Neverwinter Wiki
Ritual of the Dracolich
Level: 70
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Given by: Sergeant Knox
Starts in: Dread Ring
Also occurs in: Dread Spire
Ends in: Dread Ring
Turn in to: Sergeant Knox
1,510 XP
5 Silver, 51 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}

Ritual of the Dracolich is a daily lair quest in the Dread Ring Campaign.


  • Destroy the research and slay the Knight Commander in the Dread Spire.


Sergeant Knox
The cultists in the Dread Spire are once again attempting the dracolich ritual! Enter the Spire, put a stop to their research, and slay the Knight Commander that oversees them.


  • Go to the Dread Spire
  • Dread Spire
    • Destroy Research (4)
    • Seek the Top of the Spire
    • Destroy the Knight Commander


After defeating the Knight Cimmander, you can open a chest for the quest reward, and loot an Arcane Coffer with a [Silver Gauntlet], [Platinum Gauntlet], [Mithral Gauntlet], [Adamantine Gauntlet] or [Star Metal Gauntlet] for bonus rewards.
