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The Devil's Due
Level: 70
Preceded by: Castle Ravenloft
Followed by:
Given by: Ezmerelda d'Avenir
Starts in: Barovia
Also occurs in: Castle Ravenloft
Ends in: Barovia
Turn in to: Ezmerelda d'Avenir
5283 XP
23 Silver 3 Copper
"Dull Sunset" set for your class
Duration: {{{duration}}}


  • Go to Castle Ravenloft and defeat Strahd von Zarovich


Ireena is safe and I will wager that Strahd is worried. We must act now, before he has time to marshall his forces.

It is a shame that he learned you have the Sunsword. I can only imagine that he is planning something to regain it from you. Strike while the iron is hot, NAME and take the fight to Strahd. With the other relics, perhaps you can defeat him once and for all, to save Barovia.


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