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"Whip the Stronghold's peasant townsfolk into grizzled veterans at the Training Yard!"

Training Yard[]

A Training Yard is a Stronghold Boon structure. At Rank 1 the Enhance Overload: Slayer Boon is unlocked, at rank 3 the Glory Bonus Boon is unlocked, and at rank 5 the AoE Resistance Bonus Boon is unlocked.

The "Fighting Instructor" NPC at the Training Yard also offers a daily quest that gives [Influence].

A Training Yard may be built at any Boon Structure plot.

Build Cost[]

Rank Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold AstralDiamonds TinyAstral Diamonds Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold GeneralSupplies tinyGold Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold GuildInfluence tinyInfluence Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold EnchantedGoods TinySurplus Equipment Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Gems tinyGems Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold FrozenTreasures tinyFrozen Treasures Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold TreasuresofTyranny tinyTreasures of Tyranny Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold FeyTrinkets tinyFey Trinkets Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold DarkGifts tinyDark Gifts Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold DungeoneersShardofPower tinyDungeoneer's Shards Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Food tinyFood Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Metal tinyMetal Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Stone tinyStone Icons Numerics Currency Stronghold Wood tinyWood
1 300 170 63,000 62,000 100,000 1,600 9,800 9,800
2 400 250 70,000 54,000 163,000 2,400 17,400 17,400
3 600 350 77,000 80,000 127,000 3,500 29,800 29,800
4 1,000 460 90,000 174,000 308,000 4,500 32,800 32,800
5 1,500 570 111,000 124,000 174,000 5,600 36,100 36,100
6 1,700 630 123,000 237,000 202,000 6,600 54,000 54,000
7 1,900 700 136,000 163,000 179,000 7,700 59,400 59,400
8 2,100 770 150,000 307,000 246,000 8,500 67,500 67,500
9 2,400 850 165,000 338,000 291,000 9,400 74,300 74,300
10 2,700 940 315,000 218,000 725,000 10,500 108,000 108,000


Training Yard Rank Boon Effect
1 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 2%.
2 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 4%.
3 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 6%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 9% bonus Glory.
4 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 8%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 12% bonus Glory.
5 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 10%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 15% bonus Glory.
AoE Resistance Bonus Increases damage resistance from Area of Effect attacks by 2.5%.
6 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 12%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 18% bonus Glory.
AoE Resistance Bonus Increases damage resistance from Area of Effect attacks by 5%.
7 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 14%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 21% bonus Glory.
AoE Resistance Bonus Increases damage resistance from Area of Effect attacks by 7.5%.
8 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 16%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 24% bonus Glory.
AoE Resistance Bonus Increases damage resistance from Area of Effect attacks by 10%.
9 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 18%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 27% bonus Glory.
AoE Resistance Bonus Increases damage resistance from Area of Effect attacks by 12.5%.
10 Enhance Overload: Slayer Increases the damage bonus of a PvE Slayer Enchantment by 20%.
Glory Bonus Rewards 30% bonus Glory.
AoE Resistance Bonus Increases damage resistance from Area of Effect attacks by 15%.

Daily Quest[]

The "Fighting Instructor" NPC at the Training Yard offers a daily quest that gives [Influence]. The quest given depends on the rank of the Training Yard, with higher ranks giving a higher tier quest worth more Influence.

Rank Quest
1 - 2 Training Yard Tier 1 Upgrade
3 - 4 Training Yard Tier 2 Upgrade
5 - 6 Training Yard Tier 3 Upgrade
7+ Training Yard Tier 4 Upgrade