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As of Module 6: Elemental Evil many items were removed from the game and are no longer part of the Epic PVP Equipment collection.

Guild Executioner Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Executioner armor was constructed with raw offensive might in mind.

This is a set of entry level dps equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Executioner Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Executioner Cap 7,450 377 252 252 293 377 3,413.5
Guild Executioner Robes 14,900 587 391 391 440 587 6,121
Guild Executioner Armlets 7,450 252 252 377 293 377 3,413.5
Guild Executioner Shoes 7,450 377 252 293 252 377 3,413.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Scourgewarlock 01
[Guild Executioner Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Executioner Necklace 279 419 698
Guild Executioner Ring 419 279 698
Guild Executioner Belt 419 279 698

Guild Duelist Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Duelist armor was constructed with a balance of power and survivability in mind.

This is a set of entry level survivability-dps hybrid equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Cap] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Body Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Robes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Arms Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Armlets] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Feet Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Shoes] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Guild Duelist Cap 7,450 252 377 293 252 377 3,413.5
Guild Duelist Robes 14,900 587 440 391 391 587 6,121
Guild Duelist Armlets 7,450 252 377 293 252 377 3,413.5
Guild Duelist Shoes 7,450 252 293 377 252 377 3,413.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Controlwizard 01
[Guild Duelist Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Duelist Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Duelist Ring 419 279 698
Guild Duelist Belt 279 419 698

Guild Medic Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Medic armor was constructed to aid in healing allies in combat.

This is a set of entry level healing equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Medic Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Medic Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Hunterranger 01
[Guild Medic Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Medic Necklace 419 279 698
Guild Medic Ring 419 279 698
Guild Medic Belt 279 419 698

Guild Gladiator Armor (Item Level 125)[]

Collection Content Foreground Strongholds Pvp Guildarmor

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score10.
The high quality design and affordable construction of this equipment is beloved by large adventuring guilds who frequently offer it as a reward to members who have made considerable contributions to their cause. Gladiator armor was constructed to allow the wearer to outlast any opponent.

This is a set of entry level tanking equipment designed to help new players who are part of a Stronghold gear up to participate in endgame PvP.

— Earn [Guild Marks] from donating to your guild's coffer.

Upgrade your stronghold marketplace to rank 2 and use the above currency to purchase this equipment from your guild armory.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Neck Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Necklace] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Ring Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Ring] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Inventory Belt Stronghold Guardianfighter 01
[Guild Gladiator Belt] Collection Score 2 Guild Marks
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Guild Gladiator Necklace 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Gladiator Ring 1,677 279 698.25
Guild Gladiator Belt 1,677 279 698.25

Purified Black Ice Gear (Item Level 348)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Blackice Purified

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
Black Ice has the unique ability to empower armor and weapons designed to support it. This gear takes full advantage of that fact, magnifying the determination and steadfastness of its owner many times over.

This armor set is crafted from Black Ice combined with Black Ice Gear and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Note: This equipment can be salvaged for various amounts of [Raw Black Ice].


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Talisman Blackice Purified 01
[Purified Black Ice Talisman] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Primary Orb Blackice Purified 01
[Purified Black Ice Orb] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Purified Black Ice Talisman 821 156 205 62 628.25
Purified Black Ice Orb 3,146 281 369 369 112 4,277
2 of Set:
When dealing damage you have a chance to heal yourself for 1200 and activate a heal over time effect on yourself for each target within 20 feet of you (max 4 stacks). This heal over time heals you for 300 Hit Points every 3 seconds for each stack of this buff. This heal over time effect lasts 18 seconds.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Blackice Purified Control 01
[Purified Black Ice Boots] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Arms Blackice Purified Control 01
[Purified Black Ice Gloves] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Body Blackice Purified Control 01
[Purified Black Ice Armor] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Head Blackice Purified Control 01
[Purified Black Ice Cowl] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Purified Black Ice Boots 1,477 281 264 369 112 1,395.25
Purified Black Ice Gloves 281 264 369 369 112 1,395
Purified Black Ice Armor 1,748 971 574 175 2,157
Purified Black Ice Cowl 281 634 369 112 1,396
2 of Set: Equip: +150 Action Point Gain
4 of Set:
When taking damage you have a chance to activate Purified Absorbtion on yourself. This buff lasts 15 seconds and applies a shield to you every 3 seconds for 800 damage. If the shield is refreshed without being broken it heals you for 600 instead.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Belt Blackice Purified All 01
[Purified Black Ice Belt] Collection Score 2 Icewind Dale Campaign
Inventory Cape Blackice Purified Control 01
[Purified Black Ice Cloak] Collection Score 2 Kessell's Retreat
Inventory Ring Regeneration 02
[Purified Black Ice Ring] Collection Score 2 Kessell's Retreat
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Purified Black Ice Belt 576 190 190 524
Purified Black Ice Cloak 190 190 144 524
Purified Black Ice Ring 190 190 144 524
3 of Set:
When taking Black Ice damage you have a chance to heal all nearby allies for 3000 HP.

