 388 504 1,779
Draconic Hood 324 258 246 324 1,152

Hrimnir's Accessories (Item Level 288)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Hrimniraccessories

The Frost Lord has woven powerful enchantments around his rings and amulet.

Equipping all three items from this set grants an additional stat bonus.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Ring Ogre 01
[Glacial Ring of Hrimnir] Collection Score 2 Icespire's Heart [Epic]
Inventory Ring Wizardry 02
[Frozen Ring of Hrimnir] Collection Score 2 Icespire's Heart [Epic]
Inventory Neck T06 Control 01
[Icy Amulet of Hrimnir] Collection Score 2 Icespire's Heart [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Glacial Ring of Hrimnir 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480
Frozen Ring of Hrimnir 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480
Icy Amulet of Hrimnir 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 540

Fallen Dragon Weapons (Item Level 285)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset FallenDragon

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
This set of ancient Thayan weapons is forged from the bones of fallen dragons by some of the finest craftsmen in the Realms.

This Tier 2 weapon set can be crafted from components found in the Dread Ring and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fallendragon Dagger 01
[Fallen Dragon Parrying Blade] Collection Score 5 Valindra's Tower [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Fallendragon Dagger 01
[Fallen Dragon Dagger] Collection Score 5 Profession Tasks - Artificing
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Fallen Dragon Parrying Blade 1,409 113 113 220 1,855
Fallen Dragon Dagger 1,406 116 116 217 1,855
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Critical Strike

Dread Legion Equipment (Item Level 285)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Dreadlegion

Completing this collection will give you the title "Scourge of the Dread Legion" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
This set of ancient Thayan armor was forged for the fearsome Dread Legion. These highly-skilled warriors fight to defend the powerful wizards of Thay.

This Tier 2 armor set is found in the Dread Ring and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger Dread T06 Trickster 01
[Stiletto of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Valindra's Tower [Epic]
Inventory Primary Dagger Dread T06 Trickster 01
[Dagger of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Valindra's Tower [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Stiletto of the Dread Legion 1,416 226 107 107 1,856
Dagger of the Dread Legion 1,416 226 107 107 1,856
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Critical Strike


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Dread T06 Trickster 01
[Hood of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Thayan Dungeon Store
Inventory Feet Dread T06 Trickster 01
[Boots of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Valindra's Tower [Epic]
Inventory Body Dread T06 Trickster 01
[Armor of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Thayan Dungeon Store
Inventory Arms Dread T06 Trickster 01
[Gloves of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Thayan Dungeon Store
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Hood of the Dread Legion 289 289 140 247 140 1,105
Boots of the Dread Legion 289 289 140 247 140 1,105
Armor of the Dread Legion 449 449 217 371 217 1,703
Gloves of the Dread Legion 289 289 140 247 140 1,105
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Power
4 of Set:
When dealing damage, you have a chance to activate Shadowy Illusions on your target. Shadowy Illusions deals 330 damage over 10 seconds. Shadowy Illusions also restores some of your Stealth meter each time it ticks.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Dread T06 Control 01
[Cloak of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Dread Ring Campaign
Inventory Belt Dread T06 All 01
[Belt of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Dread Ring Campaign
Inventory Ring Regeneration 02
[Ring of the Dread Legion] Collection Score 2 Dread Ring Campaign
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Cloak of the Dread Legion 79 79 79 79 79 79 474
Belt of the Dread Legion 318 79 79 79 79 79 474.5
Ring of the Dread Legion 79 79 79 79 79 79 474

Fomorian Gear (Item Level 95 / 94)[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 04

The cyclops are noted for their ability at forging exquisitely crafted weapons for their fomorian masters. Formorian weapon components are constantly sought after as the basis for crafting some of the finest arms available.

