Enemies populate the Adventure Zones, quest instances, Dungeons, Skirmishes, Raids and Foundry quests of Neverwinter.
- Category: The category that appears in-game above an enemy's name does not necessarily indicate its species. For instance, "Orc" can appear above a wolf.
- Foundry: Although Foundry authors can use many different generic enemies, not all are available.
- Roles: Enemies have one of four roles: Artillery, Brute, Controller or Skirmisher. A particular enemy's role can be found in its Foundry entry.
- Difficulty: Enemies have one of five difficulty levels: Minion, Standard, Elite, Solo, or Boss. A particular enemy's difficulty can be found in its Foundry entry, or by counting the number of segments in its health bar, only exception to the rule is summoned Enemies Segments may vary.
Adventure Zones
- Minion: 1
- Standard: 3
- Elite: 5
- Solo: 7
- Boss: 10(Console) 20 (PC)
Group Content
- Minion: 3
- Standard: 5
- Elite: 9
- Solo: 13
- Boss: 10(Console) 20 (PC)
- Log: Neverwinter's Combatlog.Log file contains both an enemy's standard name, and an identifier. This identifier can reveal when enemies of differing names share code.
- A enemy's Level/Role/Difficulty all come to effect their personal Damage Taken Values, while with Defenses Ignored is simply -15%.
Enemy Damage Taken[]
- Minion brutes set the standard.
- Skirmishers have 90% of Brutes' DT.
- Artillery have 80% of Brutes' DT.
- Controllers have 70% of Brutes' DT.
- "Standards" have 9/8 of Minions' DT.
- Elites have 10/8 of Minion's DT.
- Solos have 11/8 of Minion's DT.
- Bosses have 12/8 of Minion's DT.
- Daring Shout's Damage Resistance(Taken) Buff is based on Difficulty.
Table of Difficulty/Role Damage Taken Modifiers[]
Category | Role | Brute | Skirmisher | Artillery | Controller |
Minion | 1 | 0.9 | 0.8 | 0.7 | |
Standard | 1.125 | 1.0125 | 0.9 | 0.7875 | |
Elite | 1.25 | 1.125 | 1 | 0.875 | |
Solo | 1.375 | 1.2375 | 1.1 | 0.9625 | |
Boss | 1.5 | 1.35 | 1.2 | 1.05 |
Table of Enemies[]
Name | Foundry | Role | Difficulty | Log ID | |
Aberrant | Blue Fire Eye | yes | Artillery | Minion | Blue_Fire_Eye |
Aberrant | Intellect Predator | yes | Artillery | Elite | Intellect_Predator |
Aberrant | Nothic Mindwarp | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Nothic_Mindwarp |
Aberrant | Nothic Plaguegazer | yes | Artillery | Standard | Nothic_Plaguegazer |
Aberrant | Plaguechanged Maw | yes | Brute | Solo | Plaguechanged_Maw |
Aberrant | Plaguechanged Raider | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Plaguechanged_Raider |
Ashmadai | Branded Zealot | yes | Brute | Minion | Ashmadai_Branded_Zealot_Basic |
Ashmadai | Erinyes | yes | Brute | Standard | Ashmadai_Erinyes |
Ashmadai | Hellfire Magus | yes | Artillery | Elite | Ashmadai_Cambion_Hellfire_Magus |
Ashmadai | Hellfire Warlock | yes | Artillery | Minion | Ashmadai_Hellfire_Warlock |
Ashmadai | Imp | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Ashmadai_Imp_Basic |
Ashmadai | Legion Devil | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Ashmadai_Legion_Devil_Hellguard |
Ashmadai | Shocktroop Devil | yes | Brute | Solo | Ashmadai_Shocktroop_Devil |
Bandit | Bloodtracker | no | Elite | Bandit_Gnoll_Bloodtracker | |
Bandit | Cutthroat | no | Minion | Bandit_Basic | |
Bandit | Deathpledged | no | Standard | Bandit_Gnoll_Deathpledged | |
Bandit | Enforcer | no | Elite | Bandit_Soldier | |
Bandit | Fang | no | Elite | Bandit_Gnoll_Fangofyeenoghu | |
Bandit | Hexer | no | Elite | Bandit_Hexer | |
Bandit | Huntsman | no | Minion | Bandit_Gnoll_Huntsman | |
Bandit | Officer | no | Elite | Bandit_Officer | |
Bandit | Salvager | no | Standard | Bandit_Salvager | |
Bandit | Sniper | no | Minion | Bandit_Sniper | |
Blackscale | Bruiser | yes | Brute | Standard | Lizardfolk_Blackscalebruiser |
Cult of the Dragon | Hexer | yes | Controller | Elite | Cultofthedragon_Hexer |
Cult of the Dragon | Hurler | yes | Artillery | Minion | Cultofthedragon_Kobold_Hurler |
Cult of the Dragon | Initiate | yes | Brute | Standard | Cultofthedragon_Initiate |
Cult of the Dragon | Mercenary | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Cultofthedragon_Mercenary |
Cult of the Dragon | Minion | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Cultofthedragon_Kobold_Minion |