Corrupted Black Ice Gear (Item Level 348)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Blackice Corrupted

Completing this collection will give you an additional bonus of Collection Score 10.
Black Ice has the unique ability to empower armor and weapons designed to support it. This gear takes full advantage of that fact, magnifying the cunning and ferocity of its owner many times over.

This armor set is crafted from Black Ice combined with Black Ice Gear and provides magical bonuses when worn as a set.

Note: This equipment can be salvaged for various amounts of [Raw Black Ice].


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Talisman Blackice Corrupted 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Talisman] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Primary Orb Blackice Corrupted 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Orb] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Corrupted Black Ice Talisman 205 205 156 62 628
Corrupted Black Ice Orb 3,515 369 281 112 4,277
2 of Set:
When dealing damage you have a chance to deal 2500 Black Ice damage to random nearby foe. Deals Cold damage to enemy players.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Feet Blackice Corrupted Control 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Boots] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Arms Blackice Corrupted Control 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Gloves] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Body Blackice Corrupted Control 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Armor] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Inventory Head Blackice Corrupted Control 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Cowl] Collection Score 2 Black Ice Crafting
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Corrupted Black Ice Boots 369 369 545 112 1,395
Corrupted Black Ice Gloves 369 369 264 281 112 1,395
Corrupted Black Ice Armor 574 574 833 175 2,156
Corrupted Black Ice Cowl 369 369 264 281 112 1,395
2 of Set: Equip: +150 Control Bonus
4 of Set:
When dealing damage you have a chance to activate Corrupted Power on yourself. This buff lasts a total of 22 seconds. For the first 12 seconds, this buff grants 80 Power per second. For the last 10 seconds, this buff also grants 15% Movement Speed.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Belt Blackice Corrupted All 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Belt] Collection Score 2 Icewind Dale Campaign
Inventory Cape Blackice Corrupted Devoted 01
[Corrupted Black Ice Cloak] Collection Score 2 Kessel's Retreat
Inventory Ring Regeneration 02
[Corrupted Black Ice Ring] Collection Score 2 Kessel's Retreat
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Corrupted Black Ice Belt 576 190 190 524
Corrupted Black Ice Cloak 190 190 144 524
Corrupted Black Ice Ring 190 144 190 524
3 of Set:
When taking Black Ice damage you have a chance to damage all nearby foes for 800 Black Ice damage. Deals Cold damage to enemy players.

Profound Oppressor Armor (Item Level 300)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Profound Control 01

Completing this collection will give you the title "Profound Occultist" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This cloth raiment has seen countless battles. It bestows the wearer with an imperious will and the domineering spirit to weave powerful spells of binding.

