Neverwinter Wiki
The Inside Job
Level: 44
Preceded by:
Followed by:
Given by: Norver the Cook
Starts in: Pirates' Skyhold
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Pirates' Skyhold
Turn in to: Shil Yargo
Rewards: 3,198 XP 12 Silver 95 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}


  • Destroy 4 Ballistae in the Market Square, then rendezvous with Shil Yargo.


Norver the Cook
There's at least one skyship still skyworthy, and it's in the hands of Captain Kayliss, Blackdagger's second-in-command. She has a hideout somewhere in the city, although I don't know where. Kayliss made sure that only Blackdagger and her crew knew were it was.

But, uh, I think your friends need your help first. We spotted a flying longboat coming around the edge of the island a few minutes ago. They were under fire from the ballistae in the market square below us. You should probably disable the ballistae and meet up with your friends before you go searching for Kayliss.


  • Destroy 4 Market Square Ballistae
  • Report to Shil Yargo


Shil Yargo
I didn't even know we had someone this far forward. Good work on taking out the ballistae. And you say you found a lead on a skyship?


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