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Transmute Step 1

Instructions: Steps 1, 2

Transmute Step 2

Instructions: Steps 3, 4

Transmute Step 3

Instructions: Step 5

Almost all wearable gear in the game that appears visibly on a character can be Transmuted. That is to say that an option exists to Change Appearance that applies the appearance (but not stats) of one item to another.

Aspects of Transmutation[]

  • The items (source and destination) must closely match in listed types and required class.
  • The items do not have to physically resemble each other: A Neck item that looks like a cape can be used to change the appearance of one that looks like a necklace.
  • The relative level required of the items does not matter: You can use an item that you aren't high enough level to use yet as the appearance source for one that you can.
  • There is a charge in Astral Diamonds based on the value of the destination item, approximately 50k at the top end.
    • There is no fee if the source item is flagged "Free Appearance Change" such as Sunite, Savage and Tiefling weapons.
  • The change is permanent, though you can change the appearance of the same item multiple times through this process.
  • The source item and all its slotted Enchantment are destroyed in the process.
  • Dye carries over as follows:
Target Item Source Item Resulting Item
Dyed No dye Dyed like Target Item
No dye Dyed Dyed like Source Item
Dyed Dyed Dyed like Source Item
  • Transmutation can change the 'bound' state of the Target Item. For example, the Icons Inventory Binds Binds To Account on Equip [Slayer Belt of the Xvim] will become Icons Inventory Bound Bound (Character) when transmuted by a bound item.[1]


  1. Before doing an important transmutation, it may be prudent to test the transmutation on the preview server. Of course, there may be differences between the preview server and the live servers.
  2. Right click on the item to be transmuted (the one you are keeping the stats from) to open the item drop down menu.
  3. Select "Change Appearance" from the item drop down menu to open the "Change Item Appearance" window.
  4. Place the item to be used as a source in the Appearance slot in the box on the right side of the "Change Item Appearance" window.
    WARNING: Remember that this source item will be destroyed at the end of the transmutation process.
  5. After reviewing the image of the changes on your character in the large window, click "Change" to open the final warning prompt. Be warned that the preview image my not be completely accurate.
  6. Click "OK" on the final warning prompt to finalize the change.

Free Appearance Change Items[]

Some items with intentionally inferior stats have been released with the sole intention of being used as the appearance source in the transmutation process. As of Patch_NW.5.20130923b.6 these are being marked with the type Free Appearance Change and do not have a cost when used to apply their appearance. Note however that this trait does not apply to the newly transmuted item: Only the original Free Appearance Change item has the discount.

All Classes[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Lord Protector's Ceremonial Cloak] Neck Protector's Jubilee
[Cloak of the Guardian of Neverwinter] Neck Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Cloak of Neverember] Neck Protector's Jubilee
[Cloak of the Waterdhavian Open Lords] Neck Protector's Jubilee
[Starry Winter Cloak] Neck Winter Festival
[Icy Demonic Scarf] Neck Winter Festival
[Fiery Demonic Scarf] Neck Winter Festival
[Dark Demonic Scarf] Neck Winter Festival
[Festive Simril Scarf] Neck Winter Festival
[Racer's Woolen Scarf] Neck Winter Festival
[Angler's Woolen Scarf] Neck Winter Festival
[Astrologer's Woolen Scarf] Neck Winter Festival Red scarf with a patterned white stripe
[Ice Arrow Scarf] Neck Winter Festival Blue scarf with a patterned white trim
[Wintery Woolen Scarf] Neck Winter Festival Blue scarf
[Winter's Teeth Scarf] Neck Winter Festival Green scarf with a patterned white stripe
[Waukeen's Golden Cloak] Neck Coins of Waukeen Long red cape with pattern of falling gold coins
[Celestial Mantle] Neck Challenge of the Gods


Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Hood] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Boots] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Robe] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Cuffs] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Watering Can] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Orb] Orb Summer Festival Petal Store Flower with petals opened forward and large central bulb
[Sparkling Orb of Winter] Orb Winter Festival Diamond seemingly fashioned from ice crystals
[Gilded Orb of Waukeen] Orb Coins of Waukeen Golden orb with organic looking spikes and blue-green gems
[Savage Skull of the Many-Arrows] Orb Orc Assault Call to Arms Floating, tribally decorated skull
[Barbarian Mystic Orb] Orb Pit Fight Call to Arms Large golden orb floating inside cage of bound wooden spikes
[Tiefling Orb] Orb Straight to Helm Call to Arms Gnarled and twisted floating "disc"
[Damaran Orb] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Orb] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Orb] Orb Defend the Temple Call to Arms Green sphere with spikes projecting out along horizontal lines
[Primitive Orb] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Orb] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Orb] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Devoted Cleric[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Helm] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Greaves] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Cuirass] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Gauntlets] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Shrub Rake] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Symbol] Holy Symbol Summer Festival Petal Store Dangling flower petals and vines
[Sparkling Scepter of Winter] Holy Symbol Winter Festival
[Gilded Symbol of Waukeen] Holy Symbol Coins of Waukeen Golden but otherwise fairly typical symbol design
[Savage Symbol of the Many-Arrows] Holy Symbol Orc Assault Call to Arms Two horned tribal totem
[Barbarian Symbol] Holy Symbol Pit Fight Call to Arms Resembles a primitive spiked mace
[Tiefling Symbol] Holy Symbol Straight to Helm Call to Arms Gnarled flat symbol with central orb and no dangling parts
[Damaran Scepter] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Scepter] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Scepter] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Symbol] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Scepter] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Scepter] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Great Weapon Fighter[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Helmet] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Greaves] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Scale] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Bracers] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Scythe] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Greatsword] Blade Summer Festival Petal Store Greatsword with segmented blade, twisted wood hilt, and leaf covered guard
[Sparkling Greatsword of Winter] Blade Winter Festival
[Gilded Greatsword of Waukeen] Blade Coins of Waukeen Long handled but otherwise normal golden sword
[Savage Maul of the Many-Arrows] Blade Orc Assault Call to Arms Wrapped improved hammer on a very long pole
[Barbarian Maul] Hammer Pit Fight Call to Arms Huge mallet
[Tiefling Greatsword] Blade Straight to Helm Call to Arms Greatsword with an organic carapace look
[Damaran Great Axe] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Greataxe] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Scythe] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Swordclub] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Scythe] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Greatsword] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms
[Turmian Great Hammer] Hammer Dread Legion Skirmish Long cylindrical hammer on a long pole

