Neverwinter Wiki
Your Very Own Sahha Ball
Preceded by: For Love of the Game
Followed by: {{{followedby}}}
Given by: Rhaal Voleau
Starts in: Summer Festival
Also occurs in:
Ends in: Summer Festival
Turn in to: Rhaal Voleau
Rewards: First Completion:

Repeat Completions:

Duration: {{{duration}}}

Your Very Own Sahha Ball is a repeatable daily quest in the Summer Festival.

The first time you complete this quest you must gather 5 Flax Flowers and play a Sahha match. Upon completion you will receive a [Sahha Voucher], and enough materials to craft a [Sahha Ticket-Ball].

Every time after you must gather 10 Flax Flowers for enough materials, or play a Sahha match for a Sahha Voucher.


  • Gather flax flowers and play a match of sahha to earn your own sahha ball.
  • Gather flax flowers or play a match of sahha to earn a ball.


Rhaal Voleau
It's no coincidence that I was a sailmaker for the Bessail family before master Valenti commissioned the first sahha ball. The balls are made out of sailcloth—linen sailcloth.

Linen sails are popular in the north for their durability. It doesn't hurt that flax also grows better in cool and temperate climates, like here for instance! Help me gather up enough flax flowers for a fleet of balls and I'll show you how to make one yourself.

I also want you to play an exhibition match. Today you'll get a ball for both tasks, but on future days you'll have to pick whichever task strikes your fancy.

Rhaal Voleau
Welcome back adventurer. If you're looking to get your hands on another ticket-ball, the girls are always looking for more players in their exhibition matches, and I'm always looking for more flax.

Once you've made your decision, report back to me and I'll make sure you get what you need.


  • Gather Flax Flowers (10)
  • Play in a Sahha Match
  • Speak to Rhaal Voleau


Rhaal Voleau
Splendid, that's enough flax for half dozen balls or so. I also heard you performed admirably on the pitch.

Here's a voucher for completing the exhibition match. For gathering the flax, I won't ask you to ret the flax yourself, it's dreadfully boring and time consuming, but I've prepared enough materials for you to make a ball.

Spin the fibers into a thick linen canvas and then soak it in seed oil, it will make sure the air stays in the ball. I hope I see you back here tomorrow, adventurer.

Rhaal Voleau
Splendid work adventurer, here's the reward you were promised. It's always a pleasure.