Equipping both items from this Tier 2 set grants an additional stat bonus.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Fomorian Dagger 01
[Fomorian Fabled Parrying Blade] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Inventory Primary Fomorian Dagger 01
[Fomorian Fabled Dagger] Collection Score 2 Profession Tasks - Weaponsmithing
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Fomorian Fabled Parrying Blade 1,416 226 107 107 1,856
Fomorian Fabled Dagger 1,397 225 103 103 1,828
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Critical Strike

Fabled Iliyanbruen Equipment[]

Rewards Fg Sharandar 02

Completing this collection will give you the title "Iliyanbruen Defender" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
This exquisitely crafted armor was forged long ago in ancient Illefarn. So fine is the craftsmanship that some suggest these valuable items may in fact date back to the vanished Llewyrr colony.

This Tier 2 armor set is found in Sharandar and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Accessories (Item Level 96)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Belt Sharandar T06 Control 01
[Belt of Sildëyuir] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Inventory Neck Sharandar T06 Control 01
[Cloak of Sildëyuir] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Inventory Ring Regeneration 02
[Ring of Sildëyuir] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Belt of Sildëyuir 322 80 80 80 80 80 480.5
Cloak of Sildëyuir 80 80 80 80 80 80 480
Ring of Sildëyuir 80 80 80 80 80 80 480

Weapons (Item Level 94)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Sharandar Dagger T06 01
[Fabled Iliyanbruen Dagger] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Inventory Primary Sharandar Dagger T06 01
[Fabled Iliyanbruen Dagger] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Fabled Iliyanbruen Dagger 1,395 223 105 105 1,828
Fabled Iliyanbruen Dagger 1,395 223 105 105 1,828

Armors (Item Level 93)

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Arms Sharandar T06 Trickster 01
[Fabled Iliyanbruen Gloves] Collection Score 2 Malabog's Castle (Dungeon)
Inventory Head Sharandar T06 Trickster 01
[Fabled Iliyanbruen Helmet] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Seal Vendor
Inventory Feet Sharandar T06 Trickster 01
[Fabled Iliyanbruen Boots] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Seal Vendor
Inventory Body Sharandar T06 Trickster 01
[Fabled Iliyanbruen Leather Armor] Collection Score 2 New Sharandar Seal Vendor
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Fabled Iliyanbruen Gloves 283 283 132 240 132 1,070
Fabled Iliyanbruen Helmet 283 283 132 240 132 1,070
Fabled Iliyanbruen Boots 283 283 132 240 132 1,070
Fabled Iliyanbruen Leather Armor 441 441 206 360 206 1,654
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Power
4 of Set:
Your attacks poison your foe, dealing 5,684 Poison damage over 15 seconds. You may only poison someone once every 30 seconds.

Weapons of Castle Never (Item Level 282)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Castleneverweapons

Castle Never is long-abandoned and rumored to be teeming with foul creatures. In forgotten treasuries deep in the heart of the castle, lie ancient valuable weapons such as these.

Equipping both items in this set grants an additional stat bonus.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger T06 01
[Ancient Spymaster's Ceremonial Shiv] Collection Score 5 Castle Never [Epic]
Inventory Primary Dagger T06 01
[Ancient Spymaster's Elegant Dagger] Collection Score 5 Castle Never [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Ancient Spymaster's Ceremonial Shiv 1,395 223 105 105 1,828
Ancient Spymaster's Elegant Dagger 1,395 223 105 105 1,828
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Critical Strike

Black Ice Gear (Item Level 276)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Blackice

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
Formed from a combination of Black Ice and superior equipment, this powerful gear can be improved even further when worked by masters of Black Ice shaping.

Note: This equipment can be salvaged for various amounts of [Raw Black Ice].

