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Threat is a measure of how likely a hostile creature is to attack you rather than another ally. Hostile creatures attack the target with the highest threat.

Threat is generated when you

  • deal damage
  • heal yourself and/or allies (excluding items)

Threat's role in combat[]

Threat is very useful for tanking roles, usually a Guardian Fighter, because it allows them to keep enemies away from softer but harder hitting/healing classes. Unfortunately, this has a problem, because since the softer classes do more damage, their threat increases more easily than the low DPS defenders. This is countered by a number of threat increasing or related powers and feats the Guardian Fighter receives. Opposing to the ways to increase threat as a Guardian Fighter there's at least one power or feat for every other class to decrease threat generation

Threat increasers[]

Using these, and with the right gear and tactics, you can keep the enemies attacking you, even if your allies are dealing more damage than you are. Even so, it may be more suitable to use a balanced (between offence and defense) class to soak the damage, but reduced chance of a change in targets (such as a Great Weapon Fighter).



Threat decreasers[]


Devoted Cleric[]


Devoted Cleric[]