Drow | Arachnomancer | yes | Artillery | Elite | Drow_Arachnomancer |
Drow | Assassin | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Drow_Assassin |
Drow | Priestess | yes | Controller | Elite | Drow_Priest |
Drow | Warrior | yes | Brute | Minion | Drow_Basic |
Duergar Thrall | Guard | yes | Artillery | Minion | Mindflayer_Duergarguardthrall |
Duergar Thrall | Miner | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Mindflayer_Duergarminerthrall |
Duergar Thrall | Theurge | yes | Artillery | Standard | Mindflayer_Duergartheurgethrall |
Elemental | Flamespiker | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Fire_Flamespiker |
Fire Archon | Ash Disciple | yes | Artillery | Standard | Fire_Archonashdisciple |
Fire Archon | Flamebow | yes | Artillery | Minion | Fire_Archonflamebow |
Fire Archon | Flameshield | yes | Brute | Minion | Fire_Archonflameshield_Basic |
Fire Giant | Forgecaller | yes | Brute | Elite | Fire_Giantforgecaller |
Foulspawn | Berserker | yes | Brute | Standard | Foulspawn_Berserker |
Foulspawn | Grue | yes | Artillery | Minion | Foulspawn_Grue |
Foulspawn | Hulk | yes | Brute | Solo | Foulspawn_Hulk |
Foulspawn | Seer | yes | Artillery | Elite | Foulspawn_Seer |
Foulspawn | Wretch | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Foulspawn_Wretch |
Frost Goblin | Cutter | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Frost_Goblin_Cutter |
Frost Goblin | Hex Hurler | yes | Artillery | Elite | Frost_Goblin_Hex_Hurler |
Frost Goblin | Sentry | yes | Brute | Standard | Frost_Goblin_Sentry |
Frost Goblin | Sharpshooter | yes | Artillery | Minion | Frost_Goblin_Sharpshooter |
Frost Goblin | Skullcleaver | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Frost_Goblin_Skullcleaver |
Gnoll | Deathpledged Gnoll | yes | Brute | Standard | Gnoll_Deathpledged |
Gnoll | Fang of Yeenoghu | yes | Brute | Elite | Gnoll_Fangofyeenoghu |
Gnoll | Huntmaster | yes | Artillery | Minion | Gnoll_Huntsman |
Gnoll | Lackey | yes | Brute | Minion | Gnoll_Basic |
Goblin | Cutter | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Goblin_Cutter |
Goblin | Hex Hurler | yes | Artillery | Elite | |
Goblin | Sentry | yes | Brute | Standard | Goblin_Sentry |
Goblin | Sharpshooter | yes | Artillery | Minion | Goblin_Sharpshooter |
Goblin | Skullcleaver | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Goblin_Skullcleaver |
Greenscale | Darter | yes | Artillery | Minion | Lizardfolk_Greenscaledarter |
Greenscale | Hunter | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Lizardfolk_Greenscalehunter_Basic |
Greenscale | Marsh Mystic | yes | Controller | Elite | Lizardfolk_Greenscalemarshmystic |
Greenscale | Trapper | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Lizardfolk_Greenscaletrapper |
Guard | Archer | yes | Artillery | Minion | Guard_Archer |
Guard | Mage | yes | Controller | Elite | |
Guard | Recruit | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Guard_Basic |
Guard | Soldier | yes | Brute | Standard | Guard_Soldier |
Ice Troll | Grunt | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Winterforge_Ice_Troll_Grunt |
Intellect Devourer Thrall | Ustilagor | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | |
Kobold | Dragonshield | yes | Brute | Standard | Kobold_Dragonshield |
Kobold | Hurler | yes | Artillery | Minion | Kobold_Hurler |
Kobold | Minion | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Kobold_Minion |
Kobold | Slyblade | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Kobold_Slyblade |
Kobold | Wyrmpriest | yes | Artillery | Elite | Kobold_Wyrmpriest |
Magma Beast | Magma Brute | yes | Brute | Solo | Fire_Magmabrute |
Mimic | Treasure Chest | no | Elite | Mimic_Chest | |
Mind Flayer | Infiltrator | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Mindflayer_Infiltrator |
Mind Flayer | Mastermind | yes | Artillery | Elite | Mindflayer_Mastermind |
Mind Flayer | Scourge | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Mindflayer_Scourge |
Mind Flayer | Thoon Hulk | yes | Brute | Solo | Mindflayer_Thoonhulk |
Nasher Rebel | Enforcer | yes | Brute | Elite | Rebel_Soldier |
Nasher Rebel | Hexer | yes | Controller | Elite | Rebel_Hexer |
Nasher Rebel | Recruit | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Rebel_Basic |