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Blackice Dagger 01
[Black Ice Blade] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Forge
Inventory Primary Blackice Dagger 01
[Black Ice Dagger] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Forge
Inventory Feet Blackice Trickster 01
[Black Ice Boots] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Forge
Inventory Arms Blackice Trickster 01
[Black Ice Gloves] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Inventory Body Blackice Trickster 01
[Black Ice Armor] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Forge
Inventory Head Blackice Trickster 01
[Black Ice Mask] Collection Score 2 Heroic Encounters
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Black Ice Blade 1,356 99 219 99 1,773
Black Ice Dagger 1,137 219 99 219 99 1,773
Black Ice Boots 1,127 282 128 237 128 1,056.75
Black Ice Gloves 128 282 237 282 128 1,057
Black Ice Armor 795 438 199 355 438 1,628.75
Black Ice Mask 282 128 237 282 128 1,057

Battlefield Skulker Armor (Item Level 276)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Battlefieldskulker

Completing this collection will give you the title "Battlefield Skulker" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
Worn by nefarious heroes throughout the ages, this armor is magically created to improve the wearer's stealth and enhance the ability of the wearer to attack from concealment.

Focusing on Crit and Armor Penetration, this armor set is found by collecting Grym Coins in Gauntlgrym.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T06 01
[Battlefield Skulker's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 Gauntlgrym Relics Merchant
Inventory Secondary Dagger T06 01
[Battlefield Skulker's Sleight Dagger] Collection Score 2 Gauntlgrym Relics Merchant
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Battlefield Skulker's Long Dagger 397 1,137 219 219 99 1,773.25
Battlefield Skulker's Sleight Dagger 397 1,137 219 219 99 1,773.25


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp01 Trickster 01
[Battlefield Skulker's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Gauntlgrym Relics Merchant
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Trickster 01
[Battlefield Skulker's Boots] Collection Score 2 Gauntlgrym Relics Merchant
Inventory Body Pvp01 Trickster 01
[Battlefield Skulker's Armor] Collection Score 2 Gauntlgrym Relics Merchant
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Trickster 01
[Battlefield Skulker's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Gauntlgrym Relics Merchant
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Battlefield Skulker's Helmet 511 282 282 237 128 1,056.75
Battlefield Skulker's Boots 282 282 237 128 128 1,057
Battlefield Skulker's Armor 795 438 438 355 199 1,628.75
Battlefield Skulker's Bracers 511 282 282 237 128 1,056.75

Sinister Shade Armor (Item Level 276)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Sinistershade

Completing this collection will give you the title "Sinister Shade" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This layered leather armor bears magical charms allowing the wearer to exploit opportunities for maximum damage.

Focusing on Crit and Power, this armor set is found in Epic Dungeons.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T06 01
[Sinister Shade's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 The Dread Vault [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Dagger T06 01
[Sinister Shade's Parrying Blade] Collection Score 2 Lair of the Pirate King [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Sinister Shade's Long Dagger 1,360 223 96 96 1,775
Sinister Shade's Parrying Blade 1,360 223 96 96 1,775


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T06 Trickster 01
[Sinister Shade's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Spellplague Caverns [Epic]
Inventory Feet T06 Trickster 01
[Sinister Shade's Boots] Collection Score 2 Icespire's Heart [Epic]
Inventory Body T06 Trickster 01
[Sinister Shade's Armor] Collection Score 2 Temple of the Spider [Epic]
Inventory Arms T06 Trickster 01
[Sinister Shade's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Caverns of Karrundax [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Sinister Shade's Helmet 282 282 128 237 128 1,057
Sinister Shade's Boots 282 282 128 237 128 1,057
Sinister Shade's Armor 438 438 199 355 199 1,629
Sinister Shade's Bracers 282 282 128 237 128 1,057

Swashbuckling Captain Armor (Item Level 276)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Swashbucklingcaptain

Completing this collection will give you the title "Swashbuckling Captain" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This flamboyant leather armor's supple construction allows for rapid fluid movements. The incantations worked into its intricate patterns restore and revive the wearer.

