Symbol of Earth
The Symbol of Earth is an artifact. Its quality varies from epic to mythic with its rank.
An Epic version can be found in the [Black Earth Lockbox] and an Uncommon rank version is available at the Tarmalune Trade Bar Merchant.
Symbol of Earth
Item Level: 150

Rank: 140 (maximum)
By harnessing the power of an earth node the Cult of the Black Earth has inextricably linked this symbol to the Elemental Plane of Earth.
Recharge Time: 60s
+3,996 Maximum Hit Points
+1,002 Armor Penetration
+2.5% Control Resist
Use: Drops an earthmote on the target, dealing 8,268 damage and knocking them back, followed by 5,457 damage and an upward knock to enemies in a larger ring.
Artifact of Power
No Level Requirement
Cannot sell