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Neverwinter Wiki

"Sometimes guilds come into conflict with one another, and when they do you're going to wish you built a Siege Workshop. The Siege Workshop will unlock special abilities in the Stronghold Siege."

Siege Workshop[]

A Siege Workshop is a Stronghold structure that increases the effectiveness of your ballista emplacements in Stronghold Siege PvP battles, and unlocks the the Enhance Overload: PvP Slayer Boon at Rank 3, and the Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Boon at Rank 5. A Siege Workshop may be built at any Support Structure plot.

Build Cost[]

Rank Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold AstralDiamonds TinyAstral Diamonds Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Glory tinyGlory Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold GeneralSupplies tinyGold Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold EnchantedGoods TinySurplus Equipment Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Gems tinyGems Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold FrozenTreasures tinyFrozen Treasures Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold TreasuresofTyranny tinyTreasures of Tyranny Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold FeyTrinkets tinyFey Trinkets Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold DarkGifts tinyDark Gifts Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold ShardsofPower tinyConqueror's Shards Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Labor tinyLabor Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Food tinyFood Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Metal tinyMetal Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Stone tinyStone Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Wood tinyWood
1 100 144,000 170 1,800 25,200 9,800 9,800 9,800
2 200 215,000 250 55,000 2,700 17,400 17,400 17,400
3 300 237,000 350 80,000 3,900 54,500 19,200 19,200
4 600 311,000 460 130,000 5,000 71,200 23,000 23,000
5 700 343,000 510 156,000 571,000 6,200 25,300 25,300
6 800 407,000 570 273,000 244,000 7,400 54,000 54,000
7 900 448,000 630 174,000 179,000 8,600 95,000 78,300
8 1,000 502,000 700 312,000 9,500 104,500 101,300 101,300
9 1,100 553,000 770 212,000 10,500 111,500 111,500
10 1,300 598,000 850 246,000 11,600 126,500 122,700 122,700

Boon Unlocks[]

Siege Workshop Rank Boon Effect
3 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 2%.
4 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 4%.
5 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 6%.
Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Increases Stamina drained by any Mark of Stamina Drain by 5% of the target's maximum Stamina.
6 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 8%.
Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Increases Stamina drained by any Mark of Stamina Drain by 10% of the target's maximum Stamina.
7 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 10%.
Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Increases Stamina drained by any Mark of Stamina Drain by 15% of the target's maximum Stamina.
8 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 12%.
Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Increases Stamina drained by any Mark of Stamina Drain by 20% of the target's maximum Stamina.
9 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 14%.
Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Increases Stamina drained by any Mark of Stamina Drain by 25% of the target's maximum Stamina.
10 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage done by a PvP Slayer Enchantment by 16%.
Enhance Overload: Stamina Drain Increases Stamina drained by any Mark of Stamina Drain by 30% of the target's maximum Stamina.