Focusing on Recovery and Crit, this armor set is found in Epic Dungeons.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T06 01
[Swashbuckling Captain's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 The Dread Vault [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Dagger T06 01
[Swashbuckling Captain's Shiv] Collection Score 2 Lair of the Pirate King [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Swashbuckling Captain's Long Dagger 1,360 223 96 96 1,775
Swashbuckling Captain's Shiv 1,360 223 96 96 1,775


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T06 Trickster 01
[Swashbuckling Captain's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Spellplague Caverns [Epic]
Inventory Feet T06 Trickster 01
[Swashbuckling Captain's Boots] Collection Score 2 Icespire's Heart [Epic]
Inventory Body T06 Trickster 01
[Swashbuckling Captain's Armor] Collection Score 2 Temple of the Spider [Epic]
Inventory Arms T06 Trickster 01
[Swashbuckling Captain's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Caverns of Karrundax [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Swashbuckling Captain's Helmet 282 282 128 237 128 1,057
Swashbuckling Captain's Boots 282 282 128 237 128 1,057
Swashbuckling Captain's Armor 438 438 199 355 199 1,629
Swashbuckling Captain's Bracers 282 282 128 237 128 1,057

Master Assassin Armor (Item Level 276)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Masterassassin

Completing this collection will give you the title "Master Assassin" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This flexible leather armor is lined with silk and enchanted to make it as quiet as a whisper. It is ideal for those who must pass unnoticed, for whatever nefarious purpose.

Focusing on Power and Crit, this armor set is found in Epic Dungeons.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T06 01
[Master Assassin's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 The Dread Vault [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Dagger T06 01
[Master Assassin's Ornate Dagger] Collection Score 2 Lair of the Pirate King [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Master Assassin's Long Dagger 1,360 223 96 96 1,775
Master Assassin's Ornate Dagger 1,360 223 96 96 1,775


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Spellplague Caverns [Epic]
Inventory Feet T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Boots] Collection Score 2 Icespire's Heart [Epic]
Inventory Body T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Armor] Collection Score 2 Temple of the Spider [Epic]
Inventory Arms T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Caverns of Karrundax [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Master Assassin's Helmet 282 282 128 237 128 1,057
Master Assassin's Boots 282 282 128 237 128 1,057
Master Assassin's Armor 438 438 199 355 199 1,629
Master Assassin's Bracers 282 282 128 237 128 1,057

Drake Seal Equipment (Item Level 264)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Drakeseal

Completing this collection will give you the title "of the Drake" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
Pieces of magical armor are highly prized by adventurers for their supernatural properties. Collecting such rare pieces allows heroes to undertake more dangerous and rewarding quests.

Drake seals are found in Epic Dungeons and can be used to buy this armor from the Market in Protector's Enclave.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary T00 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Ornate Dagger of the Drake] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Primary Dagger T06 01
[Master Assassin's Long Dagger of the Drake] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Master Assassin's Ornate Dagger of the Drake 1,271 202 97 97 1,667
Master Assassin's Long Dagger of the Drake 1,271 202 97 97 1,667


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Body T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Armor of the Drake] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Arms T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Bracers of the Drake] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Feet T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Boots of the Drake] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Head T06 Trickster 01
[Master Assassin's Helmet of the Drake] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Master Assassin's Armor of the Drake 405 405 194 333 194 1,531
Master Assassin's Bracers of the Drake 260 260 125 222 125 992
Master Assassin's Boots of the Drake 260 260 125 222 125 992
Master Assassin's Helmet of the Drake 260 260 125 222 125 992

Master Duelist Armor (Item Level 252)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Masterduelist

Completing this collection will give you the title "Master Duelist" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This soft leather armor is artfully constructed to allow for effortless movement. It is magically imbued with restorative powers.

