Neverwinter Wiki
The Scaled Menace
Level: 42
Preceded by: None
Followed by: N/A
Given by: Ranger Leokas
Starts in: Pirates' Skyhold
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Pirates' Skyhold
Turn in to: Scout Tragold
Rewards: 2,910 XP 12 Silver 54 Copper
Duration: {{{duration}}}



Ranger Leokas
Well, I guess there's one thing we have in common with the lizardfolk. Neither of us are giving in without a fight. They've stopped setting down so many snares near the camp, but they're packed in as thick as ever further on in the deep swamps.

Head out there and clear a bunch of them out, then bring back the teeth to our forward scout, Tragold. We can string 'em up to serve as a warning. If these lizards want a fight, they'll get a fight.


  • Gather 10 Lizardfolk Teeth
  • Speak with Scout Tragold


Scout Tragold
What?! Leokas told you to take the teeth out of the dead lizards and string them up as a warning? Is he crazy?! Doing that would just make the lizards even more angry at us! I'd like to avoid signing my own death warrant, thanks.


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