Neverwinter Wiki
Saving the Living
Level: 44
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Given by: Norver the Cook
Starts in: Pirates' Skyhold
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Pirates' Skyhold
Turn in to: Norver the Cook
Rewards: 3,198 XP 12 Silver 95 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}


  • Collect Pirate Cage Keys from Undead Pirate Hexers, Ruffians, and Deathpledged. Use the Pirate Cage Keys to rescue 4 Pirate Mutineers in the Walk to the Plank.


Norver the Cook
Further up the cliffside is a place where we used to execute traitors and cowards by making them walk the plank. This isn't just any normal gangplank though, no, this gangplank is built right into the cliffside, and when you step off the end there's nowhere to go but hundreds of feet down.

Of course, now that we're the traitors, if we get captured then we get to take that walk. And that's exactly what's happening right now to a few of us who captured recently. If you can save them, I swear we'll help you any way we can.


  • Collect 4 Keys
  • Free 4 Mutineers
  • Return to Norver the Cook


Norver the Cook
A thousand blessings, friend. Now it's our turn to help you. Fair's fair after all, even among traitors, thieves, and pirates.


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