Saving the Guards
Level: | 10 |
Preceded by: | Trouble in the Tower District |
Followed by: | Lost Dispatch |
Given by: | Sergeant Creed |
Starts in: | Tower District |
Ends in: | Tower District |
Turn in to: | Sergeant Creed |
Rewards: |
- Rescue 5 Captured Guards around Waukeen Way, the rise south of Fallen Tower Tavern.
Sergeant Creed
Some of our Neverwinter Guard patrols have gone missing while exploring Waukeen Way. We suspect they have been captured or killed by the Many-Arrows orcs. If there are any soldiers left alive, they must be rescued before the orc torturers get a hold of them!
- Rescue 5 Captured Guards (5)
- Return to Sergeant Creed
Sergeant Creed
Well done, <name>! You've saved those guards from a fate worse than death!
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