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Rock Salt
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Profession Material
Tag: Material
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Common
profession level
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
Sell value: Copper29
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost: Silver2 Copper7
Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt

Rock Salt is a material used in Profession tasks. It can be gathered from task, or bought from Bolden Coarsca.


Rock Salt

A rough chunk of sal taken from a dry lake bed.

Material, Stone
No Level Requirement
Rock Salt +1

A rough chunk of sal taken from a dry lake bed.

Material, Stone
No Level Requirement



Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
29 Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt Rock Salt Silver4 Copper98 390 325-532 Nothing Tier 1:
12x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt]
Tier 2:
1h Profession XP2,692 Profession XP2,692 Silver4.98


Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
33 Inventory Consumables Potion T3 Blue Potion of Accuracy Rank 3 Silver5 Copper93 430 361-568 1x Crafting Resource Maplesap[Maple Sap], 1x Crafting Resource Oil Linseed[Linseed Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 14 1h 30m Profession XP? - Silver3.95
34 Inventory Consumables Potion T3 Green PPotion of Deflect Rank 3 Silver6 Copper19 440 370-577 1x Crafting Resource Rhubarb[Rhubarb], 1x Crafting Resource Oil Linseed[Linseed Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 14 1h 30m Profession XP? - Silver4.13
35 Inventory Consumables Potion T3 Electric Potion of Critical Strike Rank 3 Silver6 Copper47 450 379-586 1x Inventory Misc Vial 01 Blood[Beast Blood], 1x Crafting Resource Oil Linseed[Linseed Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 15 1h 30m Profession XP? - Silver4.31
36 Inventory Consumables Potion T3 Yellowgreen Potion of Power Rank 3 Silver6 Copper77 460 388-595 1x Crafting Resource Allosaurfang[Beast Fang], 1x Crafting Resource Oil Linseed[Linseed Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 16 1h 30m Profession XP? - Silver4.51
37 Inventory Consumables Potion T3 Water Potion of Defense Rank 3 Silver7 Copper10 470 397-604 1x Crafting Resource Bone[Animal Bone], 1x Crafting Resource Oil Linseed[Linseed Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 16 1h 30m Profession XP? - Silver4.73
56 Inventory Consumables Potion T5 Yellowgreen Potion of Power Rank 5 Silver25 Copper39 660 568-775 1x Crafting Resource Beasthorn[Beast Horn], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 30 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver10.16
57 Inventory Consumables Potion T5 Blue Potion of Accuracy Rank 5 Silver27 Copper49 670 577-784 1x Crafting Resource Sugarbeat[Sugar Beet], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 30 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver11
58 Inventory Consumables Potion T5 Water Potion of Defense Rank 5 Silver29 Copper78 680 586-793 1x Crafting Resource Bone Aberrant[Aberrant Bone], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 31 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver11.91
59 Inventory Consumables Potion T5 Green Potion of Deflect Rank 5 Silver32 Copper25 690 595-802 1x Crafting Resource Rhubarb[Rhubarb], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 32 2h 30m Profession XP? - Silver12.9
60 Inventory Consumables Potion T5 Electric Potion of Critical Strike Rank 5 Silver34 Copper92 700 604-811 1x Crafting Resource Aberrantblood[Aberrant Blood], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 33 2h 30m Profession XP33,031 Profession XP13,212.4 Silver13.97
38 Crafting Alchemy Potion Flaskofpotency T01 01 Flask of Potency Silver7 Copper10 480 406-613 3x Inventory Misc Vial 01 Blood[Beast Blood], 3x Crafting Resource Titania[Silver Sand], 1x Crafting Resource Oil Linseed[Linseed Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 16 1h 30m Profession XP? - Silver4.73
62 Crafting Alchemy Potion Flaskofpotency T02 01 Major Flask of Potency Silver44 Copper24 720 622-829 3x Crafting Resource Aberrantblood[Aberrant Blood], 3x Crafting Resource Hardsand[Electrum Sand], 3x Crafting Resource Springwater[Spring Water], 1x Crafting Resource Shark Oil[Fish Oil], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 35 3h Profession XP? - Silver14.75

Masterwork Jewelcrafting[]

Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
70 Crafting Resource Gold Nugget Gold Nugget Gold1 1,300 810-1,200 2x Crafting Resource Gold Ore[Gold Ore], 1x Crafting Resource Volcanicsalt[Rock Salt] Tier 1:Tier 2: 40 3h Profession XP85,425 Profession XP28,475 Silver33.33


Basic information
Commission Silver4 Copper98 Quantity 12 Interval 1h Total cost
of material
0 Total required
time of material
Sale value Copper29 Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold LaborProfession 8 Guild Marks Guild Marks1.6
Calculation of cost and efficiency
Type Commission modifier
-75% -25% 0% +25% +75% +125% +175%
Cost per piece (Copper) 10.38 31.13 41.5 51.88 72.63 93.38 114.13
Time per piece (minute) 5
Refinement Points per Silver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Refinement Points per hour 0
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Labor per Silver 77.11 25.7 19.28 15.42 11.02 8.57 7.01
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Labor per hour 96
Guild Marks per Silver 15.42 5.14 3.86 3.08 2.2 1.71 1.4
Guild Marks per hour 19.2
South Sea Trading Company Credit per Silver 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
South Sea Trading Company Credit per hour 0