Neverwinter Wiki
Titansteel Executioner Sabatons
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Equipment
Tag: Feet
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Quality: Epic
Requires class: Guardian Fighter
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: 70
Item level: 540
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Gold1 Silver60 Copper43
Refinement point: Refinement Points300
Buy cost:
Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel

The Titansteel Executioner Sabatons is a footwear created from Stronghold Masterwork Profession in the Masterwork Armor II Collection for Guardian Fighter.


Titansteel Executioner Sabatons
Item Level: 540
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Equip: For every 5 seconds you are in combat, you gain 100 Critical Strike. If you stay in combat for longer than 2 minutes, this ability will no longer be active.

Equip: +18,832 Maximum Hit Points
Equip: +820 Power
Equip: +1,094 Critical Strike
Equip: +1,257 Defense
Equip: +820 Movement

Utility Slot: No Enchantment

Requires Class: Guardian Fighter
Requires Level: 70
Gold1 Silver60 Copper43
Refinement Points300
Titansteel Executioner Sabatons +1
Item Level: 550
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Equip: For every 5 seconds you are in combat, you gain 100 Critical Strike. If you stay in combat for longer than 2 minutes, this ability will no longer be active.

Equip: +19,522 Maximum Hit Points
Equip: +850 Power
Equip: +1,133 Critical Strike
Equip: +1,290 Defense
Equip: +850 Movement

Utility Slot: No Enchantment

Requires Class: Guardian Fighter
Requires Level: 70
Gold1 Silver60 Copper43
Refinement Points300

Masterwork Armor II

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Ward Helm] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Ward Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Ward Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Ward Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Raid Helm] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Raid Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Raid Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Raid Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Gladiator Helm] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Gladiator Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Gladiator Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Gladiator Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Head M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Executioner Helm] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Body M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Executioner Breastplate] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Arms M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Executioner Gauntlets] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel
[Titansteel Executioner Sabatons] Collection Score 2 Masterwork Professions
Name MHP Pw CS Rc AP Ds Dl Rg LS Mv Total
Titansteel Ward Helm 18,832 1,094 1,257 1,641 8,700
Titansteel Ward Breastplate 37,665 2,552 1,885 1,701 15,554.25
Titansteel Ward Gauntlets 18,832 1,257 1,094 1,641 8,700
Titansteel Ward Sabatons 18,832 1,094 1,257 1,641 8,700
Titansteel Raid Helm 18,832 1,094 1,641 1,257 8,700
Titansteel Raid Breastplate 37,665 2,552 1,701 1,885 15,554.25
Titansteel Raid Gauntlets 18,832 1,641 1,094 1,257 8,700
Titansteel Raid Sabatons 18,832 1,641 1,094 1,257 8,700
Titansteel Gladiator Helm 18,832 820 1,257 1,094 820 8,699
Titansteel Gladiator Breastplate 37,665 1,701 1,885 1,276 1,276 15,554.25
Titansteel Gladiator Gauntlets 18,832 820 1,257 1,094 820 8,699
Titansteel Gladiator Sabatons 18,832 1,094 1,257 820 820 8,699
Titansteel Executioner Helm 18,832 820 1,094 820 1,257 8,699
Titansteel Executioner Breastplate 37,665 1,276 1,701 1,885 1,276 15,554.25
Titansteel Executioner Gauntlets 18,832 820 1,094 1,257 820 8,699
Titansteel Executioner Sabatons 18,832 820 1,094 1,257 820 8,699


Masterwork Armorsmithing[]

Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
70 Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel Titansteel Executioner Sabatons Gold4 1,350 888-1,300 2x Crafting Resource Relicsteelplate[Titansteel Plate], 2x Crafting Resource Polisheddragonturtlescales[Polished Dragon Turtle Scales], 1x Crafting Resource Rubellite[Rubellite], 1x Crafting Resource Artisansenamel[Artisan's Enamel] Tier 1:
1x Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel[Titansteel Executioner Sabatons]
Tier 2:
40 3h 1m Profession XP? - Silver132.6

Masterwork Platesmithing[]

Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Inventory Feet Stronghold Guardianfighter 01 Titansteel Duelist Sabatons[1] Requires:Consumes: 3x Person or Tool 1h Tier 1:Tier 2:Tier 3:
Inventory Feet M10 GuardianFighter 01 Relicsteel[Titansteel Executioner Sabatons]
None -
  1. Despite these tasks being named "Titan Duelist", they produce Titansteel Executioner gear