Nasher Rebel | Sniper | yes | Artillery | Minion | Rebel_Sniper |
Ogre | Savage | yes | Brute | Solo | Monster_Ogre |
Orc | Axethrower | yes | Artillery | Minion | Orc_Archer |
Orc | Battletested Orc | yes | Brute | Standard | Orc_Battletested |
Orc | Beastmaster | no | Standard | Orc_Basic_Beastmaster | |
Orc | Drudge | yes | Brute | Minion | Orc_Basic |
Orc | Eye of Gruumsh | yes | Controller | Elite | Orc_Eyeofgruumsh |
Orc | Eye of Gruumsh Warder | no | Elite | Orc_Eyeofgruumsh_Warder | |
Orc | Sapper | no | Standard | Orc_Battletested | |
Orc | Spellscarred Commander | no | Elite | Orc_Eyeofgruumsh | |
Orc | Spellscarred Drudge | no | Minion | Orc_Basic | |
Orc | Taskmaster | no | Standard | Orc_Battletested_Taskmaster | |
Orc | Torturer | no | Standard | Orc_Basic_Torturer | |
Orc | Wolf | no | Minion | Monster_Wolf | |
Order of Blue Fire | Acolyte of Corruption | yes | Controller | Elite | Cultist_Acolyte |
Order of Blue Fire | Cultist | yes | Artillery | Minion | Bluefire_Cultist |
Order of Blue Fire | Enforcer | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Bluefire_Enforcer |
Order of Blue Fire | Guard | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Bluefire_Guard |
Order of Blue Fire | Knight Accordant | yes | Brute | Standard | Bluefire_Knight_Accordant |
Shadar-kai | Direhelm | yes | Brute | Standard | Shadar-kai_Dire_Helm |
Shadar-kai | Gloomblade | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Shadar-kai_Gloomblade |
Shadar-kai | Soldier | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Shadar-kai_Basic |
Shadar-kai | Witch | yes | Controller | Elite | Shadar-kai_Witch |
Skeleton | Archer | yes | Artillery | Minion | Skeleton_Archer |
Skeleton | Bone Porter | no | Minion | Skeleton_Basic_Mission_Graveyard | |
Skeleton | Decrepit Skeleton | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Skeleton_Basic |
Skeleton | Soldier | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Skeleton_Soldier |
Spider | Blade Spider | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Spider_Bladespider |
Spider | Bristle Spider | yes | Artillery | Elite | Spider_Bristlespider |
Spider | Deathjump Spider | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Spider_Deathjumpspider |
Spider | Spiderling | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Spider_Generic_Melee |
Spider | Spitting Spider | yes | Artillery | Minion | Spider_Generic_Ranged |
Spider | Tomb Spider | yes | Controller | Elite | Spider_Tombspider |
Thayans | Red Wizard of Thay | no | Standard | Thay_Redwizard | |
Undead Pirate | Archer | yes | Artillery | Minion | Undeadpirate_Archer |
Undead Pirate | Cutthroat | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Undeadpirate_Cutthroat |
Undead Pirate | Deathpledged | yes | Brute | Standard | Undeadpirate_Deathpledged |
Undead Pirate | Hexer | yes | Controller | Elite | Undeadpirate_Hexer |
Undead Pirate | Ruffian | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Undeadpirate_Ruffian |
Wererat | Minion | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Wererat_Wererat |
Wererat | Mugger | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Wererat_Mugger |
Wererat | Scum | yes | Artillery | Minion | Wererat_Rogue |
Wererat | Sewer Guard | yes | Brute | Elite | Wererat_Sewerguard |
Wererat | Sewer Mage | yes | Artillery | Standard | Wererat_Mage |
Werewolf | Fighter | yes | Brute | Standard | Werewolf_Fighter |
Werewolf | Lord | yes | Brute | Elite | Werewolf_Lord |
Werewolf | Scavenger | yes | Brute | Standard | Werewolf_Scavenger |
Werewolf | Stormcaller | yes | Brute | Elite | Werewolf_Stormcaller |
Werewolf | Wolf Packmate | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Werewolf_Basic |
Werewolf | Youngblood Archer | yes | Artillery | Minion | Werewolf_Ranged |
Wight | Battle Wight | yes | Brute | Standard | Wight_Battlewight |
Wight | Battle Wight Commander | yes | Brute | Elite | Wight_Battlecommander |
Wight | Deathlock Wight | yes | Controller | Standard | Wight_Deathlock |
Winterforge | Rimefire Golem | yes | Brute | Elite | Winterforge_Rimefire_Golem |
Winterforge | Winter Wolf | yes | Skirmisher | Standard | Winterforge_Winter_Wolf |
Zombie | Hulk | yes | Brute | Elite | Zombie_Hulk |
Zombie | Rotter | yes | Skirmisher | Minion | Zombie_Rotter |