Neverwinter Wiki
Neverwinter Wiki
Seal of the Crown
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Currency
Tag: Seals
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup
Quality: Rare
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Cannot sell
Cannot Discard
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Currency Icon Seal Ravenloft Crown

The Seal of the Crown was a currency originally used to buy Barovian Lord's Armor in Ravenloft module. During module 14 – 15 it was a greater seal, but became a lesser seal between modules 16 – 18, still offering Barovian Lord's Armor and Primal Armor.


Seal of the Crown was earned in Castle Ravenloft and in expert queues when it was a greater Seal.


Seal of the Crown
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Pickup

A mark of victory that may be exchanged at the Seal Trader in Barovia for powerful Barovian Armor or other high quality goods.

No Level Requirement
Cannot sell
Cannot Discard

Small Icon[]

The small inline version of the icon (Seal of the Crown) can be used in other wiki pages via the syntax {{Seal of the Crown}}.


  • This seal oddly outlived the Seal of the Mountain, and was being used as the transitional/lesser seal well after normal seal retirement.