Neverwinter Wiki
Summer of Love
Preceded by: Summer Festival (Quest)
Followed by: Midsummer Crafts
Given by: Yina Morradi
Starts in: Summer Festival
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Summer Festival
Turn in to: Yina Morradi
Rewards: Varies by level, up to:
10 Silver
Duration: {{{duration}}}
Sune Information Plaque

Sune Information Plaque

Summer of Love is a quest in the Summer Festival event zone that was first introduced on August 29, 2013.


Explore the festival grounds and learn about what's going on at the Summer Festival.


Yina Morradi
The Summer festival is a joyous time, and there are many things going on. If you're new to the fair, I encourage you to explore the fairgrounds to learn all about Sune and the festivities in her honor.


  • Explore the Festival Round
    • Learn about the Goddess Sune by reading the Sune Information Plaque
    • Visit the Petal Store
    • Visit the Tribute Store
  • Learn about Festival Activities
    • Learn about the "Flowers for Sune" Activity from the Festival Florist
    • Learn about the "Hungry Trolls" Event from the Midsummer Grillmaster
    • Learn about the "Water Battle" Event from the Summer Watermaster
    • Learn about the "Midsummer Feast" Event from Farmer Pavro
  • Return to Yina Morradi


Festival Florist
Fireblossom Flowers only come into full bloom during the Summer Festival, and are considered sacred by the Goddess Sune. Unfortunately, a kobold clan has discovered the flowers have a... powerful effect on their kind, and have been eating them!

You can pick Fireblossom Flowers directly from the bushes where they grow, or get them back from kobolds you defeat.

Bring me the blossoms you find and I'll trade you for them.

Summer Grillmaster
A nearby clan of trolls has been raiding the Summer Festival. They only seem interested in our food for now, but we have to fight them back or they'll over-run us.

When the trolls attack I'll declare the "Hungry Trolls" event is starting. Kill Trolls to earn points. Bigger and tougher trolls are worth more, naturally. When the attack ends, there will be prizes for all who fought to protect the festival.

Midsummer Watermaster
The Summer Festival was getting a bit too warm last year, so this year we're going to cool things off with a big water battle, and anyone can join in the fun!

During the Water Battle contest, you can use any of the Water Trinkets to drench your fellow heroes with water. Splash another hero and you'll gain 2 points. But if you get splashed, you'll lose 1 point. And the end of the contest, those with the most points will win the most rewards.

Farmer Pavro
Welcome to the Fertile Fields, neighbor. Here we produce all manner of fine foods to support the festival. Unfortunately, I'm short on farm hands to herd animals and pick corn. I'd be happy to reward anyone who'd like to help me, and to keep it all fun I've arranged a little contest with prizes for all. Come on by when the Summer Feast event is running if you'd like to help.

Midsummer Florist[]

Midsummer Florist

Midsummer Florist

Midsummer Florist
Welcome to the Summer Festival! How can I help you?
  • Summer of Love
  • About Collecting Flowers
Midsummer Florist
Fireblossom Flowers only come into full bloom during the Summer Festival, and are considered sacred to the Goddess Sune. Unfortunately, a kobold clan has discovered the flowers have a... powerful effect on their kind, and have been eating them!

You can pick Fireblossom Flowers directly from the bushes where they grow, or get them back from kobolds you defeat.

Bring me the blossoms you find and I'll trade you for them.

  • Continue
Completes this component of quest and earns "Flowers for Sune" Lore
  • Back
  • I'll rememember.
  • Farewell.

Midsummer Grillmaster[]

Midsummer Grillmaster

Midsummer Grillmaster

Midsummer Grillmaster
Nothing like some Summer Festival grilling, eh?
  • Summer of Love
  • About the "Hungry Trolls" Event
Midsummer Grillmaster
A nearby clan of trolls has been raiding the Summer Festival. They only seem interested in our food for now, but we have to fight them back or they'll over-run us.

When the trolls attack I'll declare the "Hungry Trolls" event is starting. Kill Trolls to earn points. Bigger and toughter trolls are worth more, naturally. When the attack ends, there will be prizes for all who fought to protect the festival.

  • Continue
Completes this component of quest and earns "Hungry Trolls" Lore
  • Back
  • Kill trolls. Got it.
  • Farewell.

Farmer Pavro[]

Farmer Pavro

Farmer Pavro

Farmer Pavro
Welcome to the Fertile Fields, neighbor. Here we produce all manner of fine foods to support the festival. Unfortunately I'm short on farm hands to herd animals and pick corn. I'd be happy to reward anyone who'd like to help me, and to keep it all fun I've arranged a little contest with prizes for all. Come on by when the Midsummer Feast event is running if you'd like to help.
  • Continue
Completes this component of quest and earns "Of Sune and Feasts" Lore
  • Back
  • I have another question.
  • How do I participate?
Farmer Pavro
You earn points by hearding animals and delivering corn:

Ears of Corn are worth 1 point. Each Chicken you herd is worth 2 points. Herding a Pig is worth 7 points, but they're out at the edges of the farm. Finally, sometimes a special Golden Chicken appears. Those are worth 30 points, but are quite rare.

  • How do I herd animals?
Farmer Pavro
To herd an animal, first get close to it, then it will start to run away from you. That's the easy part.

You want to get the animal into the Pen, so you've got to get behind it to chase it the direction you want it to go. It's tricky, and having a mount helps out.

You can only herd an animal for about 30 seconds before it will stop paying attention to you. And if you get too far away, it will also go back to what it was doing and you'll have to start all over again.

  • How do I gather corn?
Farmer Pavro
You can pick corn out in the cornfields. Some stalks will have more ears of corn on them then others, you won't know how many ears you'll get until you start picking them.

To get points for your corn, put it into the Bushel, Crate, or Barrel here in the pen. Use those last two if you have a lot of corn to turn in at once.

  • That's all I wanted to know.
  • Farewell.


Yina Morradi
I hope you enjoyed your tour of the festival grounds. As you can see there's much to do and many ways to participate in the festivities.