Neverwinter Wiki

The Tenterground specializes in preparing cloth for use in tailoring professions.


The Tenterground is a Temporary Stronghold structure that sells various Profession and Masterwork Profession resources. It has only one rank, and lasts 1 week.

An Tenterground can be built at any of the four Millabout Marketplace plots outside the Northwest entrance to the Stronghold

Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Food tiny
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Metal tiny
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Stone tiny
Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Wood tiny
60,000 40,000 60,000 40,000

Basic Materials[]

Basic Materials were removed on Module 15: Heart of Fire.

Icon Name Cost
Inventory Misc Spool 01 White
[Spool of Thread]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 50)
Guild Marks1 (set of 50)
Crafting Tailor Resource Spoolsilk 01
[Spool of Silk Thread]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 3)
Guild Marks1 (set of 3)
Crafting Tailor Resource Cottonscrap 01
[Cotton Scraps]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 20)
Guild Marks1 (set of 20)
Crafting Tailor Resource Shimmerweavescraps 01
[Shimmerweave Scraps]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 15)
Guild Marks1 (set of 15)
Crafting Tailor Resource Taffeta Silkthread 01
[Spool of Fine Silk Thread]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 10)
Guild Marks1 (set of 10)
Crafting Tailor Resource Woolscrap 01
[Wool Scraps]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 75)
Guild Marks1 (set of 75)
Crafting Tailor Resource Boltcottoncloth 01
[Bolt of Cotton Cloth]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 15)
Guild Marks1 (set of 15)
Crafting Tailor Resource Taffetacloth 01
[Bolt of Taffeta]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 2)
Guild Marks1 (set of 2)
Crafting Tailor Resource Boltwoolcloth 01
[Bolt of Wool Cloth]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 25)
Guild Marks1 (set of 25)
Crafting Tailor Resource Botlshimmerweave 01
[Bolt of Shimmerweave]
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)
Crafting Tailor Resource Witchwood 01
Guild Marks:1 (set of 5)
Guild Marks1 (set of 5)

Specialty Materials[]

Most specialty materials can only be bought if you have already unlocked the recipe to craft them.

Icon Name Cost Remarks
Crafting Resource Woad
Guild Marks200
Requires Guild Hall Rank 10 or higher
Crafting Resource Dyersbroom
[Dyer's Broom]
Guild Marks250
Requires Guild Hall Rank 10 or higher
Crafting Resource Madderroot
[Madder Root]
Guild Marks200
Requires Guild Hall Rank 10 or higher
Crafting Resource Potash
Guild Marks2,000
Requires Guild Hall Rank 14 or higher
Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn
[Cashmere Yarn]
Guild Marks:200, 2x Crafting Resource Cashmere Wool[Cashmere Wool], 1x Crafting Resource Vitriol[Oil of Vitriol]
Guild Marks200, 2x Crafting Resource Cashmere Wool[Cashmere Wool], 1x Crafting Resource Vitriol[Oil of Vitriol]
Requires [Masterwork Tailoring Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Cashmere Cloth
Guild Marks:400, 3x Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn[Cashmere Yarn]
Guild Marks400, 3x Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn[Cashmere Yarn]
Requires [Masterwork Tailoring Recipes I]
Crafting Resource Samite
Guild Marks:600, 6x Crafting Resource Thread Silk[Silk Thread], 2x Crafting Resource Gold Wire[Gold Wire]
Guild Marks600, 6x Crafting Resource Thread Silk[Silk Thread], 2x Crafting Resource Gold Wire[Gold Wire]
Requires [Masterwork Tailoring Recipes I]

More Specialty Materials[]

Most specialty materials can only be bought if you have already unlocked the recipe to craft them.

Icon Name Cost Remarks
Crafting Resource Manticorefelt
[Manticore Felt]
Guild Marks:500, 3x Crafting Resource Effervescentwater[Effervescent Water], 1x Crafting Resource Manticoremane[Manticore Mane], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Potash[Potash] (set of 5)
Guild Marks500, 3x Crafting Resource Effervescentwater[Effervescent Water], 1x Crafting Resource Manticoremane[Manticore Mane], 1x Crafting Resource Burgundypitch[Burgundy Pitch], 1x Crafting Resource Potash[Potash] (set of 5)
Crafting Resource Snowhareyarn
[Snowhare Yarn]
Guild Marks:250, 3x Crafting Resource Snowharewool[Snowhare Wool], 1x Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn[Cashmere Yarn] (set of 5)
Guild Marks250, 3x Crafting Resource Snowharewool[Snowhare Wool], 1x Crafting Resource Cashmere Yarn[Cashmere Yarn] (set of 5)