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Threatening Rush
Module: Maybe earlier than module 16
Class: Great Weapon Fighter
Paragon Path: Iron Vanguard
Unlocks: Unlocks at level {{{level}}}
Power Points:
Tier: 8
Max Rank: {{{maxrank}}}
Race: [[]]
Power Type: At-Will Power
Stance: unknown
Alternative power: unknown
Damage: {{{damage}}}
Damage type: {{{damagetype}}} Damage
Healing: {{{heal}}}
Range: Melee
Area of Effect: {{{aoe}}}
Cooldown: {{{cooldown}}}
9s charge refill
Description: Rush to target and slam into them with a painful looking attack. Your target and those around it are temporarily Marked.

Marked foe have reduced Damage Resistance.
Unlocks: Unlocks at rank {{{unlock}}}
Campaign: unknown
Requires: {{{requires}}}
Fighter 1 Atwill Threateningrush

Threatening Rush is a Great Weapon Fighter At-Will power available for Iron Vanguard Paragon Path only after 35 Power Points spent.


Threatening Rush
9s charge refill

Rush to target and slam into them with a painful looking attack. Your target and those around it are temporarily Marked.

Marked foe have reduced Damage Resistance.

Rank 2
Damage: +10%

Rank 3

Damage: +10%

Rank 4

Damage: +10%



  • Coefficient
    • R1 0.39
    • R2 0.429
    • R3 0.468
    • R4 0.507
  • 3 Charges
  • A single target attack that quickly rushes to the enemy dealing damage and Marking the target, and the targets nearby.
  • Marks the target hit and those around It with [Warrior's Mark] for you and allies. The target in which you Charge is struck with a personal 12% debuff as well but, those around it don't receive it.