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Neverwinter Wiki
Waters of Elah'zad
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Artifact of Union
Binding: Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip
Quality: Mythic
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: 600
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: set Great Protector
Use: Heals you for variable over 6 seconds and removes any harmful damaging effects such as poison.
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Cannot sell
Refinement point: Refinement Points125,000
Buy cost:
Icon Inventory Artifacts WatersOfElahzad

The Waters of Elah'zad is an artifact. Its quality varies from uncommon to mythic with its rank.

It is a selectable reward from the quest Artifact Recovery, and binds to the character when selected. It can also be a reward from dungeons and skirmishes, and an Rare rank version from an Icon Lockbox Rustediron Artifactpack[Artifact Provisions Pack], a Icon Lockbox NineHells ArtifactPack[Dragon Queen's Artifact Provisions Pack], an Icon Lockbox Crushingwave Artifact Pack[Olhydra's Artifact Pack], a Icon Lockbox Rustediron Artifactpack[Magnificent Artifact Provisions Pack], a Icon Lockbox Tyrannical Artifactpack[Tyrant's Artifact Provisions Pack], or the Icon Lockbox Resurgence Artifactpack[Glorious Resurgence Artifact Provisions], in which cases it binds on equip.


Waters of Elah'zad
Item Level: 600
Icons Inventory Binds Binds on Equip

Icon Inventory Artifacts Watersofelahzad Tooltip

Rank: 140 (maximum)

The location of Elah'zad (if it still exists) is lost, but vials of its healing waters remain and still retain their magic. When worn close to the flesh, a philter of the waters of Elah'zad have amazing healing properties.

Healing from this artifact is not affected by PvP Healing Depression.

Recharge Time: 60s

+450 Defense
+450 Accuracy
+450 Awareness
+510 Combined Rating
Use: Heals you for variable over 6 seconds and removes any harmful damaging effects such as poison.

Part of set Great Protector (0/3)
Cloak of the Protector
Greater Waist Artifact
Cragmire Artifact
2 of Set:
+1% Defense
3 of Set:
+10,000 Maximum Hit Points

No Level Requirement
Cannot sell
Refinement Points125,000

Great Protector Set (Item Level 1,000 / 600)[]

Collection Content Foreground General Ofthenine
Collection Content Foreground Greaterbelts

Completing this collection will give you on additional bonus of Collection Score10.
Rumored to have been worn by one of the Neverwinter Nine, This simple but soft cloak holds the legacy of the protectors of Neverwinter.
These greater belts have been seen across the land, worn by brave warriors and skilled mages.

Icon Name Collection Score Acquisition
Icon Inventory Artifacts Neck oftheNine
[Cloak of the Protector] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Lockboxes - Of the Nine
Inventory Belt T00 Devoted 01
[Greater Twined Rope of Dexterity] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Greater Belt Choice Pack
Inventory Belt General01 Devoted 01
[Greater Plated Band of Constitution] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Greater Belt Choice Pack
Inventory Belt T06 Scourge 01
[Greater Sash of Charisma] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Greater Belt Choice Pack
Inventory Belt T06 Oracle 01
[Greater Belt of Wisdom] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Greater Belt Choice Pack
Inventory Waist Spidercontrol
[Greater Owlbear Leather Belt of Intelligence] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Greater Belt Choice Pack
Inventory Belt T06 Greatweapon 01
[Greater Girdle of Strength] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10 Greater Belt Choice Pack
Icon Inventory Artifacts WatersOfElahzad
[Waters of Elah'zad] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10, 15 Quest: Artifact Facts
Icon Inventory Artifacts LanternOfRevelation
[Lantern of Revelation] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10, 15 Quest: Artifact Facts
Icon Inventory Artifacts AurorasWholeRealmsCatalogue
[Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue] Collection Score 2, 4, 6, 10, 15 Quest: Artifact Facts
Inventory Belt T00 Devoted 01
[Twined Rope of Dexterity] ???
Inventory Belt General01 Devoted 01
[Plated Band of Constitution] ???
Inventory Belt T06 Scourge 01
[Sash of Charisma] ???
Inventory Belt T06 Oracle 01
[Belt of Wisdom] ???
Inventory Waist Spidercontrol
[Owlbear Leather Belt of Intelligence] ???
Inventory Belt T06 Greatweapon 01
[Girdle of Strength] ???
Name CbR MHP Pwr Acr CAB Crt CrS Dfn Awr CrA Dfl DfS Frt CtB CtR IHB OHB Total Other Bonus
Cloak of the Protector 900 501 500 500 2,401
+2/3/4/5 Constitution
Greater Twined Rope of Dexterity 900 500 501 500 2,401
+1/2/3/4 Dexterity
Greater Plated Band of Constitution 900 500 999 2,399
+1/2/3/4 Constitution
Greater Sash of Charisma 900 500 501 500 2,401
+1/2/3/4 Charisma
Greater Belt of Wisdom 900 500 500 501 2,401
+1/2/3/4 Wisdom
Greater Owlbear Leather Belt of Intelligence 900 500 500 501 2,401
+1/2/3/4 Intelligence
Greater Girdle of Strength 900 500 501 500 2,401
+1/2/3/4 Strength
Waters of Elah'zad 450 450 450 1,350
Lantern of Revelation 450 450 450 1,350
Aurora's Whole Realms Catalogue 450 450 900
1% Defense 10,000 Maximum Hit Points