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Neverwinter Wiki
Wizard's Dye Pack
Module: May be earlier than module 22
Category: Dye Pack
Binding: {{ {{{binding}}} }}
Quality: Rare
Requires class: {{{class}}}
Requires race: {{{race}}}
Requires level: {{{level}}}
Item level: {{{ilevel}}}
{{{damage}}} Damage
Set Name: {{{set}}}
Use: {{{use}}}
Quest: [[{{{quest}}}]]
Sell value: Copper30
Refinement point: Refinement Points{{{valueRP}}}
Buy cost:
Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control

The Wizard's Dye Pack is a dye pack that can be crafted by task.

It changes all three color channels (accent, primary, secondary) to match its theme. There is no option to select specific channels: All are changed.

Accent Primary Secondary
#445459 #1c2646 #1c1c28


Wizard's Dye Pack

Dye Pack Colors:

Swamp Mist
Dark Tanzanite
Dark Slate

No Level Requirement



Level Icon Name Commission Proficiency Focus Materials Results (Tier 1-3) Morale Interval Profession XP Profession XP per Hour SilverCost per Hour
66 Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control Wizard's Dye Pack Silver55 Copper75 760 658-865 1x Crafting Resource Shimmerweed[Shimmerweed], 1x Crafting Resource Sand Mithral[Mithral Sand], 1x Crafting Resource Bone Aberrant[Aberrant Bone], 6x Crafting Resource Springwater[Spring Water], 3x Crafting Resource Obsidian[Volcanic Salt], 3x Crafting Resource Log Oak[Oak Log] Tier 1:
2x Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control[Wizard's Dye Pack]
37 3h Profession XP? - Silver18.58

Forgotten Alchemy[]

Level Req. Rarity Icon Name Requires / Consumes Opt. Asset Time Produces (Tier 1-3) Prof. XP Profession XP Prof. XP per Hour
Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control Batch of Control Wizard's Dyepacks Requires:Consumes: 3x Person or Tool 4h Tier 1:
2x Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control[Wizard's Dye Pack]
Tier 2:
4x Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control[Wizard's Dye Pack]
Tier 3:
6x Inventory Consumables Dye Pack Control[Wizard's Dye Pack]
None -

