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Sea of Moving Ice is the second expansion to Storm King's Thunder.
The Whale Road: Get a Khyek Boat from Maluk Whalewalker to travel to the Sea of Moving Ice.
Rewards: 6620 XP, 22 Silver, 61 Copper
Frigid Fishing: Catch 10 stone of fish in the waters of the Sea of Moving Ice.
Rewards: 6620 XP, 22 Silver, 61 Copper
Casting Alarms: Activate the Alarm Spells hidden on the Ice Hunter Totems around the Sea of Moving Ice. Collect from Kavatos Stormeye
Rewards: 6620 XP, 22 Silver, 61 Copper
Bear Skins: Collect Bear Skins from the Ice Hunters (get from Bear Skin item drop)
Casting the Bones: Collect Dragon Bone Slivers. Collect from Kavatos Stormeye
Rewards: 6620 XP, 22 Silver, 61 Copper