Focusing on Power and Recovery, this armor set is purchased with Glory and Seals of Triumph.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Pvp02 Talisman 01
[Oppressor's Profound Talisman] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Pvp02 Orb 01
[Profound Orb of the Oppressor] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Oppressor's Profound Talisman 142 142 67 67 93 511
Profound Orb of the Oppressor 2,811 256 121 121 167 3,476


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp02 Control 01
[Oppressor's Profound Cap] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp02 Control 01
[Oppressor's Profound Footwear] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp02 Control 01
[Oppressor's Profound Robe] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp02 Control 01
[Oppressor's Profound Bracers] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Oppressor's Profound Cap 256 256 335 121 167 1,135
Oppressor's Profound Footwear 256 256 335 121 167 1,135
Oppressor's Profound Robe 398 398 510 188 261 1,755
Oppressor's Profound Bracers 256 256 335 121 167 1,135
2 of Set: Equip: +463 Recovery
4 of Set:
Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 35% faster Recharge Speed and deal 7.5% more damage.

Profound Renegade Armor (Item Level 300)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Profound Control 03

Completing this collection will give you the title "Profound Occultist" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This cloth raiment has seen countless battles. It bestows the wearer with a rebellious spirit and the reckless nature to cast spells with wild abandon.

Focusing on Crit and Recovery, this armor set is purchased with Glory and Seals of Triumph.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Pvp02 Talisman 01
[Renegade's Profound Talisman] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Pvp02 Orb 01
[Profound Orb of the Renegade] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Renegade's Profound Talisman 67 142 142 67 93 511
Profound Orb of the Renegade 2,676 256 256 121 167 3,476


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp02 Control 01
[Renegade's Profound Cap] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp02 Control 01
[Renegade's Profound Footwear] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp02 Control 01
[Renegade's Profound Robe] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp02 Control 01
[Renegade's Profound Bracers] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Renegade's Profound Cap 121 256 256 335 167 1,135
Renegade's Profound Footwear 121 256 256 335 167 1,135
Renegade's Profound Robe 188 398 398 510 261 1,755
Renegade's Profound Bracers 121 256 256 335 167 1,135
2 of Set: Equip: +463 Recovery
4 of Set:
Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 35% faster Recharge Speed and deal 7.5% more damage.

Profound Thaumaturge Armor (Item Level 300)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Profound Control 02

Completing this collection will give you the title "Profound Occultist" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This cloth raiment has seen countless battles. It bestows the wearer with preternatural focus and the acuity to strike vital points with spells.

Focusing on Crit and Armorpen, this armor set is purchased with Glory and Seals of Triumph.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary Pvp02 Talisman 01
[Thaumaturge's Profound Talisman] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Pvp02 Orb 01
[Profound Orb of the Thaumaturge] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Thaumaturge's Profound Talisman 268 142 142 67 93 511
Profound Orb of the Thaumaturge 482 2,556 256 256 121 167 3,476.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp02 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Profound Cap] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp02 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Profound Footwear] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp02 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Profound Robe] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp02 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Profound Bracers] Collection Score 3 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Thaumaturge's Profound Cap 482 256 256 335 167 1,134.5
Thaumaturge's Profound Footwear 482 256 256 335 167 1,134.5
Thaumaturge's Profound Robe 750 398 398 510 261 1,754.5
Thaumaturge's Profound Bracers 482 256 256 335 167 1,134.5
2 of Set: Equip: +463 Recovery
4 of Set:
Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 35% faster Recharge Speed and deal 7.5% more damage.

Grim Mage Armor (Item Level 294)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Grim Control 01

Completing this collection will give you the title "Champion Mage" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This carefully woven raiment was enchanted with the power to dominate one's foes. Wizards who don these garments can bind and constrict enemies with incredible potency.

Focusing on Power and Recovery, this armor set is purchased with Glory and Seals of Triumph.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary T06 Control 01
[Oppressor's Grim Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Orb T06 01
[Grim Orb of the Oppressor] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Oppressor's Grim Talisman 140 140 63 63 90 496
Grim Orb of the Oppressor 2,737 252 114 114 163 3,380


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp01 Control 01
[Oppressor's Grim Cap] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Control 01
[Oppressor's Grim Slippers] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp01 Control 01
[Oppressor's Grim Tunic] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Control 01
[Oppressor's Grim Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Oppressor's Grim Cap 252 252 322 114 163 1,103
Oppressor's Grim Slippers 252 252 322 114 163 1,103
Oppressor's Grim Tunic 392 392 490 177 253 1,704
Oppressor's Grim Gloves 252 252 322 114 163 1,103
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Recovery
4 of Set:
Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 30% faster Recharge Speed and deal 5% more damage.