Guardian Fighter[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Helm] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Greaves] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Plate] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Gauntlets] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Shiny Trough] Secondary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Farmer's Shovel] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Shield] Shield Summer Festival Petal Store Shield with leafy face and a flower in the middle
[Sunite Long Sword] Blade Summer Festival Petal Store Sword with leafy wooden handle and wide blade with wood plates
[Sparkling Long Sword of Winter] Blade Winter Festival
[Sparkling Shield of Winter] Shield Winter Festival Shield fashioned to resemble ice crystals
[Gilded Scutum of Waukeen] Shield Coins of Waukeen
[Gilded Shield of Waukeen] Shield Coins of Waukeen Ornate golden shield with horse-head emblems near the top
[Gilded Longsword of Waukeen] Blade Coins of Waukeen Golden sword with thick engraved rod (that extends onto blade) as hilt
[Savage Shield of the Many-Arrows] Secondary Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Savage Battleaxe of the Many-Arrows] Blade Orc Assault Call to Arms Stained curved tribal axe
[Barbarian Shield] Secondary Pit Fight Call to Arms
[Barbarian Spear] Blade Pit Fight Call to Arms Wrapped spear with wide sword blade as tip
[Tiefling Shield] Secondary Straight to Helm Call to Arms
[Tiefling Battleaxe] Blade Straight to Helm Call to Arms Small dark curved stylized axe
[Damaran Shield] Secondary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Damaran Longsword] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Shield] Secondary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Volcanic Longsword] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Shield] Secondary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Deathknell Battleaxe] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Shield] Secondary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Primitive Battleaxe] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Battle Axe] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Bluefire Shield] Secondary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Shield] Secondary Storm Front Call to Arms
[Glacial Longsword] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Hunter Ranger[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Hood] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Boots] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Tunic] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Bracers] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Hand Fork] Secondary Summer Festival Petal Store Pair of hand forks
[Farmer's Bow] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store Large pickaxe head with broken shaft and bowstring between edges
[Sunite Blades] Secondary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Bow] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sparkling Axes of Winter] Blade Winter Festival
[Sparkling Bow of Winter] Ranged Winter Festival
[Gilded Blades of Waukeen] Secondary Coins of Waukeen
[Gilded Bow of Waukeen] Primary Coins of Waukeen
[Savage Blade of the Many-Arrows] Secondary Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Savage Bow of the Many-Arrows] Primary Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Barbarian Dagger] Secondary Pit Fight Call to Arms
[Barbarian Longbow] Primary Pit Fight Call to Arms
[Tiefling Blades] Secondary Straight to Helm Call to Arms
[Tiefling Longbow] Primary Straight to Helm Call to Arms
[Damaran Hunting Axe] Secondary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Damaran Bow] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Scimitars] Secondary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Volcanic Bow] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Blades] Secondary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Deathknell Bow] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Handaxes] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Primitive Bow] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Dual Blades] Secondary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Bluefire Bow] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Axe] Secondary Storm Front Call to Arms
[Glacial Bow] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Oathbound Paladin[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Helm] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Greaves] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Plate] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Gauntlets] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Shiny Trough] Secondary Summer Festival Petal Store Same as Guardian Fighter
[Farmer's Shovel] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store Same as Guardian Fighter
[Sunite Shield] Shield Summer Festival Petal Store Same as Guardian Fighter
[Sunite Long Sword] Blade Summer Festival Petal Store Same as Guardian Fighter
[Sparkling Shield of Winter] Shield Winter Festival Same as Guardian Fighter
[Sparkling Long Sword of Winter] Blade Winter Festival Same as Guardian Fighter
[Gilded Scutum of Waukeen] Shield Coins of Waukeen Same as Guardian Fighter
[Gilded Shield of Waukeen] Shield Coins of Waukeen Same as Guardian Fighter
[Gilded Mace of Waukeen] Blade Coins of Waukeen
[Savage Knight's Shield of the Many-Arrows] Shield Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Savage Mace of the Many-Arrows] Blade Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Barbarian Shield] Shield Pit Fight Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Barbarian Mace] Blade Pit Fight Call to Arms
[Tiefling Shield] Shield Straight to Helm Call to Arms Same as Guadian Fighter
[Tiefling Battleaxe] Blade Straight to Helm Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Tiefling Mace] Blade Straight to Helm Call to Arms
[Damaran Shield] Secondary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Damaran Mace] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Shield] Secondary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Volcanic Longsword] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Deathknell Shield] Secondary Defend the Temple Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Deathknell Mace] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Shield] Secondary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Primitive Club] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Battle Axe] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Bluefire Shield] Secondary Gate Crashers Call to Arms Same as Guardian Fighter
[Glacial Knight's Shield] Secondary Storm Front Call to Arms
[Glacial Mace] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Scourge Warlock[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Cap] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Boots] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Tunic] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Bracers] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Fork] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Pact Blade] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sparkling Pact Blade of Winter] Primary Winter Festival
[Gilded Pact Blade of Waukeen] Primary Coins of Waukeen
[Savage Pact Blade of the Many-Arrows] Primary Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Barbarian Mystic Pact Blade] Primary Pit Fight Call to Arms
[Tiefling Pact Blade] Primary Straight to Helm Call to Arms
[Damaran Pact Blade] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Pact Blade] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Pact Blade] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Pact Blade] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Pact Blade] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Pact Blade] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Trickster Rogue[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Ceremonial Protector's Cap] Head Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Boots] Feet Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Tunic] Body Protector's Jubilee
[Ceremonial Protector's Bracers] Arms Protector's Jubilee
[Farmer's Gardening Trowel] Scondary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Farmer's Gardening Trowel] Primary Summer Festival Petal Store
[Sunite Dagger] Blade Summer Festival Petal Store Large dagger with segmented blade, twisted wood hilt, and leaf covered guard
[Sparkling Blade of Winter] Blade Winter Festival Blade fashioned to resemble ice crystals
[Sparkling Dagger of Winter] Blade Winter Festival Dagger fashioned to resemble ice crystals
[Gilded Dagger of Waukeen] Blade Coins of Waukeen Golden dagger with wide guard
[Savage Hatchet of the Many-Arrows] Blade Orc Assault Call to Arms
[Savage Axe of the Many-Arrows] Blade Orc Assault Call to Arms Large roughly hewn cleaver axe
[Barbarian Hatchet] Blade Pit Fight Call to Arms
[Barbarian Axe] Blade Pit Fight Call to Arms Large axe with bindings
[Tiefling Warpick] Secondary Straight to Helm Call to Arms
[Tiefling Warpick] Blade Straight to Helm Call to Arms A sickle/spike made of segmented bone or chitin
[Damaran Rapier] Secondary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Damaran Rapier] Primary Storm the Keep Call to Arms
[Volcanic Dirk] Secondary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Volcanic Dagger] Primary Battle for the Bridge Call to Arms
[Deathknell Sickle] Secondary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Deathknell Sickle] Primary Defend the Temple Call to Arms
[Primitive Dirk] Secondary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Primitive Dagger] Primary Garrundar the Vile Call to Arms
[Bluefire Kama] Secondary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Bluefire Sickle] Primary Gate Crashers Call to Arms
[Glacial Dagger] Secondary Storm Front Call to Arms
[Glacial Dagger] Primary Storm Front Call to Arms