Focusing on Crit and Power, this armor set is found in Epic Dungeons.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T05 01
[Master Duelist's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 The Gray Wolf Den [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Dagger T05 01
[Master Duelist's Parrying Blade] Collection Score 2 Throne of Idris [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Master Duelist's Long Dagger 1,197 196 84 84 1,561
Master Duelist's Parrying Blade 1,197 196 84 84 1,561


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T05 Trickster 01
[Master Duelist's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Lair of the Mad Dragon [Epic]
Inventory Feet T05 Trickster 01
[Master Duelist's Boots] Collection Score 2 Cragmire Crypt [Epic]
Inventory Body T05 Trickster 01
[Master Duelist's Armor] Collection Score 2 Throne of Idris [Epic]
Inventory Arms T05 Trickster 01
[Master Duelist's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Cloak Tower [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Master Duelist's Helmet 252 252 108 208 108 928
Master Duelist's Boots 252 252 108 208 108 928
Master Duelist's Armor 392 392 168 312 168 1,432
Master Duelist's Bracers 252 252 173 208 173 1,058

Elusive Agent Armor (Item Level 252)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Elusiveagent

Completing this collection will give you the title "Elusive Agent" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
Something about this armor causes people to become momentarily distracted. In that moment, the wearer can take advantage of an opening in their foe's defenses.

Focusing on Crit and Recovery, this armor set is found in Epic Dungeons.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T05 01
[Elusive Agent's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 The Gray Wolf Den [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Dagger T05 01
[Elusive Agent's Shiv] Collection Score 2 Throne of Idris [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Elusive Agent's Long Dagger 1,197 196 84 84 1,561
Elusive Agent's Shiv 1,197 196 84 84 1,561


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T05 Trickster 01
[Elusive Agent's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Lair of the Mad Dragon [Epic]
Inventory Feet T05 Trickster 01
[Elusive Agent's Boots] Collection Score 2 Cragmire Crypt [Epic]
Inventory Body T05 Trickster 01
[Elusive Agent's Armor] Collection Score 2 Throne of Idris [Epic]
Inventory Arms T05 Trickster 01
[Elusive Agent's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Cloak Tower [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Elusive Agent's Helmet 252 252 108 208 108 928
Elusive Agent's Boots 252 252 108 208 108 928
Elusive Agent's Armor 392 392 168 312 168 1,432
Elusive Agent's Bracers 252 252 108 208 108 928

Shadewalker Armor (Item Level 252)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Shadewalker

Completing this collection will give you the title "Shadewalker" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This entrancing armor helps the ranger blend with their surroundings. It enhances an attacker's effectiveness and allows an unscrupulous wearer to maximize surprise attacks.

Focusing on Power and Crit, this armor set is found in Epic Dungeons.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Primary Dagger T05 01
[Shadewalker's Long Dagger] Collection Score 2 The Gray Wolf Den [Epic]
Inventory Secondary Dagger T05 01
[Shadewalker's Ornate Dagger] Collection Score 2 Throne of Idris [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Shadewalker's Long Dagger 1,197 196 84 84 1,561
Shadewalker's Ornate Dagger 1,197 196 84 84 1,561


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Helmet] Collection Score 2 Lair of the Mad Dragon [Epic]
Inventory Feet T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Boots] Collection Score 2 Cragmire Crypt [Epic]
Inventory Body T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Armor] Collection Score 2 Throne of Idris [Epic]
Inventory Arms T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Bracers] Collection Score 2 Cloak Tower [Epic]
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Shadewalker's Helmet 252 252 108 208 108 928
Shadewalker's Boots 252 252 108 208 108 928
Shadewalker's Armor 392 392 168 312 168 1,432
Shadewalker's Bracers 252 252 108 208 108 928

Armor Crafted by Professions (Item Level 252)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Professions

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
The crafters of Neverwinter can create fantastic and unique pieces of armor. Such pieces are masterworks of dedication and skill.