Grim Renegade Armor (Item Level 294)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Championmage

Completing this collection will give you the title "Champion Mage" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
Tattered and stained with the blood of countless pariahs who have worn it before, this garb resonates with untold arcane power and a freewheeling spirit.

Focusing on Crit and Recovery, this armor set is purchased with Glory and Seals of Triumph.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary T06 Control 01
[Renegade's Grim Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Orb T06 01
[Grim Orb of the Renegade] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Renegade's Grim Talisman 63 140 140 63 90 496
Grim Orb of the Renegade 2,598 252 252 114 163 3,379


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp01 Control 01
[Renegade's Grim Cap] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Control 01
[Renegade's Grim Slippers] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp01 Control 01
[Renegade's Grim Tunic] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Control 01
[Renegade's Grim Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Renegade's Grim Cap 114 252 252 322 163 1,103
Renegade's Grim Slippers 114 252 252 322 163 1,103
Renegade's Grim Tunic 177 392 392 490 253 1,704
Renegade's Grim Gloves 114 252 252 322 163 1,103
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Recovery
4 of Set:
Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 30% faster Recharge Speed and deal 5% more damage.

Grim Thaumaturge Armor (Item Level 294)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Grim Control 02

Completing this collection will give you the title "Champion Mage" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
This garb quietly radiates arcane energies, empowering the spells of any wizard who is wearing it to strike true against any foe.

Focusing on Crit and Armorpen, this armor set is purchased with Glory and Seals of Triumph.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary T06 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Grim Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Orb T06 01
[Grim Orb of the Thaumaturge] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Thaumaturge's Grim Talisman 252 140 140 63 90 496
Grim Orb of the Thaumaturge 454 2,484 252 252 114 163 3,378.5


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp01 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Grim Cap] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp01 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Grim Slippers] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp01 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Grim Tunic] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp01 Control 01
[Thaumaturge's Grim Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Thaumaturge's Grim Cap 454 252 252 322 163 1,102.5
Thaumaturge's Grim Slippers 454 252 252 322 163 1,102.5
Thaumaturge's Grim Tunic 707 392 392 490 253 1,703.75
Thaumaturge's Grim Gloves 454 252 252 322 163 1,102.5
2 of Set: Equip: +450 Recovery
4 of Set:
Your powers in the Spell Mastery slot have 30% faster Recharge Speed and deal 5% more damage.

Gladiator Mage Armor (Item Level 270)[]

Collection Content Foreground Equipmentset Gladiatormage

Completing this collection will give you the title "Gladiator Mage" plus an additional bonus of Collection Score 5.
Some mages shun the role of scholar and philosopher, preferring instead to use their magical gifts to more practical, violent ends.

Focusing on Power and Recovery, this armor set is collected by earning Glory in PvP battles.


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Secondary T05 Control 01
[Gladiator Mage's Talisman] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Primary Orb T05 01
[Orb of the Gladiator Mage] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Gladiator Mage's Talisman 217 126 126 54 80 440.25
Orb of the Gladiator Mage 391 2,205 227 227 98 145 2,999.75


Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head Pvp00 Control 01
[Gladiator Mage's Cap] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Feet Pvp00 Control 01
[Gladiator Mage's Slippers] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Body Pvp00 Control 01
[Gladiator Mage's Tunic] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Inventory Arms Pvp00 Control 01
[Gladiator Mage's Gloves] Collection Score 2 The Trade of Blades
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Tc Total
Gladiator Mage's Cap 391 227 227 98 185 145 979.75
Gladiator Mage's Slippers 391 227 227 185 98 145 979.75
Gladiator Mage's Tunic 608 353 353 152 278 225 1,513
Gladiator Mage's Gloves 391 227 227 98 185 145 979.75
2 of Set: Equip: +400 Recovery
4 of Set:
Powers in your Spell Mastery slot have 25% faster Recharge Speed.