Transmutable Items With Unique Looks[]

Due to an unusual look, or for being a different weapon type than is normal for the class, many pieces of equipment are useful source items in the change appearance process. The following is a partial list. Most of these items are bind on equip, and so may appear on the Auction House at various times.

Note that when particularly expensive items are involved it should be carefully considered whether it would be better to actually use them rather than consume them via the transmutation process: If you regret the new look of your top-end armor it will be very costly to set things back.

All Classes[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Robes of Useless Items][2] Armor Hero of the North
Guardian of Neverwinter
Peasant tunic with tattered cloth hanging down in front and back
[Belt of the Many Arrows] Belt [Many-Arrows Treasure Cache]
Kragmar Deepscar in Fists of the Warband
Leather belt in the style of the Many-Arrows Tribe
[Bleached Bone Belt] Belt ?? Leather belt with large round silver buckle and flanking grey runestones
[Bone Belt] Belt ?? Leather belt with large round silver buckle and flanking grey runestones
[Corsair's Sash] Belt ?? Thin cloth self tie belt with frayed end
[Demolitionist's Belt] Belt ?? Thin leather belt with repeating symbols
[Mindflayer Belt] Belt Dread Vault, Second Boss drop Cloth belt decorated with screaming skulls
[Thickgristle's Belt] Belt ?? Thick belt with canteen and rear pouch
[Boots of the Fire Giant] Feet [Mount Hotenow Treasure Cache]
Mount Hotenow
Reddish feet of rough stone
[Fools' Crown of Neverwinter][3] Head [Gift of Tymora] Ornate Circlet with blue gem in front
[Cloak of Corellon Larethian] Neck ?? Silvery cape with gold trim and black bands down spine and on bottom
[Cloak of the Ashmadai] Neck ?? Long, pointed red cape with stylized black markings
[Cloak of the Erupting Volcano] Neck Caverns of Karrundax Long fire red cape with yellow trim and singed orange fire pattern bottom tip
[Cloak of the Feydark] Neck ?? Medium blue cape with knotted design along edges
[Cloak of the High Council] Neck ?? Long gray cloak with square black trim, rivets, and mesh back patch
[Demonweb Cloak] Neck ?? Long, pinkish cape with shiny web pattern trim
[Fey'ri Cloak] Neck ?? Long gray cloak with rusted trim, rivets, and mesh back patch
[House Xorlarrin Cloak] Neck ?? Long brown cape with golden arcane trim and design
[Maelstrom Cloak] Neck ?? Tattered, patchwork reddish cloak
[Ormshas' Cloak] Neck ?? Long, grey, rubbery looking cape

Control Wizard[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Armor of Lolth] Armor Temple of the Spider Drow styled breastplate with shoulder and hip bads, long loincloth, large spider decoration on front, and spider "limbs" projecting up from behind head
[Burning Shard of Elemental Fire] Orb ?? Red hit rock shard
[Fomorian Fabled Orb] Orb Artificing Smooth sphere with ornate spiked boxes attached
[Redcap Blood Cloak] Neck Gnarlroot Caves Almost totally shredded straps of cloth worn on back
Redcap Orb Orb ?? Roughly carved circle with another section inside and large spike in the front
[Tome of Control] Orb Wondrous Bazaar Small floating book