Progressing through the Professions system allows players to create this armor.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head T06 Trickster 01
[Gemmed Trickster's Helm +6] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Inventory Feet T06 Trickster 01
[Gemmed Trickster's Boots +6] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Inventory Body T06 Trickster 01
[Gemmed Trickster's Armor +6] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Inventory Arms T06 Trickster 01
[Gemmed Trickster's Bracers +6] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Gemmed Trickster's Helm +6 288 433 208 929
Gemmed Trickster's Boots +6 288 433 208 929
Gemmed Trickster's Armor +6 373 748 312 1,433
Gemmed Trickster's Bracers +6 433 288 208 929

Unicorn Seal Equipment (Item Level 246)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Unicornseal

Completing this collection will give you the title "of the Unicorn" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
Pieces of magical armor are highly prized by adventurers for their supernatural properties. Collecting such rare pieces allows heroes to undertake more dangerous and rewarding quests.

Unicorn seals are found in Epic Dungeons and can be used to buy this armor from the Market in Protector's Enclave.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Dagger T05 01
[Shadewalker's Ornate Dagger of the Unicorn] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Primary Dagger T05 01
[Shadewalker's Long Dagger of the Unicorn] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Shadewalker's Ornate Dagger of the Unicorn 1,159 191 80 80 1,510
Shadewalker's Long Dagger of the Unicorn 1,159 191 80 80 1,510


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Body T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Armor of the Unicorn] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Arms T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Bracers of the Unicorn] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Feet T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Boots of the Unicorn] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Inventory Head T05 Trickster 01
[Shadewalker's Helmet of the Unicorn] Collection Score 2 Unicorn and Drake Seal Trader
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Shadewalker's Armor of the Unicorn 382 382 160 302 160 1,386
Shadewalker's Bracers of the Unicorn 245 245 103 201 103 897
Shadewalker's Boots of the Unicorn 245 245 103 201 103 897
Shadewalker's Helmet of the Unicorn 245 245 103 201 103 897

Slayer Knight Set (Item Level 240)[]

Arcane items worn by the Slayer Knights of Xvim in the protection of ancient Maluradek's Castle in Icewind Dale.
This accessory set scales its stats to your current level, and binds to your account upon being equipped.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Ring SlayerKnight 01
[Slayer Ring of the Xvim] Collection Score 3 Icewind Dale Campaign
Inventory Belt SlayerKnight All 01
[Slayer Belt of the Xvim] Collection Score 3 Disheveled Madman
Inventory Neck SlayerKnight 01
[Slayer Amulet of the Xvim] Collection Score 3 Frozen Crystal Lockbox
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Slayer Ring of the Xvim 187 187 75 187 636
Slayer Belt of the Xvim 299 281 281 636.75
Slayer Amulet of the Xvim 187 187 187 75 636
3 of Set:
When taking damage you have a chance to activate Might of the Slayer Knight. For 15 seconds, you deal 350 damage to 3 random foes within 20 feet every 3 seconds. Each time you deal damage to a foe with this you gain a stack of Slayer Knight's Boon. When Might of the Slayer Knight expires all stacks of Slayer Knight's Boon are consumed to restore 700 Hit Points per stack and grant 1% Action Points per stack.

Covert Brigand Armor (Item Level 180)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Covertbrigand

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This unusual armor set is just what aspiring adventurers need to set themselves apart from other heroes.

This armor has a distinct appearance, intended mainly for transmutation.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Body General01 Trickster 01
[Tunic of the Covert Brigand] Collection Score 2 Wondrous Bazaar
Inventory Head General01 Trickster 01
[Mask of the Covert Brigand] Collection Score 2 Wondrous Bazaar
Inventory Arms General01 Trickster 01
[Gloves of the Covert Brigand] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Inventory Feet General01 Trickster 01
[Boots of the Covert Brigand] Collection Score 2 Professions - Leatherworking
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Tunic of the Covert Brigand 0
Mask of the Covert Brigand 0
Gloves of the Covert Brigand 225 225 130 135 715
Boots of the Covert Brigand 225 225 130 135 715