Neverwinter Wiki
Simril Celebration
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Given by: Mayor Vario Cepheid
Starts in: Winter Festival
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Winter Festival
Turn in to: Mayor Vario Cepheid
Varies by level, up to:
604 XP
2 Silver, 21 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}

Simril Celebration is a daily quest offered at the Winter Festival


  • Play the Twilight Run race, go Ice Fishing, and battle Monsters on Ice.


Mayor Vario Cepheid
The winter festival of Simril is here, promising long and starry nights. To help people stay up as they watch the heavens, we've created a number of exciting activities for you to do. Slalom down the mountain in the Twilight Run, go ice fishing on Lake Glorfindar, and defend our town from attack by monsters.

You can do all of these things at any time, and once a day you can take this mission for extra rewards.


  • Start the Twilight Run Race
  • Battle Monsters on Ice (10)
  • Start Ice Fishing
  • Catch 5 of Any One Type of Fish
    • Brown Bream (0/5)
    • Blackjaws (0/5)
    • Durgrace (0/5)
    • Candlefish (0/5)
  • Return to Mayor Vario Cepheid


Mayor Vario Cepheid
I hope you've enjoyed the festivities tonight. Feel free to continue the celebration and win more rewards. You can also return tomorrow for another night of revelry under the starry sky.