Devoted Cleric[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Girdle of Prayer] Armor ?? Fine silvery mesh belt with framed eye symbol for a buckle
[Brimstone Boots] Feet ?? "Invisible" boots (shows generic feet wrappings)
[Crown of the Chosen] Head ?? Rounded helmet with open mouth, ornate eye mask, and fancy spike on top
[Griefstone Circlet] Head ?? Crown with angular metal spikes and central purple diamond
[Helm of Dedication] Head ?? Simple open face light blue helm with light trim and descending nose guard
[Nothic Helm] Head ?? Cloth hood with eye covering that looks like a single glowing white eye
[Preacher's Helmet of Youth] Head ?? Full helm with enclosed face, narrow eye slits, gold trim, and top plume
[Scepter of Power] Holy Symbol Wondrous Bazaar Short rod with purple gem and highlights
[Troll Helm] Head ?? Open face blue helm with light trim and extra protective plates on each side
[Maelstrom Cloak] Neck ?? Tattered, patchwork reddish cloak

Great Weapon Fighter[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Scale of the Nine Hells] Armor ?? Ornate armor carved from a devil's skull and carapace
[Club of Ogrekind] Blade Cloak Tower Wood and bone shards strapped together into a club
[Sharpened Ice Axe] Blade Epic Frozen Heart Large axe with uneven ice shard as blade

Guardian Fighter[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Lizardfolk Armor] Armor ?? Fur linked together by thick straps
[Armor of Insanity] Armor Epic Spellplague Caverns Organic looking breastplate with fringe of teeth around neck
[Avalanche Gauntlets] Arms ?? Large rough gauntlets that look made of ice chunks
[Inferno Gauntlets] Arms ?? Reddish hands of rough stone - same appearance as a Flame Spiker
[Archon's Falchion] Blade ?? Wide curved blade with twisted décor and organic handle
Axe of the Guardian Blade Wondrous Bazaar Long-handled handaxe with an orange stripe
Axe of the Huntsman Blade [Tarmalune Trade Bar]s Same as the Axe of Guardian without the stripe
[Duergar Hammer] Blade ?? Squarish hammer with spikes on top and striking surfaces
[Gloomwrought Longsword] Blade [Gloomwrought Weapons Crate] Long bluish curved almost-organic looking sword
[Gruumsh's Revenge] Blade ?? Short, roughly made, two bladed axe
[+1 Machete of Gruumsh] Blade ?? Jagged rusty machete
[Mace of Nine Hells] Blade Lair of the Mad Dragon Metal handled mace with 4 simple skulls bound as the head
[Maul of Midnight] Blade Throne of Idris Long infernal mace with four glowing-eyed horned skulls as the head
[Spear of the Fey] Blade Wondrous Bazaar Spear with long twisted blade
[Sword of Tyranny] Blade ?? Shiny blue-yellow longsword, as used by Ashmadai devils.
[Shadow Wolf Headdress] Head ?? Upper parts of a wolf head (with fur)
[Timeless Hero's Shield] Shield Epic Lair of the Pirate King Rectangular tower shield with multiple spikes on top and bottom
[Lizardfolk Shield] Shield ?? Large turtle shell fringed with fur and feathers
Nightmare Shield Shield Tarmalune Trade Bars Square shield with roaring lion head as decoration

Trickster Rogue[]

Name Type Acquisition Appearance
[Bloodscar's Armor] Armor Cloak Tower Primitive leather and bone guards with straps in between
[Hellfire Armor] Armor ?? Grey pointed upper chest, shoulder, and hip guards with a melted metal look
[Redcap Tunic] Armor Witch Fen Tattered armor with thick belt and spiked shoulders/collar
[Bracers of Devilry] Arms ?? Rigid leather gauntlets with large iron spikes on back
[Corsair's Sash] Belt ?? Tattered and tied cloth belt
[Mancleaver] Blade ?? Small jagged axe
[The Blackdagger Blade] Blade Lair of the Pirate King Large curved pirate dagger
[Saber of the Fey] Blade Wondrous Bazaar Very long curved blade that looks like a huge pale thorn
[Boots of the Chieftain] Feet ?? Rigid leather guards decorated with bone claws
[Hellbound Boots] Feet ?? Tall black metal looking boots with knee-guards and red trim
Covert Brigand Helm Head ?? Full leather mask with large eye holes and large metal spikes
[Hood of the Succubi] Head ?? Veil with bat wings along side
[Lizardfolk War Mask] Head ?? Feathered, full face mask made from lizardfolk skull
[Maelstrom Cloak] Neck ?? Tattered, patchwork reddish cloak

Equipment Image Galleries[]

The following are compilations of item images on this wiki:


  1. This is since Patch_NW.5.20130828.4
  2. Available via purchase of one of the $60 / $200 Neverwinter Packs
  3. Bind on pickup, but the Gift of Tymora which drops it isn't and is readily available on the auction house